40 Random Bits of Trivia We Found in Ariel’s Weird Little Undersea Garbage Museum

We’ve got whozits, whatzits and factzits galore!
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Found in Ariel’s Weird Little Undersea Garbage Museum

Until our most recent rewatch of The Little Mermaid, we didn’t realize how much we have in common with Ariel. We both have a love of hunting down and hoarding random little treasures, and we have top-notch singing voices. The only difference is that we’re more than happy to hang out amongst our little treasures forever. 

We really don’t see the need to give up our voices or ditch our family for some random Prince — no matter how hot he is.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry changed her name from Katy Hudson to avoid being confused with actress Kate Hudson. ? ? But Kate Hudson's father had changed his name from

The Oldest Animal

40 Random Bits of Trivia We Found in Ariel’s Weird Little Undersea Garbage Museum

Galaxy Quest

The writers of Galaxy Quest just gave Dr. Lazarus a silly catchphrase, planning to replace it later. They didn't, as the words By Grabthar's Hammer

The Javelin

An Olympic javelin thrower learned proper technique from Youtube. CRACKED.COM Kenyan javelin thrower Ju- lius Yego, who won the Olympic silver medal in Rio Olympics 2016, learned how to throw javelin prop- erly by watching YouTube videos when he couldn't find a trainer.



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Source: CNBC

Horrible Predictions

Smoking's probably fine. NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE CRACKED.COM W.C. Heuper, director of the institute's Environmental Cancer Section, was pretty darn sure that, if smoking played a part in lung cancer, it seems to be a minor one.


Warp Speed

Whether it's warp speed or hyper speed, one thing sci-fi movies agree on is that when spaceships travel really fast, stars blur into streaks of light.


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