21 of the Absolute Dumbest Games People Made Up as Kids

‘Burn Dad’s Steak’
21 of the Absolute Dumbest Games People Made Up as Kids

When you’re a child, there are times when freeze tag isn’t enough to satisfy your sick, twisted mind. You want to try your hand at something that resembles a Saw trap more than an actual toy. That’s when the combination of idiocy and ingenuity strikes. 

Whether it was a game of “Burn Dad’s Steak” or a rousing round of nail ball, Redditors have reminisced about the times they said “Let’s play a game,” and had an incredibly stupid time or almost ended up in the hospital. In fact, one Redditor broke their rib cage two different times while playing a game called “Pool Runners,” which is exactly the kind of idiocy and ingenuity I’m talking about.

 9y ago Imaginary video games, I didn't have any real video games so I would sit in my completely empty 1/2m tall treehouse and pretend I had video games. In my head it was awesome, real video games don't even come close to the shit that goes on in a 7 year-olds head for entertainment, even my friends would sometimes join in and we'd have fun, especially if we were on a bus or something. But when I asked my parents to play... well they refused to play because adults have no imagination and it took them almost 2
laterdude 9y ago Burn Dad's Steak When dad was shooting the shit with his buddies at backyard barbecues, we'd surreptitiously turn the grill up to eleven when he wasn't looking. In our defense, our health teacher that year made us all paranoid about the dangers of undercooked meat and we were afraid dad's penchant for ordering his steaks 'still mooing' would result in a serious case of salmonella. We did what we could. 162 ...
Aartie 9y ago My sister and I invented something called the sausage game, where we would roll ourselves up in blankets and then jump down the basement stairs. Survived to adulthood. 151 ...
mrlambo1399 9y ago Me and my best friend had this game that we called Invasion of the Robots. I have no idea what it was about or what we did, and there was no rules. We just kinda ran around yelling at each other about Robots. I have no idea how we enjoyed this, but we did it for years. 100 ...
LindenZin 9y ago Get a bunch of kids together, not too many. Minimum of 5 but not exceeding 8. So we all take turns to go usually by who's name is first on the alphabet. The first guy places one his non-dominant hand on a table and then the next guy places on his hand on top of the first one, everyone follow suit. First guy will use a wooden ruler/ broom stick to swing down on the pile of hands. From the moment of the swing, everyone except the first guy can remove their hand from the pile. Не
pizza_closet 9y ago My brother and I would play Can Shoes. We would step on a soda can and, since our feet were small enough, the can would wrap around our foot and the indentation would make the shoe. We'd just run around with can shoes. Sometimes tissue boxes, too. 192 ...
bjorkstar 9y ago . Edited 9y ago When Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone came out in film, my two friends and I would recreate the scene where the trio enters the room and finds the three headed dog. During recess we would walk under an arch in the playground, look up at the same time to see imaginary fluffy, then do a delayed reaction scream before turning around and running away. We did this over and over. I don't know why we didn't just play wizards or something. It was just this scene.
amcmg 9y ago On multiple occasions after snowstorms we would build a wall of snow in the road of our quiet little street. Not much traffic but once in a while we would get a confused driver who had to turn around and take another road. These usually ended with our parents realizing what was happening and yelling at us out the front door. Once a firetruck came, at which point we promptly scattered and it had to turn around. Shorty after, my neighbor plowed through the damn thing in her tiny saab. At the time this was about as
ElFluffador ОР 9y ago Me & my friend were bored one day so we look in my shed and found a baseball and a long nail. Put the nail through the ball so that is was sticking out. Then tossed it back and fourth till someone got stabbed by the nail. 911 ...
the_lettuce_avenger 9y ago me and my friends used to play a game that was called 'pikadon'. it was basically exactly the same as pretending to be pokemon except my friend said we can't call the game pokemon. we might get sued for copyright issues. so pikadon it was. 57 ...
lemaao 9y ago We used to catapult a bunch of rocks into the air and then run around underneath and see who got hit.. 44 ...
Kllrtofu 9y ago gets gross alarm: We invented kotsertje. Which is a dutch word that roughly translates to little puker :S We used to dare each other to hang over as close as possible to freshly made dog droppings and smell it for as long as possible without having to puke or have gag reflexes start... we were strange children I guess :) 74 ...
SofaBed7 9y ago 'Pool Runners', you had to run around a pool as a 'Runner' to get away from the 'Chaser' who had to tag you, I slipped and broke my rib cage twice playing it. 79 ...
rockpoo 9y ago One person balances on a rock with a stick while everyone else throws pine cones at them. The rock balancer has to block the pine cones with the stick like a Jedi 130 ...
hazmandoo 9y ago We had a game we called Ninja in the Dark. We would wait until night, close all the curtains and turn out all of the lights and then position ourselves at different rooms of the house in pitch black darkness. The object was to creep along and try to 'ambush' the other players and give them a sound beating without being caught yourself or without having a life endangering accident (plugs on the floor were my nightmare). We'd play this with 4-5 friends between say 10-14 years old. Hours of fun and a wide variety of parent
EIScorcho84 9y ago My brother and I invented a game called Dizzy Devils. Basically, we spun around the yard with our eyes closed. It ended when I smashed my face into the cable box on our front yard. I broke my two front teeth in half and split my gums, requiring dental surgery, a root canal, and caps. I was 9 when that happened. I'm 31 now, and the mark is still visible on that goddamn cable box. 16 ...
coffeeshopslut . 9y ago Key ball- had basketball hoops at school, not enough balls... Out came keys 9 ...
 9y ago 1. Beat the flush - Need to flush the toilet so that you finish pissing as close to the time the flush finishes. Single player game. 2. Guess the crunch - Crunch on some crisps over TeamSpeak / Mumble and the other has to guess which crisps they are. Surprisingly complex as a Cheeto has an airy crunch, a pringle sounds more rigid. Bonus point if you guess the flavour. 20 ...
Sox2417 9y ago Me my brother and cousin used to play the game Fatty Tublard. What it was is you would be on the trampoline and have like a yard wide diameter exercise ball. You would put your weight into it and hit the other person. Now my brother is 4 years older and was a pretty good gymnast so I would go flying. Was awesome being small! 10 ...
nocturnalstatick . 9y ago Chair tag. I don't even remember how to play. It was like freeze tag but you had to freeze in a squat. Super dumb. One time a group of kids started all pantsing each other at recess everyday for like three days. All got sent to the principal's office. 7 ...
Oim8wut 9y ago Beetnam ( ( bee it nam) basically we walked around our little area with nerf guns and such destroying bees nest and taking care of any bee problems. If you got stung you were a champion and a survivor. 113 ...


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