30 of the Most Petty Acts of Dominance Witnessed at Work

‘Boss told me that my belt’s slack needs to be longer’
30 of the Most Petty Acts of Dominance Witnessed at Work

Management positions seem to attract the kind of people who peaked in high school. Which, of course, is bad news for the rest of us. They’ll spend their adult lives chasing that adolescent high, and so, they’ll assert their dominance in petty ways that barely make any sense — as one Redditor found out from his boss’ rant about paper-clip placement. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t even the most meaningless attempt Redditors have witnessed firsthand. Whether it was a boss who kept track of a guy’s pants or a coworker who couldn’t handle the sight of a kitten video, these are the most unbelievably petty acts of dominance they’ve experienced in the workplace — including a request for the company website that just had to be a troll.

antisocialmedic 14y ago My old boss once asked me to wash all of the dishes in the break room. None of the dishes were mine and there wasn't even any fucking soap. There were a few of the dudes who worked there who weren't busy and when asked why he didn't just get one of them (they actually used some of the dishes) he said Nah, dishes are womens work.
MexicanRedditor 14y ago My boss: Why didn't you bring your laptop to our meeting? Now you have to go back home, get your laptop so we can have access to the company's emails! BIGGEST FACEPALM OF MY LIFE. 19 ...
itsalongstory 14y ago My boss asked me to make the website one pixel wider. 28 ...
tieguy51 12y ago My brother works at a grocery store. One day he gets called into the head of the stores office. When he gets there the head of the store YELLS at my brother for having the tiniest of stubble, calling him unprofessional and that he has no idea what it is to look professional all while rocking a beard like this 60 ...
GreatNyx 12y ago I had an Asthma attack at work and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance because I was unconscious. Two weeks later, the Operations Manager was working there and the first thing she said to me was You Better not have one of those asthma attack Shits when I'm here And then refused to put my new inhaler into the safe in the office where they always keep it. Bitch. 24 ...
jlbecks 12y ago My bosses gave everyone a copy of the schedule that had all the names of the workers. We were told to choose three people who we thought should be laid off. I gave them back the list and told them that they didn't hire me to make those types of decisions for them. Two days later as I was coming into work I was stopped at the door by one of the owners, he told me that Survivor council has convened, and that I had been voted off the island. Yeah, your fired. I had worked there
Luxray 12y ago I used to work at walmart pushing carts. I got yelled at for wearing a non-walmart brand baseball cap, wearing tank tops (it was fucking hot god damnit and you'd be amazed at how much more you sweat in a t-shirt than in a tank top), I got yelled at for working too hard because some other asshole hurt himself pushing himself too hard. And I had a co-worker that reported me once for taking my scheduled break. And I got bitched at for it. Walmart sucks. 8 ...
drkush 12y ago My previous job my boss told me that I needed to go to church, and they were concerned because no one ever saw me say grace when eating lunch in my cubicle. She and others in the office would constantly nag me about christian stuff, it got so bad that I would avoid conversations with many folks there because it always lead to Jesus. They ended up firing me for petty reasons and I've lawyered up. 83 ...
 12y ago I removed my manager from my Facebook a few months back and she told everyone at work and asked me to re-add her. I removed her because out of the two years that I've worked there, I was late ONCE because of a car accident that happened directly in front of me. When I called to let her know I had to give my statement to the police, she told me it was unacceptable and I need to be more professional.
 12y ago My boss threw a hissy fit this week because while at lunch neither my coworker nor I had answered our phones (which were on silent). She didn't bring lunch. :( Note that she has a working vehicle, a minifridge full of food and lunch avaliable on site. Bitch is cray. 12 ...
 12y ago . Edited 12y ago When I was working at a pasta restaurant, my daytime manager chewed me out for not showing initiative because I wouldn't drop everything (completing catering orders that needed to be finished within 15 minutes) to take out the garbage. At the time, she was getting a back massage from a co-worker while reading a magazine.
 12y ago My friend who was a manager at a Mattress store sent someone home because that person farted in a small room they were in doing inventory in. 4 ...
 . 12y ago This will get buried, but it'll be good to get it off my chest. I used to work as head cook in a soup kitchen. One day, my supervisor called me into her office, closed the door, and screamed at me for fifteen straight minutes because one of my homeless volunteers had stored two boxes of cans in the incorrect closet. Seriously, fifteen minutes of vein- popping, shrill, roid-rage shrieking. 35 ...
oxytocin1 12y ago Got remedial Physical training from my platoon Sgt for saying Or-e-gon instead of Ore-gin like he thought it should be said. I'm from NY. 19 ...
Alberttheman999 12y ago I got back from deployment a while ago, and all my uniforms had some flaw, a rip, stain, etc. So I bought a new one. I was told to not wear it any more because it made me stand out and I clearly wanted attention. What. 274 ...
Maladroit01 14y ago I worked for an idiot who thought he knew how to be a graphic designer because he bought the Adobe suite. Не sent the image of another company's logo, something like The Downtown Market and wanted me to erase Downtown in favor of the word Garlic, because our client was apparently a garlic grower somewhere south of the bay area. Не then wanted me to insert a picture of a garlic bulb he found on Google behind the (stolen) logo to make it look different. The picture, he said, was attached to the email. Не attached a
 14y ago A former boss once told me he was sick of finding out things I hadn't been told about at work. So, he asked me to make a list of all the things I didn't know. When I tried to explain that this wasn't possible he told me to stop being argumentative. I gave him a blank piece of paper and told him I'd fill it in as soon as I learned what I didn't know. 84 ...
KarateBillP 14y ago I was once hired as a web designer at a company that sells machine parts. I was supposed to create and maintain their web page for them. On my first day at the office I was seated at my desk... which had no computer on it. I was told that I was to draw the website on paper and after it was approved I would get a computer. 78 ...
chipDouglas73 e 2y ago A customer on a survey gave a 9 out of 10 for me. A supervisor told me to call the customer and ask what I could do for a 10. Because I got a 9. 2.8K ...
priseambolina 12y ago . Edited 12y ago I had a boss tell me that I was working too hard and making her favorite employee look bad... wut?
ProfObladee 12y ago My old boss came out of the coffee shop bathroom, walked right up to me as I was making a drink, and yelled at me to go clean the bathroom immediately because it is a disgusting mess in there. I dropped what I was doing and went to the bathroom only to see that everything was in proper order except that one unopened toilet paper roll had fallen from the shelf onto the floor. Needless to say, I did not take her bullshit for much longer. 692 ...
 12y ago My old manager used to flip out and give you a shitty schedule the following week if you brought in food for yourself and none for him.
 12y ago I got called into my bosses office for putting the paper clip too close to the top of the center of the piece of paper. No one ever told me I had to keep it directly in the center. Apparently this is a very important rule. 229 ...
Python8825 12y ago Boss told me that my belt's slack needs to be longer. 386 ...
 12y ago I showed a coworker a video of my new kitten. Next thing I know I'm in an office being scolded and told I should have known better as well as having my professionalism questioned. Apparently someone walking by recently had their cat pass away and felt the need to complain. Now if I want to show a video at work, I have to have it approved by management first. 345 ...
madleprakahn 12y ago I had a boss once that was obsessed with my pants. If I wore the same pair more than once a week I would get called into his office talk about dress code. It was a government job, and the pants were always clean, never smelled bad, etc. I'm just a dude that really doesn't give a shit about having a huge wardrobe, nor the money to support it. I actually ended up quitting that job because of various alpha male bullshit he'd pull. 1.2K ...
herestoshuttingup 12y ago My old boss used to get furious at me because when I needed to enlarge text in MS word for a small print job (maybe ten envelopes, each with someones first and last name on them) i i had to do each day, I would type the text, highlight it, and then change the font size. Не demanded that I change the font size before I started typing and threatened to write me up if I didn't. 95 ...
 12y ago I worked as a head lifeguard at a waterpark. We had a minor situation where a kid who couldn't swim jumped into the deepend. The lifeguard of that area went in to get her no big ideal, happens a lot. My boss, the park supervisor heard the whistle blow, ran over full speed and jumped in with the non waterproof radio among other important items. I let her know she didn't need to do that, that i had it under control. She replied that i should never tell her she is wrong and sent me home for
 12y ago I got called into my bosses office for putting the paper clip too close to the top of the center of the piece of paper. No one ever told me I had to keep it directly in the center. Apparently this is a very important rule. 229 ...
Nness 14y ago I got paid for 2 and a half hours to fake a STD pathology report, so one of the bosses could win a bet with his mates. I think the reason why he didn't just get a real report is that half the STD tests would come back positive if he did. It was a real estate business. 26 ...


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