20 Funny Examples of ‘If It’s Stupid and It Works, It’s Not Stupid’

‘Learning history by playing ‘Assassin’s Creed’’
20 Funny Examples of ‘If It’s Stupid and It Works, It’s Not Stupid’

Many geniuses were probably laughed at when they came up with their genius solutions. Same goes for the following Redditors, who rebuked the naysayers, and argue that if a solution is stupid but effective, it’s no longer stupid. I’m inclined to agree, because coming up with the idea to use a soda can to fix a muffler is truly inspired. 

Others also chimed in with dumb solutions that aren’t so dumb, and we’ve got a few amateur mechanics on our hands.

wise_crack-cocaine 0 4y ago One time my dad was cutting jalapenos and his hands were burning afterwards, so I told him to rub milk on his hands because if it works on your tongue spicy it works on your hands spicy. It did. 87 Share ...
Psi_Star_Psi_ 4y ago Only being able to spell beautiful by saying be a u tiful. Same with Wednesday as Wed nes day 1.1K Share ...
moeggz 4y ago Fake security cameras for a fraction of the cost of real security cameras but with a huge decrease in theft or vandalism. 2.9K Share ...
 в 4y ago Placing used tires against your garage wall to cushion your front bumper from making potential impact in tight quarters. Share 1.2K ...
softserve-4 4y ago In the florida keys, they have old cop cars on the side of the road to prevent speeding. Most of them don't have cops inside them, or engines for that matter. One of them actually had a mannequin dressed as a cop inside. 433 Share ...
heekma 4y ago We kept losing our stupid little Apple TV remote in the cushions of our living room furniture so I took a small rubber spatula and duct taped it to the remote. Haven't lost it since. 3.6K Share ...
minervassong . 4y ago My dad fixing my car muffler with a soda can. I forgot about it until just now and I sold that car 5yrs ago. 3.8K Share ...
MeGrendel 4y ago As college student had a shitty car. Wouldn't crank and found the copper tab from the solenoid to the starter had broke, leaving a gap. Thought copper....pennies is copper so jammed a penny in the gap and it started right up. For months I kept a cup holder full of pennies so I could crank the car. 1.5K Share ...
Sexycornwitch 4y ago I struggled for years with anemia no one could find the cause for. Kept getting really sick, and every iron supplement caused severe side effects. (Extreme constipation and gi bleeds) After YEARS of trying to figure it out, the best solution was to take two children's Flintstones with Iron. Works perfectly. After so many attempts at medical intervention about it, it turns out the thing that fixed it was a couple cheap kids vitamins that can be found at any drugstore. 1.9K Share ...
Tbone139 6y ago Personally, rolling the date back 5 years on a PC to un-expire a piece of software that was no longer supported. 161 Share ...
glittercurls 6y ago I dropped my phone and it started glitching ,so i dropped i it again and it worked perfectly fine Share 11 ...
redditsoaddicting 6y ago My Guitar Hero guitar gradually got wonkier with buttons flickering when held down or not registering at all for a while. Eventually, I looked online and found out that you can fold up a piece of paper and jam it into where the neck connects to the body. It worked perfectly after that and hasn't had any problems since. 42 Share ...
 4y ago My car motor mount is incredibly old and shitty so the previous owners wedged pieces of rubber between the motor and the motor case? (idk much about cars) and it gave the car and extra 7 yrs. my dad plans on shoving more rubber pieces in there. Share 22 ...
Auferstehen78 4y ago Broken windshield wiper was temporarily fixed in the rain by tying a piece of scotch tape around it. Worked so well I left it on for a month or so. My Dad tore it off while asking what is this. I got new wiper blades. 42 Share ...
blupenguin29 4y ago As a mechanic, I see a lot of these. One of my favorites is seeing a spark plug used as a drain plug. Absolutely not what it was designed for, but it has a crush- washer so it seals properly and the threads line up. 7 Share ...
TheDevilsAdvokaat 6y ago Cleaned a cd that had gunk on it with toothpaste and my finger... Wouldn't load before, afterwards it loaded perfectly. 7 Share ...
 . 4y ago Put onions in freezer for 5 minutes before you cut them, no more tears. 5 Share ...
MrBi11y . 4y ago Learning history by playing Assassin's Creed Share 6 ...
42Mavericks 4y ago My computer's screen has a lose connection so it only works if I get it at the right angle. Or as my stupid method I janed some paper in between the keyboard and screen slightly bending the screen part and it works. Don't ask me why it just does. 5 Share ...
BuckSturdley . 4y ago I once used one of those drinking bird toys to keep a motion detector from turning the office lights off. Share 507 ...


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