24 Wild Things That Happened in Vegas But Definitely Didn’t Stay in Vegas

‘Losing all of my money in front of my peers who no longer talk to me’
24 Wild Things That Happened in Vegas But Definitely Didn’t Stay in Vegas

Maybe some of you are able to limit the tales of your Sin City debauchery to the Las Vegas city limits, but the following Redditors certainly couldn’t. And while some of these not-so-secret situations involve classic stories like “smoking crack in a Honda Civic” or “guy cheated on his wife (who was also cheating) and four people ended up with gonorrhea,” quite a few of them are pretty heartwarming. 

As it turns out, there are actually things you don’t want to stay in Vegas — and special shoutout to Jana, she’s got two tattoos that tell a story she barely remembers.

mvsr990 9d ago Co-workers got drunk and hooked up in Vegas while we were there for business. She got pregnant, they decided to give it a shot, they've been together happily for ten years. Share 35K Repl ...
FletusSanguine 9d ago 15 years or so ago, back when I was a bartender, had one of my regulars come in (pretty typical middle class dad type, khaki shorts and polo shirts, basic white guy haircut) and tell me all about going to Vegas the week before with some friends, and his experience smoking crack out of a lightbulb in the back seat of a Honda Civic with a couple of hookers, just prior to taking advantage of their services. Told him that was exactly the kind of story they meant needed to stay in Vegas. It was always weird
AnybodySeeMyKeys в 9d ago I know a guy whose wife came home from a convention in Vegas with a bun in the oven. She must have had a good time. The husband had a vasectomy a couple of years earlier. 15K Reply Share ...
notamannequin 9d ago My friend and I were approached in a casino by two guys. We were all visiting from out of town. My friend was really into one of the guys. I had no interest in the other and told him so. Despite that, we decided to be good wingmen and talked until the sun came up while our friends made out all night. Anyway, we've been together for twelve years now. Happily married with two kids. And yes, of course, we came back to Vegas to elope. 3.2K Rep Share ...
nowhereman136 9d ago Met a British girl who had just ditched her friend who she was traveling across America with. The friend was having issues so girl decided to go solo without much of a plan. I traveled around in a camper van and my new job pushed the start date back a month. So me and here ended up spending that month together around Utah and Arizona Share 3.2K Rep ...
GeneralMyGeneral 1y ago I went to a bachelor party 30 years ago when my wife was 5 months pregnant. The guys called strippers, and it got ugly. I was having none of it, so I went downstairs to gamble. Some guys thought it would be fun to put the stripper's panties in my suitcase. Good thing my wife knew me. 6.9K Share ...
jdthejerk 1y ago A friend came back with a drippy dick and gave his wife gonorrhea. The funny thing was, she and another married friend were having an affair. All four got it. Both divorced. 12K Share ...
trudyscrfc 1y ago My manager bragged about outing an entire bachelor party (bachelor included) to their wives and girlfriends that they got hookers but he TOTALLY didn't do it too. Asked some questions to dig a little deeper and it turns out his wife found his cocaine and instead of saying it was his he just spilled the juiciest dirt to her that he had and then she made him call all their girlfriends on speakerphone to tell them what happened. All of this .... told to me by my fucking boss. I work in accounting... 3.2K Share ...
Oldpenis 1y ago My friend won a substantial amount of money playing mostly blackJack all weekend, and some other card games. Не flew home, and the casino began to contact him, asking him to come back and offering free stays. First it was emails, then mail, then phone. Eventually they offered him an all expenses paid stay, flight car hotel, super lavish stuff. Не took them up on it, went there and lost everything. So this is a story of something that didn't stay in Vegas, but definitely something that Vegas got back. 8.6K Share ...
friendlyfire883 1y ago Edited 1y ago I brought my then girlfriend with me when I was on a work trip, and that's when she became my wife of the last 10 years. We ended up pretty well shit-faced and somehow landed in a little white chapel run by a tiny Asian woman who was more than happy to marry us. The funny thing is, my wife was scared to tell her parents so we went they've with another wedding a year later. So I've now been married to the same person twice without ever being divorced. 2.9K Share ...
anon3220 e 1y ago My credit card was skimmed at some gas station and a bank account was started in my name. 452 Share ...
Goddessviking86 . 9d ago My friend Jana getting both buttocks tattooed Repl Share 584 ...
Quick-Ad1115 9d ago Covid & conceived baby in the same Vegas trip. My husband & I joked so many times what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..... quite the opposite. Share 124 Reply ...
sirgoods 2mo ago A recent one, Australian Rules Football team the Brisbane Lions had the end of season trip there, WhatsApp group of the players misdeeds was backed up to one of the wives iCloud accounts back Australia, got out, media shit storm, multiple marriages over. Silly boys 1.2K Reply ...
transitapparent 0 2mo ago Nickels. So many nickels. I had a layover in Vegas airport and I had a lowly nickel in my pocket. I played one time and won something like $50 and had to board the plane before I had time to exchange it. 366 Reply ...
Foremole_of_redwall 2mo ago My buddy went to a massage parlor. Three times over the weekend. Kept getting drunk and going over. Apparently they give receipts. And instead of throwing away said receipts, he put them in his pockets. So dipshit gets home and his girlfriend decides to be nice and do his laundry. She finds the receipts, looks the place up and now he is single. 429 Reply ...
ContrarianMountains 2mo ago Went with a former group of friends. A friend of a friend (married with a child) decided to get a girlfriend for the weekend. Wined and dined her. Не was big man on campus those few days. Не copped to his wife eventually. And he stayed a friend of a now former friend. 171 Reply ...
POGtastic 2mo ago 10 (is, eum) There was a guy I served with in the Marine Corps who went to Vegas on a 4- day weekend and married a random. I didn't know that my master sergeant's face could turn that shade of purple. She turned out to be wonderful? They're still married more than a decade later. 135 Reply ...
WarProgenitor . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago Bane Me losing all my savings in front of my peers who no longer talk to me because: horny
jamiemyles1 1y ago Met a woman visiting Australia from Vegas. Visited Vegas 4 weeks later. Been living here 6 years now after marrying and divorcing the aforementioned woman. What didn't stay in Vegas? My ability to leave and go back home P.s love it here though Share 120 ...
ferguson4807 1y ago I blacked out.... No idea what happened... disappeared from the group, not to be found till morning.... I had a broken big toe and missing toe nail.. I brought a broken toe back with me... that sucked 30 Share ...
FartsWithHugs 6y ago My sister went to Vegas for a week and came back married to a dude she never met before the trip. The week after, he moved in with my sister (Не was from a different state) and been together ever since. Over 10+ years together and they have beautiful twin boys. 19 Share ...
 1y ago My bank account balance. I dropped like 10 grand in one night playing black Jack and my wife was at home watching our bank account grow smaller and smaller till she finally got ahold of me. Definitely didn't stay in Vegas. 10 Share ...
Turbulent_Pickle2249 9d ago On a work trip we were in Vegas for a weekend. One of the work managers got caught feeling up one of my coworkers. It was kinda an open secret he was creeping on the women in the office but then he got caught by several employees with the owner in the room so he got canned. 8.1K Repl Share ...


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