31 of the Wildest Times People Woke Up in the Hospital Without Knowing Why

‘Dad, what does 400V mean?’
31 of the Wildest Times People Woke Up in the Hospital Without Knowing Why

Waking up in a hospital bed and trying to remember how you got there is like an evil version of Dude, Where’s My Car? While there will definitely be one thing you remember happening, it can be an obscure piece of the puzzle. Unless you’re the guy who was “trying to get electrocuted,” and remembers asking his dad, “What does 400V mean?” and receiving a partial answer before passing out. It’s kinda obvious what happened there. 

But for everyone else, there was the bewildering sensation of trying to piece it all together after finally coming to. Whether it was childhood rambunctiousness, a flying squirrel or more than one instance of a spooked horse, these are their stories — or at least what they remember of them.

 8y ago I was watching Voyager on TV, next thing I was in a hospital bed. Turns out I'd gotten up too fast, lack of blood flow to the head and passed out, hitting my head on the floor hard (I'm 6'6) and fractured my skull. Confusing. 6.6K ...
pumpkinbread987 8y ago Edited 8y ago I was riding my young horse, in training to jump. We rode up to our first 3ft jump. Не stopped, so I started preparing to turn him around and try again. Не then reared up and hurled himself over the jump. I was completely unprepared for him to jump. I fell off at the арех of the jump. That's all I remember from that day. Apparently I took his saddle off, hosed him down, and drove myself home. Next thing I remember I was being wheeled in for a CAT scan. I broke my
kefkaeatsbabies 8y ago Cut a guy off while bartending in college. Не wasn't too happy, grabbed a bottle, and chucked it at the back of my head as I turned around. Woke up in a hospital bed with my best regular and his wife ensuring me I'd be ok and the guy wouldn't 'be a problem.'
do_you_like_my_nuts 8y ago Was knocked out by flying squirrel while bike riding near my house. 5.9K ...
Wonkywhiskers 8y ago Fell off monkey bars at a playground and was knocked unconscious - remember waking up in a hospital bed to a doc telling my parents about some metal in my head X-ray and then them taking my pony tail out ( metal was in my hair tie) 735 ...
very_cool_stuff 8y ago Edited 8y ago My brother and I were outside playing with squirt guns (this was 2001 so I would have been 11). Next thing I know it's Easter Sunday, I was in a hospital bed with a massive headache and blurred vision and the last thing I remembered was 4 days ago. Apparently I fell backwards and smacked my dome on the curb hard enough to fracture my skull and bruise my brain. Got 2 weeks off of school which was cool back then and I've had to wear glasses ever since. Apparently, according to my mom,
 8y ago Was at the pool, next thing I know I wake up in a hospital bed, feeling very cold and my throat hurts. Turns out I had actually drowned, but the lifeguard had pulled me out and reanimated me for about 45 min. Then I was flown to the hospital by helicopter, where I lay in a coma for 2 days, during which they kept my body temperature low (to prevent cerebral damage caused by lack of oxygen). I could go home a week after the accident. TL;DR: drowned, got revived, don't remember anything. 959 ...
SneakIDPls 8y ago Edited 8y ago I was running a half marathon with a friend and we had just passed the 10 mile mark and I felt like I was getting into a groove after I struggled a bit the previous few miles. Woke up the next day in the ICU with my family all around me. Heat stroke + Rhabdomiliosis. I was admitted with a temp of 108.6 and they were telling my family to prepare for the worst. Had to stay in the hospital for a few days and then take it easy for a few months but
Ask-For-Free-Advice 8y ago 18 year old me got super wasted on Smirnoff Watermelon vodka at some little club in Clearwater, FL. Apparently I fell off of a tall barstool and busted my head. When I woke up, I wasn't even sure what state I was in. Accidentally called my friend's mom in North Dakota trying to get a ride to somewhere other than the hospital. A decade later and I still can't drink anything with that watermelon flavor. 2.7K ...
pedazzle 8y ago Was at school, about 8 years old. It was sports carnival day, I don't know if they have that everywhere its where the whole school spends the day competing in various sports. I was watching the other group play teeball. Next minute, hospital. I woke up feeling like I'd just had a dream that I was in an ambulance. Apparently | did briefly wake in the ambulance but not for long. I was thwacked in the forehead with a flying metal bat, had a massive abrasion which turned into the oddest scab you'd ever seen, like a
comm02 2y ago As a kid I used to jump down the stairs to the basement. I had a major growth spurt at sixteen and the last time I jumped down the stairs I hit my head on the basement ceiling. My mom said she heard a huge bang and found me at the bottom of the stairs. I woke up in the ER, no recollection of how I got there. I was shocked when I saw my self in the mirror because they had to shave my head for the stitches. 55 ...
entomology_fr3ak e 2y ago Went to a Go Ape thing (it's an England thing) and when they were strapping me in, A log hit me on the head. I swore I was fine but then I passed out Imao 53 ...
DrNecessiter 2y ago I was feeling a bit ill one Saturday with a really sore throat so I went to bed. That night I got thirsty and drank some water that my girlfriend gave me, then spit some phlegm into a glass. The next morning it turns out was Friday. I'd had glandular fever and the recollections I'd had of drinking water and spitting into a glass was from a whole week of delirium with my girlfriend beside herself with worry tending to me. The glass brim full of fever spit by the bed was beyond gross. 102 ...
MithicLolox 2y ago I remember when i was maybe 6 years old i remember trying to get electrocuted, by spiting on my fingers And placing them im Electric outlets, i Got shocked And o remember saying to my dad  Dad what does 400V mean it means 400 volts son, its enough to... And then i just fainted, i woke up im the hospital And thats my story. 208 ...
SnoSlider в 2y ago Clubbed in the back of the head outside of a hotel near LA. Woke with staples in my head and an awful headache. 445 ...
blargney 0 2y ago . Edited 2y ago I was sitting on the fence when I was 4. One of our horses got spooked by the pigs and kicked me in the head. 3 ...
xcjb07x 2y ago i wasnt feeling fine, but when i was a kid, at school during lunch i wasn't feeling well. I tried asking the lunch ladies to let me go through the halls to the office, but they wouldn't let me. While i was walking around i fainted and woke up in an ambulance. 348 ...
wellcolormeimpressed . 2y ago Someone tossed a rake like a javelin at my face. It impacted right between my eyes and knocked me out cold 544 ...
The_Lobster_Haker . 2y ago I was eating dinner on Christmas Eve and just woke up on the 26th. I had surgery for Christmas. And Pneumonia 206 ...
Cry-in-the-walk-in . 2y ago Passed out from severe dehydration and hit my head hard enough to give me a concussion. One minute expediting, next minute hooked up to all sorts of machines. It was extremely disorienting. 268 ...
mackattacks83 2y ago I was sick with pneumonia but thought I would get better at home. Fire alarms went off in my apartment building in the middle of the night. I went into sudden cardiac arrest while walking outside. The last thing I remember is walking outside. I awoke 9 days later in the ICU with a tube down my throat. I had a severe case of pneumonia that sent me into septic shock. So grateful for the two neighbors who preformed CPR on me that night until the ambulance showed up. 5 ...
rockpebbleman 2y ago I had collapsed ironically in my physicians office due to dehydration. I felt normal before I blacked out, but apparently it was a scare to both my mother and the doctor. I didn't take it seriously as I was in the hospital with an IV in my arm, thinking I just fell asleep. 4 ...
nome_king 2y ago I was walking to a birthday party. Next thing I knew, I woke up in an ambulance. I had been struck over the head and was knocked unconscious. I never found out who it was, or what they wanted (they didn't take anything from me). 1.5K ...
RemarkableWafer 2y ago On a business trip in Texas. Me and two co-workers were driving to work, I was in the back passenger seat. Woke up in an ambulance. Got hit by a sprinter van at 50mph and slammed into a guard rail according to the police report. I don't remember any of it. Broke 7 ribs, collar bone, concussion, and fractured two bones in my neck. Took like 7 months to recover, but my neck and shoulder still bother me daily 5.2K ...
Blue_Moon_Rabbit 8y ago I fell of my longboard almost exactly a year ago and landed on my head. No, I was an idiot and wasn't wearing a helmet. To this day I don't remember the accident, but spending ten days as the youngest person in the stroke ward because of brain bleeding is tedious as fuck. All things considered, I'm extremely lucky I didn't snap my neck the way I apparently landed, or become a vegetable, or die. My new helmet might look stupid as fuck, but it beats cracking my head open again. 286 ...
 8y ago Mine is kinda boring, driving my car and bam suddenly everything is slow motion. Then I'm in the icu nekkid and so high on morphine (saw the light and everything). Apparently another car driving 70mph t boned me 1.1K ...
erigunn 8y ago I was shot in the stomach at about two feets range by a guy who had the gun in his backpack. Не was in the process of robbing a story when I walked in, and I didn't see it happening as he had the gun hidden, and a lot of other people in the store didn't know either. I asked him if he was in line, because he was kind of to the side, and he turned and fired. I don't remember anything from after entering the store. The rest I've had pieced together. Не shot me
Epicon3 8y ago Walking down the road one night (proper side of road in reflective gear) headed to the gas station for some Mt. Dew and smokes. Suddenly it's two days later and I'm strapped to a hospital bed. Apparently I was hit by a Mitsubishi 3000 GT. Kid driving was coming from a rave, high as a kite, and thought I was an angel in my reflective gear. Не tried to catch me with his bumper. Fun times. 11K ...
Kbiski 8y ago I was going out with some friends on my 21st birthday. We were pre-gaming & they fed me a lot of shots. We hop in a cab & set to go out to the clubs. Next thing I know, I wake in a hospital bed. The moment I opened my eyes I knew where I was & how I probably got there. Turns out, I jumped out of the cab prematurely & hit my head. . . I did'nt have any physical marks on me, nor did my head hurt, not even a hang over. 248 ...
Happy_Vincent . 8y ago Drank too much and fell off a horse. A metal statue of a horse. In Vegas. 298 ...
Utr_some 2y ago When I was like 5, me and my family went to the local pool and since I was 5 I didn't really know how dangerous it was to be jumping into the shallow side of the pool,then I suddenly woke up in the hospital with stiches on my left eyebrow and now I have a tiny scar on my eyebrow to remind me not to do that again. 33 ...


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