30 of the Biggest Culture Shocks People Have Experienced

‘Tipping is considered disrespectful in Japan’
30 of the Biggest Culture Shocks People Have Experienced

There’s nothing like leaving your little corner of the world and finding out that you know nothing about how other people live. The concept of tipping is a normal part of American culture, but in Japan, tipping is considered disrespectful, and servers won’t accept extra money for doing their job. 

Redditors from all over the globe have remembered times they were flabbergasted during their travels, including a stateside Australian who was shocked at the concept of mozzarella sticks. Welcome to America, baby!

 3y ago When I went to Dominican Republic, my family and I saw a guy literally go behind a bush, put his pants down and take a dump. One of the locals told us that this was a common thing there. 489 Share ...
literallylifeguard 9mo ago Florida When I went to Spain on my school's Europe trip, I was shocked to find out that Spaniards find my Cuban Spanish hard to understand and low class. One guy even told me, in English, that I spoke hick Spanish. 403 Share ...
Itriedtonot Зу ago I was messing friends in Africa. Every time I told a joke, I'd get a response kk. I'm here thinking I'm not funny for literal months. Then one time, one of them says kk. You're so funny! So I ask them what kk means, and they say its laughing. 105 Share ...
huhwhat90 9mo ago AL-WA-AL Being able to buy codeine over the counter, but requiring a prescription for melatonin in the UK. Also, not being able to find Neosporin and having to buy an equivalent at a pharmacy because it isn't sold at stores like Tesco. 138 Share ...
Sarnick18 Зу ago Not mine but in college I had a roommate from Australia who was studying abroad in America. We went out to dinner one night and I got mozzarella sticks. Не could not believe we just deep fried cheese and then eat it 2.5K Share ...
SheepherderUseful241 . 3y ago My cousin visited me from Nigeria and couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that we have entire stores here just for pets and pet products. In Nigeria most of the dogs are allowed to just run wild. Share 771 ...
Trippinupthestairs 3y ago Just how late the Spanish eat dinner. Totally respect it, but I was hungry at 6pm and was shocked no restaurant was open to serve at that time. 745 Share ...
yehboyjj Зу ago Dutch guy here. When we went to Canada for the first time everything was HUGE. Big cars on big roads, big streets and restaurants and Malls. I remember we were driving for what seemed like hours through suburbs and I just kept thinking surely after the next turn we're out of the city but the city just seemed to be endless - kind of scary almost. Also; distance was huge. In the Netherlands driving from the easter to the western end of the country takes 2-3 hrs. In Canada, what seemed like an infinitely small distance on the map
Ok_Worldliness1818 Зу ago I know it sounds ridiculous. but my biggest culture shock is 'hugs and kisses' I grew up in a family who doesn't show love through such means. The very first time I was hugged and kissed by someone, I literally froze and had absolute no clue on how to react 1.1K Share ...
irelace 9mo ago New Jersey Having someone in Germany angrily tell me to go back to America after asking me if I liked Germany better than America and I replied Well America is my home. It is highly frowned upon where I'm from to tell people to go back to where they came from. 346 Share ...
 3y ago That Europeans dont use ice as much as Americans, and some beers are supposed to be consumed warm Share 353 ...
zlta e 3y ago I moved from Europe to USA. How Americans idolize their politicians. These are public servants, YOU PAY THEM! your taxes pay them, THEY WORK FOR YOU! 1.8K Share ...
theb1g в 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Small town Oklahoma as a black man by myself. I was in a bar and was actually told you know, you just changed my opinion about black people. It was by an older white guy who hadn't seen a black person in person since Vietnam.
0_1_0_2 6y ago When a large Maori man asked to touch noses with me in greeting. The dude looked pissed until I manned up and was the first to touch noses. Then he had one of the best smiles I've ever seen on a mountain of a man. It lit up the entire cultural center. 20K Share ...
LiquidMythril 6y ago I set up a nice candle lit dinner at home for gf once. In the middle of dinner she drops that candles remind her of extremely poor family who had to ration their candles into minutes and they had to multitask to conserve light. You had to do your homework all at the same time cuz the candles only lasted so long. Still tears me up 12K Share ...
memejeet 6y ago A few years back, our family went to Japan for a family trip. We were in a restaurant, and my dad tipped our waitress while we were leaving. About 5 minutes after we left, we saw our waitress running down the street. She handed our money back to us. We were all confused, so my dad tried to hand the tip back to her. She wouldn't take the money, and ran back to the restaurant. We didn't realize this, but tipping is considered rude in Japan. 874 Share ...
NoelaniiRowynn 6y ago When I got my first teaching job, I had moved from NE Pennsylvania to southern Arizona. I rented a house with my husband and another couple. The house was huge. Absolute insanity for what we paid for it. When my students found out I lived in a two story house, they all were in disbelief. I was told that only rich people lived in two story houses because no one can afford the ac bill in the summer. In my defense, I was making around 29 k a year, and paying for a cross country move, so
BriefName 6y ago LEMEN In India, we have a system of printing prices for each and everything on the box/packet of that thing. This includes everything from a tiny pack of gums to a giant refrigerator. Vendors can not charge more than the MRP, they can charge less than that. Most of the big supermarkets and malls usually charge less than the MRP. However, in Europe, I've never seen this. Anyone can charge any price for anything. I've seen a pack of milk can be sold at four different prices in my nearby stores. In India, if the owner charges
shorething0264 . 6y ago Watching children in Mexico happily eating crickets like they were popcorn. Also, 4 or 5 year old kids out at 10pm to sell gum. 16K Share ...
burtwinters 6y ago I grew up in a working class city where passive-aggression wasn't a thing. If people didn't like you they made it obvious. Shouting matches and fist-fights were pretty common. Then I get a job at a snooty ivy league university and nobody expresses what they actually think or feel, snide remarks replaced insults, people quietly conspire against you while pretending to be your friend, and you can't call people out on their bullshit without getting socially shunned because everybody is neck deep swimming in it. 8.7K Share ...
Neuthung 6y ago Last year my wife and I took a trip to Japan for two weeks. The trip itself went splendidly, and we particularly appreciated how polite things were at all times no matter where we went. Then we flew into Ohare Airport in Chicago... 2.1K Share ...
kantartist 6y ago So I'm norwegian, but I went to New Zealand for a year. The culture shock for me was how open kiwis talk, and how there's no such thing as stranger danger. And as a typical norwegian introvert, it took a while to get used to. I'd meet a stranger and they'd be breaking the touching barrier right away and start talking about their cousin's rash and all their weekend plans. Even bigger shock returning to silent Norway. 15K Share ...
 6y ago Came to NYC and located a good British chippy in lower Manhattan. Bought sausage chips and gravy, would be about 3-4 quid back home. The British guy behind the till managed to keep a straight face as he charged me $20. Share 9.6K ...
-pewpewpew- e 6y ago Holidaying in Tokyo and watching 5 year old kids walk themselves home from school and catching public transport...all by themselves. 15K Share ...
katmoney80 9mo ago Colorado Lived in Portugal a few years ago and have done extensive traveling in Europe. I will always bring pocket hot sauce with me from here on out. The lack of spicy food and condiments drove me mad haha. 10 Share ...
DanMarinoTambourineo 9mo ago I found your staircases and interior doorways to be small. The stairs all felt like ladders almost. I was always confused how you got furniture into upstairs rooms. 22 Share ...
TweeksTurbos . 9mo ago Seeing kids in Denmark day drinking in public. 15 Share ...
deetzz91 9mo ago Ohio Not really a shock per se but when I lived in China I was surprised how much people try to cut in line very blatantly. Especially old ladies. I'd be next in line at Family Mart and some old women would just try to rush the counter in front of me. I grew accustomed to pushing old ladies back in line at the store or getting on the train lol. Share 64 ...
Icy_Figure_8776 . 9mo ago The lack of outdoor advertising (this was in the UK). It made me realize how hideous this trend is in the US. 31 Share ...
EUCrime_Junkie Зу ago Germany. The sheer amount of acceptable nudity in everyday life. Wanna play pingpong at the lake naked, sure thing. Wanna be laid naked in the park to get a tan, why not. Walk into a sauna, be met by nudity. If you are wearing a bathing suit, run, run for your life. You will not be accepted.. chases out even. Fancy a wee? Out in public? Well of course, just drop your pants wherever you feel like. 114 Share ...


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