20 of the Funniest Tweets from Thursday, April 18, 2024

What a relief
20 of the Funniest Tweets from Thursday, April 18, 2024

Much has been made about how Quentin Tarantino’s self-proclaimed final film would make or break his legacy, which is undoubtedly a lot of undue pressure. So naturally, when news broke yesterday that the legendary director has abandoned The Movie Critic, speculation swirled about his decision. Deadline exclusively reported Tarantino’s rather simple explanation: He changed his mind. The film would have seen Brad Pitt reprising his Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood role as Cliff Booth, “a guy who really lived but was never really famous, and he used to write movie reviews for a porno rag.” 

Of course, this isn’t the first time the Pulp Fiction director has publicly abandoned a project. Tarantino famously shelved The Hateful Eight, only to later return to it and watch it earn three Oscar nominations. So maybe there’s still hope for The Movie Critic after all.

If Tarantino wants to see his last hurrah on the original Sundance screen, he might need to act fast. The film festival that’s hailed from Park City, Utah since its inception in 1978 is looking for a new venue. The Sundance Institute’s contract is up for renewal in 2027, and the nonprofit is wasting little time exploring viable alternatives for hosting the 10-day event. Should a relocation deal come to fruition, it will essentially be the cinephile’s version of the Oakland A’s moving to Las Vegas.

Thankfully, despite one man’s best efforts, the timeline is staying put, so we have a place to see some truly hysterical tweets each and every day. Today’s funniest ones include those about yogurt enjoyers fighting back, a vintage five-dollar wine and one mother’s peace of mind courtesy of roasted garlic.

dangy @tdangy 22h a facebook marketplace story 150? No way APR 08 AT 1:48PM yes way John reduced the price to $399 for Sony digital video handycam. John changed the listing description. John reduced the price to $350 for Sony digital video handycam. John reduced the price to $299 for Sony digital video handycam. getting closer to that 150 i see Sent 6 44 909 23.8K
Paul Bronks @SlenderSherbet. 3h ... When someone explains something to you for the fifth time and you still don't get it. cg 57 554 4,341 159K
natalayhehoo @highprobably1 16h ... I'm roasting garlic in the oven. My 13 year old thinks it smells like weed. I can relax now, confident that my youngest child has never smoked weed. 58 899 40.1K 669K
Gary Treeman @PurpyNFL 17h My wife had employee appreciation bowling event at her work, with significant others invited. And I was on the fence if I would bring my own ball and shoes or just throw a house ball like a normal person. I brought my stuff and smoked the shit out of all of them Imao 186 1,077 36K 2.3M
Lovergirl Challiebear O в @c... 20h ... Gordan Ramsey be in them people restaurants sticking his hands in a bucket of expired chicken talkin about SMELL IT 121 5,179 57.8K 1.8M
Jason, ex Inferis @benedictsred • 1d ... If I have a crush on you, just know that I've fantasized about grocery shopping together. 66 5,697 28.4K 892K
pris @pwiscila 16h Yipeeee Vinyl Witch Follow @Aflgirl126 People that eat yogurt need to have fun. scrap e the bottom 27 times. Its blueberry yogurt yum:) 2:45AM 4/17/24 From Earth 969K Views Vinyl Witch @Aflgirl126 . 1d People that eat yogurt need to relax. Stop scraping the bottom 27 times. Its blueberry yogurt not crack. 19 3,927 42.1K 1.1M
alex @midsmoker34.22h #LunchWithBro 57 JF Jesse> yo you know what's gonna be fire What Nba finals while you're in town Delivered nah. but kinda close just chilling then grabbing something for lunch. shooting the shit a bit while digging through the options a lot to chose from but it's hard to deny that we'll probably have something pretty yummy #LunchWithBro 57 1,085 23.2K 739K
Myriam Gurba Serrano @lesb... 14h ... MY DAD JUST RETURNED THIS BOTTLE OF STRAWBERRY HILL TO ME. Не confiscated it from me when I was SIXTEEN... THIRTY YEARS AGO. ITS VINTAGE! BUT m and BOONE'S Original Strawberry Hill Choice apple wine, natural strawberry flavors and other natural flavors Allight wonderfully refresbing disciously different, with the ma strawberries Enjoy this delight hat beverage well chilled or ocer for 53 105 2,310 174K
coca @clawdez 15h gona find out where this guy lives and carve this into things around his area 3 of trees @undulatingstr... 23h I had a dream about this symbol last night and cant find it anywhere Staples 33 1,994 60.4K 1.5M
Young Master @GumboG... 1d ... I'd pick up a handful of these and shake them in my hands like skittles before eating 4 at a time Mr. Wholesomething @foot... 1d How small do these burgers have to be? Especially if they on tatar tots. Yall fucking with these? 172 10K 89.9K 4.7M
Sam Rudykoff @SamRudykoff.2h ... Caught my dad sending an absolute unit of a text N THADE BURL SETTER SCRABBIE SCRABULE 24 706 28.8K
Richard Richie Loco Nevel... 1d ... Me pretending to be sick due to the fake food my niece cooked so that I can have her toy kitchen shut down N 24 2,454 23.7K 449K
lil arab @sweatyhairy 22h ... Paul Reed PHILS 44 @Bball_paul 911 i need your help. whats the problem. 2 girls fitin ova me. whats the problem. the ugly 1 winin 7:52 PM - 6/21/12 - 1 Mobile Web 2 109 1,867 42.7K
morrissey enjoyer @soulalche... 17h ... she looks like those girls who lived with their grandma and wore pajamas to school POP CRAVE @PopCrave.2 20h Pop Crave Megan Fox stuns in new photo. STAMITA 225 1,867 43.3K 2.5M
Just John @Tracer_78TXx1 dd I have a coworker who clears her throat every 30 seconds.... each day I ask myself... is this the day I'm going to prison for murder? 601 803 19.3K 633K
Meg @megannn_lynne-1 17h ... i was born in the wrong generation! not me, if i couldn't google a restaurant menu days in advance then i would die 28 6,969 46K del 1M
Tyrone Bryant @Carolinas_942.16h ... When yall have an argument on the way to take pictures 33 107 396 16.3K
Polly Pocketknife @poly... 1d ... me when my research on america is a survey of third graders Lori @haylsho.3d Americans will shit on potatoes and beans and then call this the best thing they've ever eaten x.com/ powcampsurvivo... sore 12-4 net BA 63 3,670 88.4K 1.7M
BlackRedGuard Q @Black... . 23h ... 8:19 8 Messages Your Dasher ? Your chat wit el has ended because your order was reassigned. You can now chat with your new Dasher, your food was destroyed by an altercation between your first dasher and BJ's staff. they are refusing to remake the order. Received now 41 2,756 53K 1.1M


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