40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Could Be the Konami Code for Your Brain

Maybe it’ll spawn an extra life!
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Could Be the Konami Code for Your Brain

Medical experts have called Memento “close to a perfect exploration of neurobiology memory.” Take that, everyone who’s ever said I quote that movie on first dates too much!

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Tom Cruise

Serious actors and directors doing comedy Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder After Mission: Impossible, Cruise's preference for action blockbusters over the dramas that helped build his career became clear. But then came 2008's Tropic Thunder, and suddenly he could play a fat, sweaty, coked-up Hollywood producer that took an already hilarious comedy to the next level. CRACKED.COM

James MacDonald

Gus is only the second most famous mouse voiced by actor James MacDonald. He took over Mickey Mouse from Walt Disney, and held the job for 30 years. C

The Others

THE CRACKED OTHERS Grace scolds her sulking daughter, Anne, saying, 'Stop breathing like that... Stop breathing!' It is revealed at the end that Grace

Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield had jet lag. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 3 CRACKED COM Garfield skipped out of a press event in Brazil, where Sony was supposedIy going to

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Could Be the Konami Code for Your Brain

The Price Is Right

GRACKED A GUY ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT ONCE GUESSED A HAMMOCK COST $7,000. 9 O 2 23 To be fair, it was $880, which is also insane.


Zach Galifianakis

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Could Be the Konami Code for Your Brain
Source: E

The Doof Warrior

MADMAX COMA FURY ROAD tHe DOOF WaRRTor was discovered in a cave with his murdered mother's severed head as his only company. Now he pays respect to he

Fortune 500

Over 66% of Fortune 500 companies base themselves in Delaware due to its business friendly laws... Laws that are written by just five people. The Dela


Biggest Ass-Kicking NHL CRACKED.COM In 1944, the Red Wings absolutely demoralized the New York Rangers, 15-0. Over half of those goals came in the final third of the game.

The Princess Diaries

In the first installment of Disney PRINCESS DIARIES THE we expect Mia to make some mistakes because she's an awkward teen who is thrown into an unusual situation. But that in the second installment, she's still behaving like an irresponsible and impulsive teen when she expects to be appointed queen is, which is unacceptable and disappointing. CRACKED.COM



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