28 of the Most Heroic Acts People Have Ever Witnessed

‘My 3 year old son once snatched a hornet out of midair’
28 of the Most Heroic Acts People Have Ever Witnessed

Whenever we hear about acts of bravery, the hero usually says they just leapt into action without thinking, which is how we learn about someone lifting a car over their head to free a child or cutting off a snake’s head before it can bite anyone. 

Redditors know of such tales, and have recalled the times they watched someone jump into Hero Mode to do what needed to be done. Whether it’s a savior with a baseball bat or a mom who isn’t afraid of stingrays, these courageous acts are some for the books — and on more than one occasion, even a toddler did their best to save the day.

 8y ago When I was younger me and my best friend looked identical from the back, my dad thought he saw me nearly getting run over (it was my friend not me) he pushed her out the way thinking it was me and got run over himself... he wasn't seriously injured but it could have been a lot worse had the small child been hit. 17 Share ...
SelfishWarrior 12y ago When I was a kid, maybe 5-6, a guy broke into the house while Mom was in the shower. I got my brother (who was maybe a month or two old then) out of his basinet, put his pacifier in his mouth, and hid in the closet with him. The guy took our TV and VCR, but we were fine. 254 Share ...
 8y ago In elementary school, this guy wrapped himself in sweaters and pushed his way through thorn bushes to get a ball from the field next to the school. What a legend. 2 Share ...
ReverendDizzle 8y ago When I was a kid my uncle had a mental breakdown and tried to kill my aunt with a shotgun. My dad just walked right in between the two of them, then held out his hand like my uncle was holding a water pistol. Не acted like the only possible outcome in the world was my uncle handing the shotgun over and not, potentially, taking a load of buckshot to the chest. 5 Share ...
Katie-Saint 2y ago Courageous but stupid... once at a bar, I saw a guy hit his girlfriend. Instincts kicked in and next thing I know, I tackle this man to the ground and just start wailing on him. Не was a solid 6 foot tall, 250 pound guy. For reference, I'm a 22 year old girl that's just over 5 foot tall. I know I could have seriously gotten hurt, but I could not just sit back and watch. 257 Share ...
SOCIAL DISTA NerdQueenAlice 2y ago CHAMP I slid down a rockface literally named dead man's drop to save a kid who fell. I was about 13 at the time and the kid might have been 6 and just got away from his mom. It was ridiculously stupid, I easily could have died, but instinct kicked in and my body just moved. Share 248 ...
Rubbish_69 2y ago I was a whistleblower. Pausing to press <send> was a really scary moment and I was near to tears because I was convinced I'd be sacked for gross misconduct. My email resulted in an unforseen chain reaction and significant changes for my org, for the better. 265 Share ...
themaxiacv3 в 7y ago A three story house was on fire and there were three smallish children in the house, Two random guys climbed up the side of the building to save the kids. Share 15 ...
bleghhitsamber 11y ago My mom bringing a random guy back to life. There was a man walking with his family who suddenly collapsed under the underpass from a heart attack. The family started screaming for help, cars kept passing. We jumped out of our vehicle (my mom and I) and my mom performed CPR on this dude and brought him back to life. Не was legitimatly dead. (We are both heart patients, we have basic knowledge about stuff.) My mom is awesome. Share 39 ...
noonehereisontrial 11y ago My dad ran back into the mall that had an armed gunman in it that he just ushered my mother and I out of to go find my sister. While in there he stopped and helped the man shot and stabilized him until emergency help could get there. 7 Share ...
makevelito 11y ago I was having lunch in school when suddenly a fight broke down. It was between a bully and a weak and small boy. As I got up a pretty average-sized boy comes running behind the bully and hits him with a chair. As he is stunned his friends come behind him and attack the chair boy. As they approach a few more guys come charging with chairs and pretty much destroy the bad guys. It happened for maybe 10 seconds. After that the principal rebuked almost every guy and that was it. 309 Share ...
Ms_Baby_Blue . 11y ago I saw a guy at a farmer's market catch a baby who was about to fall from a checkout counter 126 Share ...
Dog_And_Cat_Dicks 10y ago I watched my brother dive off our boat, swim to a floating dock, pull himself out of the water onto said dock and pull a 70+ y/o man out of the water who was hanging on the dock for dear life. So much adrenalin pumping, time slowed down. It was the longest bite of a ham sandwich I have ever taken in my entire life. so INTENSE. 11 Share ...
TheLonelySyed27 5y ago My mom saving my life. The first time, we lived on the mountain side. After a pretty bad thunderstorm, some of the runoff water got into the basement. My mom was an earlybird, and realized that the basement was flooding. She grabbed me (I was sleeping in the basement) and ran up the stairs. The moment she got up, the alarm for the water getting electrocuted rang. Buuuut it cancels out because she nearly abandoned me, on purpose, in the city. To be fair tho I was an annoying kid. 1 Share ...
5peasinapod 7y ago My 3 year old son once snatched a hornet out of midair to prevent it from stinging me. Of course it stung his hand, and through his tears he said, But I saved you didn't I, Mommy? My heart swells everytime I think about it. 1.4K Share ...
FantasticDan1 7y ago My gym teacher was breaking up a fight between two students and the one who was losing had a friend looking to jump in too but he had a knife. Another guy saw it and cut across his path, grabbed the knife and it broke off in his hand. Blood everywhere, nasty scar but knife guy never got to the gym teacher or the tussle. Share 30 ...
gonecrazy_backsoon 7y ago I was with a friend who had a broken arm. We got out of the bar and saw some guy getting the shit kicked out of him by 5-6 guys. My friend with the broken arm ran right into the middle of the fight and was able to break up it up. Most likely saving the other guys life. 120 Share ...
fartifact 11y ago My dad witnessed this. Не worked for a hospital and got to know the resident officer. I guess on his way home, he saw a drunk driver careening towards a daycare. Не sped his vehicle into the way of the wayward car. Stopping the drunk from hitting the children. 5 Share ...
I_Love_All_Women 11y ago Watched a drunk guy speed down my block and hit a light pole. Car flipped upside down. Caught on fire. Guy is screaming bloody murder. My neighbor heard it from inside. She jogged over to the car while I called 911 and pulled the guy out. BOOM. Entire car engulfs in flames right after. She casually walks back inside after making sure the cops are on their way and he is alive. She was a very modest woman....Didn't want any attention for doing the right thing. 578 Share ...
vonshavingcream 13y ago I was about 14ish. I was sleeping over at a friends house. The house next door started on fire. His parents woke us up to leave the house. When he realized what was happening, he popped up out of bed. jumped out the window climbed off the roof of the house and ran over to the neighbors. broke through a window and fireman carried the two retired people out of the house. Не rescued them and their two dogs. Afterward the fireman asked how he knew they were in there. Не said, 'I didn't, I just remembered
binford2k . 11y ago . Edited 11y ago As a kid in rural California, I watched a young mother dash in front of a speeding car to pick up and heave her toddler out of the way. The kid survived.
huntingwhale . 13y ago Couple years back, I was at a beach near the Okanagon. There was a life guard on duty at the beach. All of a sudden, he takes of sprinting into the water, swims out and pulls out a little kid who got tangled in his lifejacket. I don't think anybody else on the beach noticed the kid at all. But somehow the lifeguard spotted him. 300 Share ...
NannySkeksis 11y ago Saw a car flip over on the highway. The second the car stopped sliding on the road a guy came out with a bat, broke the windows, and grabbed 2 children out of the backseat then got the adults out. 302 Share ...
soundform 13y ago . Edited 13y ago I didn't really witness it, but a friend of mine was on Utøya when the attacks happened. Не threw himself in front of a girl to prevent her from being shot. Не died instantly, but the girl survived. Rest in peace, Espen. <3 857 Share ...
salixman 13y ago When I was a little kid I lived on a farm that was bordered by a river. My cousins were visiting, and one of them was sitting on the riverbank (she must have only been 5 or 6 at the time). It had rained recently so the river was high and swift. She fell into the river and couldn't swim back to shore. Her mom jumped in to save her. She was strong enough to swim back to shore but couldn't get back while holding her daughter. While my family was freaking out our nice and obedient
хатотах 13y ago My 3-year old son saw a little girl fall into a mud puddle. She was starting to cry from the humiliation. My son saw this and proceeded to purposely fall face first into the same puddle to deflect the attention from her, and show her it was all right. It was obvious this was his motive, and probably one of the proudest moments I have had as a parent. 8 Share ...
boatstrumpgirls 13y ago We were driving by a local park when my dad saw a kid hit another kid twice in the back with an aluminum baseball bat. Не parked the car in the middle of a fairly active road, jumped out of the car and ran over there yelling the word STOP so loudly, deeply, and aggressively that everyone in the neighborhood is probably still pooping themselves. The kid immediately dropped the bat and started to run but my dad tackled him. My mom had to run back to our house (only a few blocks) to call the police
pomdecouer 13y ago I was about ten, and was swimming in the ocean with my three little siblings and my mom, who was holding my little brother because he was still a baby. All of a sudden she screams out, in terrible pain, then yells 'FEET UP, SWIM то SHORE, NOW!' She grabs my little sister, She is limping, holding my brother and sister when she screams again and falls backwards, all the while holding my baby brother 6 inches above water, my sister over her shoulder to avoid the fucking SCHOOL OF STINGRAY that were passing by and we


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