32 Wild Things That Happened to People That No One Else Believes

‘I cut a fly in half by accident’
32 Wild Things That Happened to People That No One Else Believes

The phrase “pics or it didn’t happen” exists for a reason. If you really walked in on your cat sitting on the toilet and taking a piss, you’d probably have some kind of proof. Sometimes, though, you just don’t have your phone at the ready and are forced to bear solitary witness to the most unbelievable events without being able to capture them for posterity. 

Redditors have recalled the times they were rebuked when telling the story of things that definitely happened, and boy do we wish we could hear more about the person who has clearly angered the bird community.

jamesja12 . 2y ago I once saw a cat and a skunk startle one another, on opposite sides of a shed, and sprint around the corner... To smack into each other. 4.5K ...
lukasroar 2y ago I was waiting to get the tube on the London Underground, one just pulled up but we decided it was too busy and we'd wait for the next one. There was a woman who kept staring at me, intense eye contact. She got on the crowded tube and continued to stare. She turned to face the man next to her, who's back was turned, she then licked this guys giant afro (unbeknownst to him) whilst maintaining eye contact with me, the doors closed and the tube went away. People think it's too random to be true, the
j0s9p8h7 2y ago Edited 2y ago I fully admit how stupid this was, but I was swimming by myself in the gulf in fairly clear water about 10-15ft deep. My parents and sister were on the beach watching me. With how clear and calm the water was, I'd occasionally go under, blow out all my air, and jsut sit on the sandy bottom. I can open my eyes in short intervals in saltwater so I'd look around a bit once I settled on the bottom. During one of these drops to the bottom, I bumped into something and a giant,
EstelSnape 2y ago I was walking around my wooded driveway when I saw a young owl sitting on the ground. The next thing I know I feel a sharp pain on the top of my head and look up to see a mama owl swoop off. No one believes me when I tell them I was attacked by an owl. 2.5K ...
Mataurin-the-turtle . 2y ago When I was in the 11th grade I was followed around by a crow. 1.5K ...
Ok-whynot 2y ago . Edited 2y ago Saw a random norwegian yt vid at 13 years old (around 200-300 views) 14 yrs old met the guy from the vid in a MW2 lobby on xbox. Befriended him and played with him for a while. 17yrs old Was at a Metallica concert and heard an oddly familiar voice behind me; same dude. Met him randomly at another concert at 19.
 2y ago When i was a kid my family would watch the lottery drawing after the nightly news. It was the texas lottery then. I remember sitting there and for some reason i started just saying numbers trying to guess what the balls were going to be before they called them out. I guessed all the numbers correctly before they were called out. My family was freaked out that i did that but laughed about it, joking that im picking numbers for their tickets from now on. I recalled the story at a family get together years later and none
Dr_Mijory_Marjorie 2y ago When I was at uni, staying in halls of residence, I was putting a CD back in its case when I dropped it. The CD landed, not on the top, not on the shiny bottom, but on its SIDE, then continued to roll towards the open door, whereupon it took a sharp right, and continued in a perfectly straight line 40ft down the corridor, where it finally ended, shiny side down, in a pool of sick someone had chundered up the night before. 810 ...
ZoharTheWise 2y ago I had a job interview in a town I never been in before. Got lost and decided to park the car and walked up to a random stranger, some old man I never seen before. Asked him where I can find name of business. Не politely tells me where to find it, and then says, You're welcome (MY FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME). I never told him my first and last name, just asked for directions. I was dumbfounded, and he just chuckles and walks off into some store. I think back to it every so often,
Mistbre 9y ago I ran into a bear once. Quite literally. I stumbled down a hill in the woods by my house and just sort of crashed right up against her backside. I froze and she just kind of looked at me like, What the hell did you do that for? I didn't move immediately because I knew this particular bear had babies but I guess they weren't there or she was just used to me wandering through the woods and didn't care. So after a minute I just got up and left. 530 ...
Im_a_fuckin_turtle 9y ago I'm a taxidermy apprentice and one time while fleshing a deer hide I swung at a fly in the air, while I had the scalpel in my hand. Fly fell down but something was odd. Then I realized I was only looking at half the fly. The other half was about 5inches away. I cut a fly in half while it was in the air. No one believes me. 464 ...
JustABard 9y ago I was driving home from work one day, on the phone with my girlfriend, and had an ostrich cross the road in front of me. I live in a big ass city, and there is absolutely no reason for an ostrich to be anywhere near where I saw it. My girlfriend only believes me because she heard my voice when I spotted it... Yeah, I'm down for tacos tonight, if that's what you're... IS THAT A FUCKING OSTRICH?! 87 ...
tinglr 9y ago I used to live in the countryside as a kid, and one november day I lost my bus pass. Three months later when there was only ice left I slipped outside and fell, placing my head two feet from my bus pass that had been frozen under a layer of ice in the road. The road was half a mile long, the coincidence is unbelievable, but it did happen. 75 ...
acoustic11 9y ago 0 Edited 9y ago Richard Branson helicoptered into the bar I just happened to be at, bought me a beer, took a sip of it before handing it to me, and the next week I was so sick that I lost my voice. Basically, billionaire germs are the reason I had to call out of work for the first time at a new job. So true, but nobody believes it until I show them the picture we took. 290 ...
whirligig621 2y ago I was about 12, fell asleep on a road trip for a while. Before waking up I was dreaming we were going into a rest stop, that had a nice pond area for walking and a vending machine that had Fruitopia. Woke up, but we were still driving but my Dad declared he's taking the next exit. ten minutes later it was the exact exit in my dream 293 ...
 9y ago That I nearly totaled my car on Christmas going about 5 mph. There was a snowstorm, turned into a gas station, I got stuck on ice and slowly went into a curb at an angle where it messed up my left front tire and broke the axel. Dad arrives to pick me up and screams at me for driving too fast. Fuck snow 39 ...
DrSlizzard 9y ago Snapped a nerve in my mouth when chewing on the inside of my cheek. My mind went numb I got the shakes and felt sick. Cut it out with scissors after struggling to get home. Touching the nerve hanging in my mouth with my tongue was the weirdest thing I've ever felt. 56 ...
Pattunas 9y ago I was ice fishing with my dad and he had a pole pulled down a hole and 20 minutes later i catch the fish that pulled the pole down the hole and it still was attached to the pole. 59 ...
SenorCabbage 9y ago I was camping on a river bank one night in summer with two mates and everything is normal, then in the morning i woke up and see this massive panther-housecat- hybrid and and it was just chillin and drinkin and this is in the Australian country so no one ever believed me but i knew what i saw 114 ...
autofeeling 2y ago I walked in on my cat peeing in the toilet. I walked in, my cat stopped for a second as we stared at each other in disbelief... my cat finished peeing then ran out hahahah. 3.2K ...
Ted_Denslow 0 11y ago I got mugged (well, 'attempted' mugged) walking home drunk at 4 in the morning. The dude pulls his gun. Some little punk-ass kid - couldn't have been older than 16. Tells me to give him my money. I pulled out my wallet and tell him I don't have any money - look! Showed my empty ass wallet. Не then looked at my shoes - a pair of years-old, ratty-ass slip on Vans with holes in the sides. Не just kind of kept looking at me for a few minutes to see if there was ANYTHING I had he wanted. While he
 11y ago In 7th grade some douche was making fun of me. Не then threw a sandwich at me. I caught it, and threw it directly into his mouth from across the room. No victory since has been so sweet. 523 ...
SuvenPan 0 2y ago Bird shat on me 5 times in one day at different locations. I swear It's the same Bird that did it. 235 ...
 2y ago Had a dream that someone was throwing rocks from a building and one hit me on the head and killed me. The following day, I went to work and decided to see if there was a shortcut. To be crystal clear, I had never been the direction I had now taken. Completely missed a sign saying a road was closed, went round a corner and rocks were being thrown from a rooftop. I looked up and saw one coming straight for me. Got out of there pronto. What the actual fuck! Have never forgot it. 288 ...
Claustrophobic... 11y ago . Edited 11y ago My grandma was hit by a train many years ago and survived. It left her with no permanent injuries. Edit: changed injurys to injuries. 103 ...
 11y ago While working at a fast food place one night (late at night) a bunch of girls offered to flash us (a coworker and I) in exchange for some food. 105 ...
1600cc 11y ago I used to have a cat, that not only lived to be 24 years old, but would clearly vocalize the words, Oh no! over and over before he would throw up, which would be somewhat often with hairballs and him being old as shit and choking on food or whatever. His name was very fittingly, Ralph. 45 ...
PrincessLizz 11y ago I met Ed Norton at 3am on my street. The Hulk was filming very close to me and because I was homeschooled, my mom decided to take a field trip at 3am to go watch the movie being filmed. I got to shake his hand and watch the pizza scene being filmed. No one ever believes me, 'cause I didn't take a friggin picture. 56 ...
danknerd e 11y ago I was at a party and this loser pulled a revolver on me and I told him to pull the trigger and he did... no bullet was fired and I said, that's what I thought and walked away. 44 ...
 11y ago I did a cartwheel while strapped into a snowboard. Cruising along, front edge catches, instinctively throw my hands up to protect my head, pull off accidental cartwheel and keep going. 41 ...
tinomartinez 11y ago I was leaving my house for a Yankee game with my best friend in 1999 and he predicted that David Cone would pitch a perfect game with the score being 6-0. It happened. 195 ...
JazzOdyssey 11y ago Me and my friend are both huge Chris Farley fans so one day we decided to call 411 and get the number for Chris Farley's parents. We got the number and after debating for a while on whether to call or not we went through with it. Tom and Maryanne Farley are two of the nicest and most generous individuals I have ever had the pleasure to speak with. Chris' mom talked with us for over 30 minutes about Chris' life, both her and her husband seemed excited to get a random phone call from two of


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