20 of the Dumbest Things Done by Police Officers

‘Ticketed for jaywalking through a parking lot’
20 of the Dumbest Things Done by Police Officers

Everyone makes mistakes at their jobs, but some professions are a little more high stakes than others. For instance, you wouldn’t want to be in the middle of getting a tattoo and hear the tattoo artist say, “Oops!” The same goes for police officers. One Redditor recalls a bumbling boy in blue pulling him over for “being suspicious,” citing the facts that the driver was bald and on the road at 3 a.m. As far as we’re aware, though, neither is a crime (maybe a toupee is, but not leaving it bald up top). 

Other Redditors have aired their grievances about when Johnny Law really whiffed, and boy do these stories have a Chief Wiggum vibe to them.

PillySenis 6y ago I actually never found out what I was pulled up for! It was in a McDonalds drive thru, they rolled up next to me and motioned for me to roll the window down and the officer asked if I 'was doing something I wasn't supposed to near the ordering box?' .. man was I confused. Share 144 ...
 6y ago . Edited 6y ago A freind is mine was late to class becuase she looked too short and the officer thought it was a little kid driving. 147 Share ...
the_planes_walker 6y ago Lived in a small town. My dad had a bit of a reputation. Cops would pull me over constantly when I was driving his car. They would walk up, see I was not my dad, say hello and tell me I was free to go. Share 253 ...
SendRamenNoodz 6y ago Someone saw a blue car driving erratically so they were pulling over every blue car and breathalyzing them. I passed and then got a lecture about how as a young woman I shouldn't stop in small towns for anyone. The irony was not lost on me. Share 1.1K ...
SubpoenaSender . 2y ago Arrested for the crime I was a victim of Share 3 ...
allyimpost . 8mo ago considered 12, I'm short enough to be and I was in the front passenger seat. Share 2 ...
toxinogen 2y ago Curfew. I was twenty-three. To be fair, I'm short and scrawny as fuck, so at night or a distance, I look about fourteen lol. Share 4 ...
Efficient_Cookie435 . 8mo ago Very gently swerved on a completely empty street to avoid a pothole and got pulled over for erratic driving. Luckily I just received a warning. 1 Share ...
. 8mo ago draco_gone Got pulled over for not blinkering enough before getting into the turn lane 1 Share ...
silverblaze92 0 2y ago For driving exactly the speed limit when they'd been following me for ten miles. Apparently it's suspicious 16 Share ...
514_Music . 2y ago Jaywalking through the parking lot like wtf Share 8 ...
j64 . 12y ago I got accused of breaking into a car, just because I happened to be down the same street as the car was when the polic arrived. The officer then told me if you don't own up to it, I'll arrest you. 2 Share ...
Mediumtim 12y ago I reported my bike stolen the same day as another bike (same model was stolen) Mine had my name engraved. A cop came over to check if I could prove I bought my bike, and not stole the other bike, went to have it engraved, and then reported it stolen myself. 2 Share ...
Hades-maker . 2y ago A cop stoped me and was suspicious because i was i bald and driving at 3AM 4 Share ...
catjuggler . 12y ago My car was near a shooting. I wasn't allowed to move it because it was in the crime scene. So, I ended up with a parking ticket because it was a 2hr parking spot. Why TF did the parking authority ticket it while it was in a crime scene?! I fought that one and won though. 167 Share ...
AgentUmlaut . 12y ago Edited 12y ago My car was parked on the street legally in the town my college inhabits and my car got hit so hard by another car that the force drove it up partially on the curb. I go back to my car and there's a ticket for parking on the sidewalk on my windshield by the campus police. I pretty much tore that police station a new one Share 1.3K ...
Ghooble 12y ago It was my birthday and I was just getting out of school. I pull out of the parking lot behind 2 buses with another bus behind me. Somehow the cop thinks I was going 40 in the 20 but the buses were doing the speed limit. So I get hit with like a $350 ticket that the court refuses to lower because it was in a school zone.
smileymalaise 12y ago . Edited 12y ago I was at LAX picking up my parents. There are cars everywhere so it's stop and go. An airport cop waves me over to a spot and i go over. Не tells me to turn the car off. As soon as i did it, he began writing me a ticket for parking in a loading zone. Не told me to do it!
rmw6190 12y ago Well my dad once got a parking ticket in boston for winter parking violation in june. 124 Share ...
cryptodumbass . 6y ago cop thought he saw headphones in my ears but it was just my earings...... 64 Share ...


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