28 of the Craziest Cases of ‘I Thought That Was Normal’ That Doctors Have Ever Seen

‘His foot was literally rotting off’
28 of the Craziest Cases of ‘I Thought That Was Normal’ That Doctors Have Ever Seen

A lot of things that may seem obvious to you aren’t necessarily obvious to other people. And while it feels wrong to call them dumb, you do wonder what’s going on in the mind of someone who thinks the four-inch-wide protrusion on their chest is a “pimple.” It was, in fact, a necrotic breast tumor that was so large it was poking through the skin. Yet, the patient, unbelievably, thought that was normal. 

To that end, other medical professionals have told stories of the very abnormal things patients didn’t think twice about until they landed in the ER, including a guy with some extra teeth

Ashmeads_Kernel 4y ago Edited 4y ago Healthcare worker here. I ran into a patient who had one or possibly both heads of her biceps completely ruptured proximally and curled back on itself so she looked like popeye. I sheepishly asked her about it and she just shrugged and said it didn't hurt so she didn't worry about it. You do have 3 muscles that flex the elbow...but still the biceps is pretty important. 538 Share ...
Olliethesquid 4y ago MD here. A couple years back, had a walk-in complaining of a few months of Abdo pain/swelling. I shit you not, the man was Simpsons character yellow with jaundice and ascites (fluid filling the belly). Не seemed shocked when I told him I was calling the hospital to arrange direct admission. 5.3K Share ...
GrayGhoast 4y ago Work at a dentist's office. Patient presents for an exam, concerned part of her tooth has chipped off. On examination, it is not in fact a tooth that chipped off, but rather a piece of calculus, which is buildup of hard tartar that covers your teeth over time when you don't brush them. It can be small deposits, or in this case, an entire bridge covering her actual teeth. She thought the calculus was tooth material and was quite shocked to learn we were actually unable to see her real teeth and she'd need an extensive cleaning
Dr_D-R-E 4y ago When I was a Med student we visited a clinic in the country where I studied. Lots of people woof get horrible injuries and use the local elixir of dirt/motor oil/spit from the local old lady to patch up an exposed arm bone, or whatever. Had one woman in her 20s come in with a fungating breast cancer that looked like a hard mushroom/mold growing through the skin and to the outside world, constantly bled anytime you touched it. Her family shamed any injuries or impurities and she thought she just needed to keep it covered until
thatwasmeman 4y ago Patient with cancer (SCC) of their finger. It ate the entire finger nail, the nail bed, tip of the finger. Probably a year of growth. Eventually got them to let me see under their bandaid at the cut that wouldn't heal. They had no fingernail. Had to scrape the bone bc the cancer grew so deep. 540 Share ...
crruss 4y ago OBGYN here. I've pulled so many things out of vaginas that people claim they didn't know were in there or don't think it was abnormal to leave them in there. Old rotting medical devices, what looked like a plastic car wheel or bottle cap, used condom, old tampon, insects, you get the drift. 454 Share ...
shaknawefeh 4y ago When I was a medical student, a patient and his brother came in together. Patient was just a post-op visit after a hernia repair. Found out he had another, baseball sized hernia. His brother, on the other hand, had LITERALLY had a football sized hernia visibly coming out of his left leg of his shorts. Looked like an inguinal hernia, and he was able to use it as an armrest. I asked him if that bothered him at all, and he straight up said my brother's hernias were painful but this isn't, so I thought it was
neverdoneneverready 4y ago Nurse here. 67 yr old thought she was pregnant. Gotta say, she looked pregnant in that it was all in her abdomen, like some pregnant women who look like they're carrying a basketball when they are at the end. But she was 67. Turns out it was a 37 pound ovarian cyst. I asked if I could watch the surgery. That thing came out all in one piece; I'll never forget the sound it made. This was at a community hospital many years ago, before HIPAA, so naturally the lab announced that anyone who wanted could come
spiderinside 4y ago Edited 4y ago ER MD here. Had a patient come in for cast removal literally YEARS after it had been put on. She had just decided it wasn't worth taking off. Her leg skin was literally growing OVER the top of the cast and then down it. Once we finally cut the cast off, she was surprised to find that she had no skin underneath, but the dead tissue over her muscles and bones was being cleaned by about 300 maggots. I knew by the smell that something under there wasn't right, but wasn't expecting that. Patient
AlpenBrau 4y ago MD here. Patient came in saying he was feeling a little tired and noticed he was having a harder time doing his job in construction (a particularly difficult type of construction). Turns out he had slowly lost 80% of his blood over the course of a few months. Dude was a badass to be working as hard and long as he was with only a fifth of normal blood volume (hemoglobin was low 2s)! 1.6K Share ...
No-collusion-su... 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Not a doctor, but I was a combat medic. A dude came in describing puss leaking from between his legs. So I took a look, and under his penis and balls his taint wasn't fused together. So essentially he had a vag, and it was infected. I let him know about his uniqueness, and he said I thought everyone had that.
Cardiolnquisition 5y ago During my short time as an acting physician at a hospital a middle-aged man walked in. I took my check-up tests and and he had testosterone levels at least 65% lower than average. When I asked him about it, he said that he thought all men felt like he had (low energy, infertility, sleep apnea, etc.) 196 Share ...
 4y ago Met a patient in clinic that came in for stomach irritation issues. She then mentions oh by the way I also started smoking like 4 months ago. And it's a lot Have you tried toning that down or thought maybe that's influencing your gastric issues? Well when I smoke, I eat the ashes 13 Share ...
ToughTigers1234 4y ago Oncologist here. This was in medical school. I was examining a patient for foot pain. I rolled up the patient's pants and saw a huge tumor called a basal cell carcinoma. I asked him why he did not come to another doctor when the tumor started growing. Не said that he thought it was normal. A TUMOR RED AS HELL GROWING ON YOUR FOOT IS NOT NORMAL! 7 Share ...
jorgeojungle 4y ago MD here. I had a patient that had such uncontrolled diabetes that he lost all sensation in his legs. Не came into the hospital because he saw some blood on his socks when taking them off. Turns out his foot was literally rotting off (almost completely gangrenous) and the blood was coming from a huge ulcer at the bottom of his foot, which had maggots living in it. Not a fun day 468 Share ...
this_will_go_poorly 4y ago Doctor here. In med school I found a snack wrapper buried in the rolls of a really fat patient. This triggered endless stories from the experienced folks. 298 Share ...
myopicchihuahua22 4y ago I worked with the Amish for a while so I've got some great oh I finally got around to addressing this after taking care of my harvest stories, but my favorite is actually a non-Amish chick. She was asking why she gets rib pain so often, and literally reached under her own rib and jiggled it with her fingers. Turns out there were a lot of other things she could do that she shouldn't ever be able to, and she had a variant of Ehlers Danlos. Literally I was so distracted by the popping in and out
EJX713 4y ago Anesthesiologist in pain management here. I once had a self-referred patient come in for his first consult. The gentleman was clearly in a full-blown episode of acute pancreatitis & was close to stroking-out. I had staff call EMS, myself & nurses initiated emergency protocols. After getting him somewhat stabilized & pain/nausea under control, I asked him why in the Hell he hadn't gone to the ER. Не said, oh, I've had these episodes before & thought it was normal. SMH 36 Share ...
Chuggerbomb 4y ago Paramedic here. Once saw a lady in her late 50s with a goitre a little larger than a fist. She had been otherwise healthy her entire adult life, and had not once seen a doctor about it because her brother and father had the same thing so she assumed it was just a genetic thing that she had inherited. 393 Share ...
AskingMartini e 5y ago . Edited 5y ago (Medical student) While chatting with a few friends who are fully fledged doctors and dentists I heard about this one: Dude had, not one, not two but FOUR extra teeth in his mouth. Now this isn't exactly super rare or shocking on its own, but when asked about it, he said Doesn't everyone have those...?
aspirin325 E 6y ago 0 Edited 6y ago A guy came to the outpatient clinic with swollen left ball. Не said he was injected with some cajuput oil by his friend (with his consent) to enhance his performance in bed. I'm a female medical intern and I tried so hard to keep my expression as neutral as possible. 2.3K Share ...
_Than0s 5y ago Woman came to the hospital because she was feeling tired and casually mentioned her persistent vaginal bleeding she'd been dealing with for 2 months. She said it wasn't ever a large amount so she didn't think twice about it. Labs were done and her hemoglobin was 3.9. For context, that's low. Like, you should be dying low. But she looked perfectly fine. 2.3K Share ...
Ноах13 6y ago Respiratory Therapist here. Was working ER and was told we were getting a patient in respiratory distress. When she gets in she is having problems breathing and need oxygen. I'm placing an oxygen mask on her and she yells I'm allergic to oxygen! I heard the doctor laugh behind the curtains. 233 Share ...
aniwrack 6y ago Edited 6y ago A 20 year old girl came in with abdominal pains. We did a pregnancy test aaaaand she was pregnant. She acted surprised because she was on the pill. I asked her how long she's been on it and if she had been taking it daily, as prescribed. As if it were the most logical thing on the planet she said she did not take it daily because she did not have sex daily. I looked at her trying hard not to laugh. She only took them right after she had sex with her boyfriend,
BeefyMcPissflaps 6y ago Paramedic here: Called for a diabetic. I get there and the patient is an older gentlemen who is laying on a bed with what looks like a white mask on. I ask what's going on, and the family goes on to explain that he's a diabetic and the doc told them to give him frosting if his sugar gets low because the sugar content will perk him up. Turns out he didn't explain that they should put it in his mouth. That's right. They put a white frosting mask on this poor guy. Shocker: It didn't work.
Ochib 6y ago Had a patient come in stating that he couldn't bend his knee. Asked him to remove his trousers so I could examine his leg. After he remove his trousers the reason that he couldn't bend his knee was that he had a plaster cast around his knee. Checking his notes, he had been sent numerous letters asking him to come in for removal of this plaster cast and as he hadn't attended any of the outpatient clinics the hospital had assumed that he had removed the cast himself. 4.3K Share ...
Dr_D-R-E e 5y ago A pimple on her breast that was actually a 4 inch wide, bleeding and necrotic breast tumor protruding through her skin. 1.2K Share ...
fresubinjucy 6y ago Patient thought taking vitamin B6 double dose was the same as B12 1K Share ...


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