31 Awkward Things That Happened at Work

‘I meowed at the IT guy’
31 Awkward Things That Happened at Work

Clocking in and out to receive a paycheck really isn’t enough to satisfy us — it’s the coworker fuckups and the awkward moments that make it all worth it. One Redditor, for example, still remembers the guy who meant to sign off on an email to multiple major clients by writing “Regards!” but who pressed the “t” instead of the “g.” That’s what it’s all about! 

Anyway, other Redditors have also remembered the most awkward things that happened at their places of work, and quite a few of them were the comic relief themselves. We’re grateful for their service.

vodkast 12y ago During my first week as a server, I witnessed a lesbian couple break up. I could already tell things were not going well when I brought out salads, and one of the women was in tears when I brought out the entree. It got worse towards the end with one sobbing, the other stone- faced, and I'm awkwardly standing there going, So...want me to box up the leftovers? The worst was at the end when I dropped off the check: the lady who had done the breaking up left the still sobbing woman with the bill. 33
 12y ago I was 16, just got hired at my first job. A pretty girl was given the task of teaching me how to stock things from the freezer. She made shit-tons of jokes about making out in the freezer. Doing it in the freezer. Got my hopes up. We get back to the freezer and she approaches me, tells me she's a lesbian. God damn porn. 11 ...
whistledick 12y ago I sharted. Getting past all the cubicles to go home and change was a terrible waddledash of shame. 16 ...
Rusty_D_Shackleford . 12y ago Accidentally calling my store manager babe 4 ...
itoodovoodoo 4y ago jessop jessop jessop jessop Back at college I had a part time job at my local Sainsbury's, one evening shift I was talking/trying my hardest to flirt with the new girl on the cigarette kiosk. We were having a laugh and getting on well when I noticed she kept looking over my shoulder while I was talking. I ignored the first glances of hers but eventually started saying 'what's behind me'? And turning around jokingly hoping to see someone. Yeah she had a lazy eye and I noticed about 0.5 seconds after. 14 ...
MerrilyOnHigh 4y ago Last day at work I (f, then early twenties) went around saying my goodbyes. I went for a handshake he (mid forties?) went for a hug. Due to the height difference I ended up cupping his package... 10 ...
Hamsternoir 4y ago A mate who works for a major international snack company signed off an email to major customers like Tesco, Asda and the rest with Merry Christmas Regards. Only they hit the t instead of the g. They did have a job in the new year amazingly. 59 ...
Vickle57 4y ago Some woman we work with sent an email to my male boss that was meant to say 'thanks for the below jobs' but she actually put 'thanks for the blow jobs' 41 ...
Gashtronaut 4y ago During a staff meeting the Head asked what we thought of us wearing uniforms instead of smart dress. Without thinking I immediately slowly flipped the V's whilst blowing a long and loud raspberry... Не just looked at me with a blank expression and someone else immediately started speaking after so the focus turned to them. I didn't even give it a second thought until a few hours later, I was mortified! No one has ever mentioned it though. 73 ...
millsytime o 4y ago Sent an email to a director of a bank in the US saying Dick wipe stats instead of disk wipe stats 2 ...
tmlynch 0 4y ago I dislocated a friend's thumb in a team building exercise at work. I put it back as quickly as I could, though. 7 ...
 0 9y ago I meowed at the IT guy who was coming to fix my computer, because he startled me out of a deep daydream state about napping at home with my cats. 112 Share ...
thumper5 9y ago +O My second day of work at my current job, I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when I felt a tickly sensation in my cleavage area. I didn't think much of it, assuming it was just a piece of hair or something, and lazily swept it away. Then I felt it again, and looked down to see a spider the size of a dime just chilling down the front of my shirt. I flipped out and ended up more or less completely exposing my bra to all of my new coworkers as I
megnolia84 9y ago I was in my office with a raging headache one day. I have a hard time swallowing pills, so I usually pop it into two or three pieces in my mouth and swallow it with multiple drinks of water. I didn't have water, so I was using my diet coke, unaware that this med apparently foams when the inside is exposed to something in the pop. So I take a huge drink and there's basically an uncontainable amount of foam in my mouth. I run over to my trash can just in time to see the board
Conchobair 14y ago I'm a white dude and my boss at the time who is black and I were in a room discussing organization and she started to say how much she liked organzing and creating systems for it, then turned to me and said, I know, I'm the N-word, go ahead and say it. I just sat there not sure what to say for a while then finally she says, Yeah, I'm a nerd and proud of it. 64 ...
Noraart 0 10d ago I had a bad cough (should've stayed home) and had a coughing fit, passed out and peed on my chair. 9 Reply ...
g00dmOrNiNgCaPTain 10d ago i was passing a kidney stone - but didn't know that, so i just assumed i was dying. i was hiding in my office curled up on the floor waiting for my wife to arrive, hoping i could escape without interacting with anyone too much - and sure enough here comes the one lady i work with and don't particularly like sticking her head in (annoying southern accent). oh, whats wrong with you? i just groaned, and by now people on the hall are starting to gather well. is it your tummy? have you made your number two today? 60 Reply ...
elevenghosts 10d ago I was speaking to a group of very bright people about two ideas. I wanted to say the ideas were analogous. I should've just said comparable because instead I slipped with analingus. 85 Reply ...
midnightsunofabitch 10d ago Edited 10d ago I've posted this before, but what the hey...a coworker brought her dog into work and it immediately raced towards the new intern guy (who no one really knew that well yet) and started jumping all over him and trying to get him to pick it up. The guy joked about having bacon in his pocket but we all suspected our coworker was fucking the intern. And we were right. 235 Reply ...
bywayoflandscape 10d ago I'm a house painter, and one day I was in a room with my coworker varnishing woodwork. I had to fart, and since his back was to me I decided to try to make it loud to surprise him. I went into full power stance and pushed as hard as I could. There may have been a grunt involved as well. As soon as I finished, I heard the homeowner say my name from behind me. It was so hard to turn around and face her... . 39 Reply ...
Frostychica 10d ago My job has a glass door that's supposed to lock when it shuts. It didn't when I started and hadn't for 5 months. Left work one night, came back the next night. I guess they had people in to fix it that morning, and I found out when I walked directly into it at full walking speed. Everyone saw. Everyone laughed 7 Reply ...
DBFargie 10d ago I was visiting a location and accidentally hit the shutdown the entire operation button instead of the open door button. They were conveniently located right next to each other, and both red. Definitely got reamed for that one. But I did visit again a month or two later and they had put a glass shield over the shut down button. 5 Reply ...
Spicymargx 10d ago I was working with a child who wanted to show me her gymnastics skills. She then asked me if I could do the same ones. I said oh no love, I can barely touch my toes. She starts howling with laughter, show me! Show me! So I do. And as I do, I hear a noise. Stand back up. I just caused a full front to back crotch rip on my leggings. Safe to say she continued to howl with laughter. Good job I have a sense of humour. 6 Reply ...
Romado 10d ago 00 Was a quiet day in the office, sat at my computer. Had just been for lunch and had an open can of coke on my desk, someone behind me said my name and for some reason it made me jump and jerk my arm. It launched the open can of coke across the room and showered about 6 people in coke, plus a bunch of computers and the wall. 9 Reply ...
TheMost_ut 10d ago There was this young 30ish guy who was a new Dad and always looked like a slob. Nice guy and very easy going. One day he came in and he was all nicely dressed and shaved and smelled nice. I said, Hey, who died?? He'd just gotten back from a funeral. Of course I was totally mortified and said Please shoot me now. Не said it was a friend's grandfather who was like 100 years old and no one in his family. I felt marginally better but it was still mortifying. 4 Reply ...
Flakboy78 e 4mo ago 00 FOH Was refilling the sweet tea and accidentally dumped it all over the counter top and floor... and the same day dropped 3 ice cream cones in the span of 30 seconds, my FOH Supervisor just shook her head and laughed 30 Reply ...
AdministrativeDark43 . 4mo ago Cross-trained Accidentally pressed the silent alarm button when trying to figure out what it was 13 Reply ...
kalichibunny 9y ago One time I ate too many fiber bars and farted audibly in my boss's office. It was just the two of us in the room. Share 3 ...
doxydejour 9y ago We look after both domestic and foreign clients. One of my colleagues on the international book started a conversation with an insurer by saying I've got a Brazillian... 7 Share ...
piezod 9y ago Texting my boss - You are one busy woman turns into you're one busty woman. Screw you auto correct. 14 Share ...
irishbeaver675 10d ago I work in a call centre in Ireland. One time in the background while talking to a customer, her child was roaring crying in the background and it sounded like a dog so I asked What breed is your dog? She started pissing herself laughing and I had to hang up! 9 Reply ...


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