26 of the Smartest Things Teachers’ Dumbest Students Have Said

‘We are nothing and everything at the same time’
26 of the Smartest Things Teachers’ Dumbest Students Have Said

Adults tend to think that they’re smarter than kids, and that a child’s mind is a juvenile maze of uselessness. Basically, if you pour a child a glass of milk and ask them, “Where does milk come from?,” you’re definitely not expecting an answer that involves them pointing to the carton and saying, “There!” But if that is indeed the answer a kid gives you, they’re technically correct, and you just got owned. 

The teachers of Reddit have remembered the times allegedly dumb students provided smart answers, and I’m not convinced these kids are dumb at all.

BananaLana_ 5y ago I asked the class what came at the end of a question, and one kid said the right answer. I was going for a question mark but fuck mate, you got me. 10 ...
pleasedontbetaken123 5y ago History teacher here: one of my less scholastically inclined students, when asked to share his opinion if C. Columbus was guilty of genocide, called him the father of modern genocide. 8 ...
haeleigh69 5y ago During snack time I had the carton of milk on the counter filling up cups. While my coteacher sat and talked to the children. She asked them Where does milk come from? Expecting everyone to say cow. One of my kids pointed to the carton on the counter and said Right there 11 ...
SketchyJoe 5y ago Just want to say stupid is a subjective judgement...there are a high number of Fortune 500 CEOs who failed/ left/quit school. Anyway I digress...the insightful comment was that the old man who gave Jack the magic beans was the bad guy because he wanted the giant dead and knew Jack would do it. 8 ...
iwithstupid 5y ago Taught in South Korea. During a science experiment class with 7 year olds. One of my students was lacking the Velcro needed to complete her experiment. She immediately got up went to the back of the class, and took apart one of the students colouring packs for the Velcro seal. When asked why she said My experiment is more important than her colours. 11 ...
nstockman . 5y ago Me: How do you know it's a triangle? Kindergartner: Because I can see it. 18 ...
mhenrik808 5y ago One day a pretty bad kid was actually putting forth some effort in math (so I thought). Не raised his hand because he was stuck so I helped him in the same manner I help all my students, guiding them towards the answer while not giving the answer. After I helped him, a few minutes passed and he was really excited and said, Mr. H I got the answer! I said -17? And he said, yeah now I got the answer!!! Не proceeded to never let me live down the fact that he finessed me out of
notanothersmith38 0 5y ago Just because you are having a bad time doesn't mean you're having a bad life. 4th grade student of mine while I was working at a children's psychiatric facility. 12 ...
killynou 5y ago As a micro technic teacher, I like to show the mini film power of ten to explain what a micro meter and a nano meter is. While showing the movie the not smartest boy said : we are nothing and everything at the same time. Don't know if he heard this sentance before but I think his vision of world changed after this video. 13 ...
EggCustody 0 5y ago I not a teacher but someone in my religious studies class who wasn't particularly bright in any sense said 'how could god have made the world in seven days if days are relative to the earth rotation.' 13 ...
 5y ago This girl was not my stupidest student, but she certainly wasn't as smart as she thought she was. One day I was talking about life in the 1950s, and she tells me that her mum was around in the 1950s. This was 2011 and I know her mum, and I know that mum is not even close to being in her 60s. I ask her, , do you know how long ago the 1950s were? Yeah! When there were still black and white people! I still can't work out if this statement was incredibly naïve or incredibly
cornotiberious 5y ago (Private Music Teacher) 6 yr old Student: Do you have a job? Me: Yeah dude, I teach music lessons. Student: but I thought jobs were supposed to make money. Me: ... touche... 127 ...
 5y ago FINALLY my chance to shine. A very sleepy 5th grader in my class a few years ago asked if we were going to the liberry that day. I said, A liberry? I've never had one before. What's it taste like? Books. 79 ...
luckysonova 5y ago I'm not going to fight him. I'm an adult now and adults don't use their hands to hurt people; they use their words. -7th grader 122 ...
castanza128 5y ago But, if we have a gun buy-back, only good people would do it. Criminals won't go for that, because they make more money robbing people and stuff, than they could make selling their gun. I hadn't even thought of that. It's like a blacksmith selling his hammer. 140 ...
irishman178 в 5y ago When learning mythology Mister, if centaurs have 2 arms and 4 legs, does that make them insects? 10K ...
reptilefood 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I've mentioned this before. And also it is genuinely difficult to tell who is the stupidest. Kids are smart some days and clueless others. Some grow out of it. Anyway, we were talking about cheetahs being the fastest land mammal. Some inner-city kid swells up and says he can beat a cheetah in a race. The class laughs. Kid doesn't let it go. Finally he just says I can beat a FAT cheetah in a race. I'm just thinking, maybe? 7K ...
The_Shallot_Knight . 5y ago I remember 'circumference' because it sounds like 'circumcised'! 8.6K ...
 5y ago Edited 5y ago I don't understand what's going on in class because you explain things so only the smart kids understand. Не was absolutely right. I wasn't meeting my students on their level and building them up. I was immediately expecting them to be on my level, and that just wasn't realistic. Five years ago, as a brand new teacher, this was an important thing for me to hear. It completely changed the way I planned lessons, and I'm a much better teacher now because of what he said. I still think back on that moment. Sometimes
Danhedonia 5y ago Can't bring myself to call any kid stupid (only stupid behaviors), but one of the students who struggled most in my HS math class once turned to me and said sometimes, being a good person is very difficult. No shit. 130 ...
 5y ago I'm teaching English as a foreign language and one of my students hasn't been attending for a year. When he finally came, I gave him an essay to write. Не wrote it in perfect German because he thought that we were studying German. The guy had been learning German all year long only to learn that we were studying English. This is both the smartest and the stupidest thing I can imagine. 39K ...
OneOfTwoWugs 5y ago Just this past Tuesday, I had a student struggling with science homework (actually math skills, but for my science class). Не was almost mute about what he needed, what he didn't understand, no matter how much I tried to guide him through unit conversions. The study period was ending and I had to let him go with little progress made. As he was packing up, he told me I'll try it again after art class. I'm usually smarter at this after I do some art. I thought that was an interesting observation, and I asked him why
randomfunnypun 5y ago When I was teaching subtracting across zero (507-254) to second graders one kid said it's like when your mom needs milk and you go to your neighbor and no one is there so you go to the next door. 2.5K ...
Kighla 5y ago Some of my 5th graders were playing with a basketball in the hallway. I told them to stop, they did for a second, then continued. I said Guys, WHY do you keep bouncing that ball in the hallway? and one of them just looked at me and said If you were 10 you'd do it too. I was like... yeah. I guess I would. 5.5K ...
biohazardly 5y ago Me: How do you know if something is alive? Them: If you can kill it! 12K ...
emltar e 5y ago I teach high school math and I caught the last half of a conversation between a couple students. One kid said yeah hats are so powerful, I think it's the brim. That makes cowboy hats the most powerful because it has an infinite brim 8 ...


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