20 of the Funniest Ways People Realized They Were Stupid

‘Asked a friend what year he graduated high school… at our reunion’
20 of the Funniest Ways People Realized They Were Stupid

It’s gotta be a sobering experience when you first realize you’re dumb as hell, and it has to feel even worse when other people realize it, too. One guy saw the light of stupidity when he said out loud, “Wouldn’t it be crazy if Friday the 13th fell on Halloween?,” which, as we all know, can’t happen. So yes, it would be crazy! 

The big dum-dums of Reddit have knocked their noggins together and remembered their dumbest moments, including a guy who was in his 30s before figuring out how to get toast out of the toaster.

ksinvaSinnekloas 4y ago Found a lost smartphone when walking somewhere. It was the exact same model as my own phone. Dropped it off at the nearest police station so they could contact the owner. Found out later that i had dropped off my own phone in stead of the one i found. 8.5K Share ...
Samaki_Ni_Meli . 4y ago This one time I was asked to ref a football match, was gonna flip a coin to decide which team would start. I asked for a rep from each team, asked the first guy whether he was picking heads or tails. Не picked heads. I asked the other guy what he was going to pick. 3.8K Share ...
killmenowplsz a 4y ago When someone told me they had the same name as me; I said Really? What's your name? Needless to say, I felt like dying 11K Share ...
 4y ago Me: Hey, have you seen my glasses? Her: Did you check the fridge? And there they are just like the 100 other times I can't find my glasses. Why do I put them in the fridge? 978 Share ...
fantsukissa 4y ago I was talking on the phone with my mom. After a while I got frustrated because I couldn't find my phone any where. I told my mom about it and she replied: wait a second, l'll hang up and then call it so you can find it. I figured out how dumb I was as I was staring the ringing phone in my hand. We had a good laugh about it. But apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. 2.9K Share ...
O cheezybreazy 4y ago I'm from the south and dated a girl when I was younger. First time meeting her mom, in a heavy New York accent, she asked me, you like dogs? I said, no thanks, I'm not hungry. It took me way too long to realize she was talking about the two giant pets they had, which were literally in between us, and not fucking hot dogs. 355 Share ...
 4y ago I used to work at a lovely deli around two, three (?) Years ago. Some of the beverages we offered was fresh, hot coffee. A gentleman walked in and asked for a coffee with lots of cream. Not a problem, says I. I pull out the cream, take the lid off, and my boss reminds me to shake it first. Not a problem, I think again, and shake the (open, lidless carton of light cream) sending cream all over the floor, counter, fridge, etc. Everyone in the deli just stopped and stared at me for a few
cleanandcozy 4y ago During a dental appointment, my dentist asked me to bite down on this little strip of like sand paper? Not sure what it's called exactly, but she says okay now tap, tap, tap but while she said it, she motioned with her hands like this: .. what she meant was tap my teeth down on the sand paper a few times... I took it as okay l'll tap my fingers together - and just mimicked her gesture. She was trying so hard not to laugh at me when I realized what I had done 909 Share ...
zahnsaw 4y ago Asked a friend what year he graduated from high school.... at our reunion. 338 Share ...
greffedufois 4y ago Forgot to check the oven before preheating. Set a forgotten pizza box on fire. Husband will never let me live it down. It was several years ago. 1.7K Share ...
cinnapear 4y ago I was in my late 30's before I realized you can raise the lever on the toaster to lift up the toast and easily grip it... instead of playing Operation with your fingers and the toaster slots. 1.4K Share ...
x3Sheets2daWind 4y ago I put my phone in the freezer to charge. I remember having the thought that it would actually work. Several hours later, I couldn't find my phone. When someone called me, my brain refused to put together that the reason why my fridge was playing music was that my phone was in it. I just thought it was a feature I had missed. 3.1K Share ...
tinkrman 4y ago . Edited 4y ago This conversation with my boss. I will be in late tomorrow. I have a doctor's appointment. Is everything ok? Yes, why do you ask? 1.4K Share ...
AssDimple 4y ago In my kitchen I have one cabinet for bowls and plates and another one for cups. This hasn't changed since moving into the house four years ago. About 75% of the time, I open the wrong cabinet to get what I need. Even when I try really hard to focus on opening the right cabinet, I still regularly get it wrong. That was the final straw that validated my stupidity. 2.5K Share ...
03throwaway03 4y ago I spent a good 45 seconds trying to open a can of beans with a can opener and couldnt for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong. I remember thinking it had been awhile since I'd opened a can but really? Then I took a good, hard look at what I was doing and realized I was trying to open an can with a potato peeler. 3.3K Share ...
justbringmetacos 4y ago I was working with my deaf coworker and the store we worked at was having a sale on airpod pros. I FORGOT he wouldn't be able to use them and was miming to him that he should buy some. Не just pointed to his ears and shook his head. Then to make it worse, I kept trying to sign to him that I was sorry and kept signing thank you instead. Не at least got a good laugh out of it. 429 Share ...
POded99 в 4y ago . Edited 4y ago My bf was weighing our suitcases the night before a flight. Не did the classic, step on the scale and then step on the scale with the suitcase and do the math technique. One of the bags was a couple of kg over the limit so I reassured him that by morning he will have lost a bit of weight which might help get back under the limit. Didn't think that one through.
ChaOsLOrdNurgle . 4y ago Me: You know I've had better Mondays, but I've also had worse. My co-worker: Good thing it's Tuesday so Share 205 ...
 . 4y ago My friends Mom: so, does you car run on diesel or petrol? Me, drunk as shit and an idiot: oh no it's a mercedes Share 1.1K ...
blazebot4200 4y ago I said out loud. Wouldn't it be crazy it Halloween fell on a Friday the 13th it would be crazy because that's not how dates work 1.1K Share ...


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