22 Funny Times Tattoo Artists Messed Up a Tattoo

22 Funny Times Tattoo Artists Messed Up a Tattoo

Mistakes aren’t the end of the world, but there are a few professionals you don’t ever want to hear “oops” from. Tattoo artists are near the top of this list. Sure, it’s already risky to trust a rando with needles and permanent ink to perfectly craft an image on your skin, but you always hope the mistakes happen to some other guy and not you. 

But as we all well know, to err is human, which is why the tattooers of Reddit are hilariously copping to the times their ink wasn’t up to par.

MadBlackGreek 3y ago I'm still new at it, BTW. A friend asked to get an alien face on the back of his hand. My 1st mistake was not calling it off because I had just recovered from a migraine, & my hands weren't their steadiest. I forgot the fucking stencil paper, so I had to draw it on his hand then ink over that. The alien's jawline came out lop-sided. I offered to fix it for free once it healed, of course. Не went and got it covered with something more intricate 29 ...
RickyMinaj . 12y ago tribal band made of penises instead of barbed wire. doesnt matter, laughed. 314 ...
FROTHY_SHARTS Зу ago I tried to tattoo PATIENCE on myself when I was 16,using the stick and poke method. I made it as far as PATIEN and stopped. I never finished it. Eventually got it covered up when I was 28. Literally didn't have the patience to finish it lol. It was a funny story to tell for all those years, and a lot of my friends were disappointed in me for covering it. But I have no ragrets 83 ...
Conchum 3y ago Misspelled Philippians on a 17 years olds first tattoo while his mother was there with him. Those i's and I's run together man lol. They were cool about it on the surface but I knew deep down that this would not be a return customer Imao. 93 ...
 . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I did the Gucci logo on someone's calf before, but it was upside down. To be fair, the logo looks more or less the same all around lol. I explained to him and just told him that I had not noticed till I was nearly done, and he was cool with it because he was a friend of mine
DrAbednego 12y ago I don't know if it was my friend's fault or the tattoo artist's fault (or both) but my friend got a tattoo that said Respect only it was spelled respet. How do you mess that up? There's literally a song that helps you spell it. 25 ...
JVonDron Зу ago I've been fairly lucky and able to fix or cover everything I've done. It's all little stuff like always only has 1 L, getting a date mixed up on translation while going through various fonts, or the dreaded starting coloring the wrong side of a nautical star. Shit still gives me chills and I've developed a bit of OCD asking and double checking all the things. I've got 16 years in this game, and I am only human. The absolute worst I've witnessed, a guy did a huge flowy script on a girl's thigh. Supposed to be
sofia207 3y ago I once tattooed a skull with a pocket watch inside of the mouth. The day of the appointment, the customer changed the position of the tattoo to the other arm, so I just flipped the design, printed it, stenciled it, and started tattooing. When I started shading I realized that the watch also inverted when I inverted the design, and didn't take into account the direction of the numbers on the clock.... They were Roman numerals and the customer hasn't realized anything to this day, and l'll see him again in a few weeks for another design.
HereComesCunty 3y ago Girl I used to know was tattooing a Manchester City badge onto someone. Little bit airy around the ears, she's thinking of her boyfriend while she's doing it who's a Manchester United fan. 2 hours later, irate customer returns demanding to know why she has a City badge tattooed on her leg with the letters MUFC in the scroll 173 ...
Dumguymanz 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I've been tattooing people for awhile now. This guy wanted to to tattoo his dad on his upper arm. After a couple hours I was on the moustache, it was a goatee. I started around 3 or 4'o clock, and when I was done I couldn't help but see this horrible mistake... I made a Hitler stache and a goatee. As I now call a hitee. I gave him $75 off and never saw him again. 501 ...
ARichardsCT e 12y ago I have a friend with a shark tattoo where the fin was put on backwards. What was great was he didn't notice it until we pointed it out, and then he couldn't un- see it (he has full sleeves). 343 ...
sagestudio Зу ago Oh semi recently I did an arm band of sheet music on this walk in and I put one of the segments on upside down because I don't read music and it looked right. Client noticed when I was about halfway done with that segment; luckily she was cool and just said she should have checked her stencil harder and shrugged it off. 603 ...
 3y ago My ex did a large scarification on the client's abdomen. The client had brought in a piece of paper with the stylized word  preserverence. I was invited in mid-way to see the progress and had to tap my ex on the shoulder for a spelling lesson. 12K ...
hazard0666 . 3y ago I tattooed Philippines 4:13 instead of Philippians 4:13 on a girl one time. Fortunately I was able fix it though 2.4K ...
xfactotumx 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Worked as a piercer in a shop a decade ago. A guy came in and wanted Murphys law...the artist freehanded a design on him, he green lit it after watching in the mirror and they did a beautiful piece with a banner saying murpys law. Seemed fitting. The guy loved the fact that his one messed up tattoo was the murphys law one.
eccoothedolphin 3y ago Edited 3y ago I was a receptionist at a tattoo shop. One of the artists misspelled neighborhood on this guys neck. Не spelled it neigborhood, leaving out the first H. Neighborhood was the guys nickname. It was a pretty large, elaborate tattoo so there was no fixing it. I don't think I have ever cringed so hard in my life. The guy was surprisingly really cool about it. Не did see the drawing and approved it before it was tattooed on. Не ended up making the artist tattoo a H on his palm so if anyone gave
 9y ago A family friend of mine is a tattoo artist. I remember when he was still doing it out of his garage. One of my Dads friends wanted a tattoo of the American flag with an eagle carrying it. Не got the outline done on him, then started filling in the color for the Eagle. Which ended up being absolutely gorgeous. Then he started doing the colors for the flag. From the top he started with white. For those who don't know, the American flag starts with red strips and ends with red stripes, not white. Anyway, no
Riadyt 9y ago Edited 9y ago My father is a tattoo artist. Не regularly tells a story about when he was much younger, and still new in the business. Once, a man trotted in the parlor, with more hair on his arms than his shiny head. The man wanted to have his bald head tattooed, with a cricket... My father asked him how he wanted it done, and the man answered in a bawling Australian accent, However you want to, mate. Make it good, and surprise me. So getting is tattoo utensils (I don't know what they are called, was
omgfaglolz 9y ago I've been tattooing for almost four years, but I will always consider myself a student of this art and am always learning new things. That being said, I should mention that a lot of tattooing is taking risks, trial and error, etc. Well, one day when I was in my first year, I was tattooing a yellow sunflower with a blue background and some script. Seems pretty simple, right? I was so excited to start right away into the sunflower that I ignored my training and did all of my light colors, yellows, white highlights etc first.
Stonergirl101 9y ago I was tattooing a couple of friends one night, and a friend wanted a skull with cross bones I started with the one of the bones she forced me to stop cause she couldn't hack the pain so I stopped but now she has unfinished tattoo that looks a ballsack on her leg. 1.2K ...
 a 9y ago I had a machine in high school. I misspelled independant on my friend's leg. She was dependant on a smarter artist after that. 210 ...
thasodd 12y ago My cousin did some tattoo work as a freelancer. This guy wanted a boston logo on his leg. As they were laying a stencil on it, the customer decides he wants it on the other leg. So my cousin flips the stencil and puts it on the other leg and goes to work. Afterwards, they realized that by swapping it they reversed the image. And neither noticed, at first. I don't think the customer was that upset as he did have his hand in it too. My cousin felt horrible nonetheless and did a lot of cover


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