21 of the Wildest Things a Coworker Did Without Getting Fired

‘He tried to run over a security guard with his car’
21 of the Wildest Things a Coworker Did Without Getting Fired

In a world where large swathes of people get laid off on a daily basis, it’s nice to know that the most insane members of Earth still remain gainfully employed. One Redditor, for instance, has mentioned the coworker who drove around on a forklift firing a nail gun at people. Imagine how much more havoc that guy would wreak if he had an abundance of free time. He must remain employed. 

Other Redditors have also regaled us with tales of coworkers who apparently can’t be fired. Maybe I should put in an application at their places of employment. They sound very loose and fun.

queerdeviant . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Eat weed, urinate outdoors on garbage cans in public, masturbate and drink on the job. Share 1.9K ...
 4y ago One of the guys who trained me at my current job straight up totalled a company car because either he wasn't paying attention or fell asleep while driving. He's a corrections officer now. 217 Share ...
walking_strawberry 4y ago Knocked over a shelf with over $100k worth of very expensive equipment on it. A bird had flown into the room from a large opened window, and in the attempt to corral the bird he knocked over the shelf. Не just said the bird did it, no repercussions. 282 Share ...
Chaz_wazzers . 4y ago Guy maxed out the company credit card at a casino. 87 Share ...
Filligrees_daddy a 4y ago Drive around the yard on a forklift, no hands on the steering wheel, fireing a nailgun at people and objects around the yard. 458 Share ...
Aufwader 0 4y ago Accidentally send the last three years of account details/back statements from one company to their direct competitor 28K Share ...
10throwaway12 . 4y ago Не tried to run over a security officer with his car when the security officer told him he couldn't park where he wanted to park. Almost succeeded, too! Share 1.8K ...
camoe1888 4y ago I know someone who managed to close an entire supermarket early for the first time in its history (costing the company several thousands of pounds) because they tried to set a clock on a computer back an hour to avoid missing some deadline for a daily routine. Не said it seemed such a good idea at the time. 14K Share ...
TwoTerabyte . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago This dude walks a server out of the server room every six months or so to sell on eBay. We have literally no security except the front door, but the owner is so ancient and out of touch I doubt she even remembers things are being stolen. 5K Share ...
ASoft7 4y ago A guy at the plant I work at scrapped $360,000 in airplane parts because he didn't even bother to look at the work instructions. Не just drives a forklift now.. 5.5K Share ...
fannyjam 13y ago I work for a sushi chain, I wasn't there when it happend but one of my со workers pulled a knife on the head chef and said he was going to kill him, i'm talking right in his face with the blade. Being a sushi bar it's all open planned so this was in front of customers as well. Не never lost his job but now everyone is fucking terrified 10 ...
 13y ago I'd mentioned this before, but I once had a coworker who would drink Everclear(95%) straight from the bottle. Не wasn't fired until he crashed a forklift into a bay door. 10 ...
lightspeed23 13y ago Watching fisting-porn in full screen on his cubicle monitor and pointing it out to everyone in the cubicles around him. I think he got a reprimand or something... 14 ...
1Ender 13y ago Had a co-worker come in and procede to show off about 30 bags of cocaine that he had is his pocket. Then said he was going to a whorehouse and would be back to finish work later. Не was doing all this in front of my boss. 13 ...
WuTangClam 13y ago Worked at a movie theatre. Coworker accidentally gave one customer too much change. She had already been written up for being severely off on her till before, and didn't want to get fired so she purposefully shortchanged a kid (maybe 10 years old) in order to make her cash balance at the end of the day. 19 ...
R88SHUN 13y ago on a demolition job my boss accidentally locked himself in a closet trying to find a place to do some blow in private. 149 ...
kgaragetech 13y ago My coworker saw a nail in a tire and didn't want to repair it so he took a sharpie and colored the nail black then sent the vehicle on its merry way 82 ...
margegunderson 13y ago I used to work at a hockey rink where nobody gave a shit and it was basically impossible to get fired. One of the rink rats was particularly crotchety and one time I saw a twelve year old kid throw a piece of garbage at his feet and say, 'Pick it up, arena man.' So the rink rat choked him. Not fired. 243 ...
BlueLine_Haberdasher 13y ago Worked at a gas station for about 6 months. A guy I worked with got his hands on a large number of close enough if you're not paying attention counterfeit $5 bills and started swapping them out with real $5 bills with ballsy regularity. Не bragged about it to his non manager co-workers( (myself included), saying he kept getting away with it by passing the fake bills onto customers as change so he rarely had to leave any in the register after his shift. This went on for about at least a month. Shockingly, he got turned
lookylieu 13y ago I had a coworker who got written up 17 times because she was over a half hour late to her shift. Never even got yelled at by the boss. I got fired for discounting someone 10 cents. 86 ...
appleaday6 . 4y ago Hit a volunteer with a car in the parking lot of an annual event. Didn't even turn back to look, and walked right inside. 57 Share ...


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