20 of the Funniest Ways Underage Kids Tried to Buy Booze

‘Can I see your I.D.?’ ‘Nope’
20 of the Funniest Ways Underage Kids Tried to Buy Booze

It’s hard to blame kids for wanting to get a little tipsy. After all, almost every movie about getting shitfaced illustrates tales of debauchery that young teens fantasize about. Why shouldn’t they want to get so drunk that they wake up to a tiger in the bathroom

The following Redditors have encountered teens who have tried everything in their power to quench their illegal thirst, sometimes to hilarious results. A special shoutout goes to the 13-year-old who said he “left his I.D. in the car with his wife.”

lovelywavies 4y ago Former gas station employee... some kid, I think he was the kid of a judge or something, got access to the machine they use to make IDs and made his friends actual IDs with faked birthdates. 26 Share ...
DetRogerDeadpool . 4y ago Wasnt me but my coworker was working the register at the time. The customer handed him their real ID and they were 19. Obviously refused them service to which she started yelling that she would call the cops and said her boyfriend would beat us up 10 Share ...
a-m-b-e-r-x-xxxxx-xx 4y ago Fake Id for two clearly underage kids when I got it in my hand the photos fell out clearly was there sisters id cut at the side and there photo put in Obviously told them it was a good try but not good enough X 32 Share ...
Luseal14 4y ago 4 high school girls came in. They bought shitty vodka and white claws. I asked for their IDs, all but one gave me the IDs. Told the one without she had to leave and that she couldn't buy, look, touch anything. The other 3 lose their shit and while I'm reading the IDs one of the IDs says that she is 37. I laughed, and told them all to leave. They looked like they were 15. 34 Share ...
Hamilton3043 4y ago Me - Do you have ID Him - *hands it over Me - This says you're 17 Him - I must have picked up my brothers ID Me - No, it has your face on it Him - We're twins Me - Twins are usually the same age Не left quickly after that Share 470 ...
br34kf4s7 4y ago I worked at a store where the liquor closet was in back and you had to be 21 to go down the hallway to it. I check this one kids ID and it's obviously fake, I confiscate it and he's like whatever douche. Proceeds to walk back into the liquor closet, grab a 5th of shitty vodka, and place it in the counter then demand I sell it to him. My coworker and I were dying laughing at him. 488 Share ...
Littleavocado516 4y ago On my 21st birthday, I was waiting in line to buy a drink at a liquor stand at a festival. Extremely young girl in front of me tried to buy a Mike's Harder Lemonade. The bartender took her ID, laughed, and proceeded to ask the girl what her zodiac sign was. The girl just stared at her dumbfounded and walked away to cry to her other friends who were also clearly under 16 years old. 177 Share ...
xXButtFarterXx 4y ago 10 year old boy walks up to the counter with a bottle of whiskey. I laugh and just say no. I'm thinking it's such a young kid that it had to be a lazy and/or drunk parent sending their kid in thinking it's no big deal. No? Yeah, no. You're a small child. I can't sell you that. Here's my ID. The 10 year old boy was actually a 23 year old woman. I did the rest of the transaction in silence. 50 Share ...
 e 4y ago worked at a liquor store right outside of the university i was attending. had a dood come in, had to be like 18/19. he comes up and gives me the ID of a guy i grew up with... i just i started laughing. + Share 606 ...
vanillafrosting70 4y ago . Edited 4y ago I was a junior high teacher and worked at a liquor store in the evenings. A student came in while I was there. Не took one look at me and turned around and left with a muttered fuck. It was all over the school the next day and I wasn't the one who told. 126 Share ...
gingerdude97 4y ago Guy comes in, says he forgot his ID, but he's 25 and couldn't you just give me a break, I come in here all the time, i was in here like two days ago Cashier keeps saying no, sorry, etc, and guy keeps getting more desperate Guy eventually goes dude I've been coming here for ten years! To which the cashier just goes didn't you say you were 25? 139 Share ...
Death_By_1000_Cunts 0 4y ago DE Edited 4y ago I worked overnight at a gas station Kid rolled in around 2am with what looked like a legit ID for being 21. But dude looked like a child. Also saw a cop car parked on the other end of the store when I went to check if it was a sting I told the kid we can't sell alcohol past 2am. Ended up screaming at me saying its only 5 minutes past. Truth be told it was just a cover to keep from telling him I wasn't going to let him buy
JingJingfromQQ 4y ago Not really crazy but he came to the counter with a bottle of somthing. I asked him for ID, he's reply was somthing like is this how you treat all your customers?, in some kind of tone like it was insulting to ask for ID. I said yes. We both kind of stood there for a few moments and he asked if I wasn't going to sell him anything. Not without ID, and then he walked out. + 1.2K Share ...
puckmonky 4y ago I college I worked at a liquor and beer place adjacent to a grocery store. Lots of regulars and people from the neighborhood. For several weeks I had been serving this one guy: pleasant, polite, early 20's, 6'4, maybe 260lbs. One day after he left, this older dude who was in line came up to the counter and said you know that kid is only 16, right? I couldn't believe it. Apparently he rotates from store to store until he gets caught. Sure enough next time he came in I asked for ID. Не just said goddammit
Camyas 4y ago I had a guy come in to try to buy booze with an absolutely terrible fake tattoo (tattoos and alcohol have the same age restrictions here). I'm guessing he thought that if he had massive tribal tattoos doen his arm we would just assume that he was old enough. He'd clearly done them with a felt tip pen, but it was a hot day so the sweat was making them drip down his arm. + 2.3K Share ...
sjwolf24 . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago I used to work at a bar. A girl came in and gave me an ID. I asked if it was hers. She said yes. What she didn't realize is that the purse she stole the day before, and the ID she was now using, belonged to one of the other bartenders. Calling her over to look at this was a satisfaction I havn't felt before or since. + 3.4K Share ...
Scaphismus 4y ago At the gas station I worked at this kid walks in--no way he's more than 16--heads straight to the beer cooler as my co-workers and I stare incredulously. Не grabs a 12-pack and as he's approaching the counter, I ask Can I see your ID? Не looks me in the eye, says Nope, drops a $20 on the counter and walks out. We weren't sure what to do after that, because he didn't exactly steal anything, but we also couldn't just accept the money, because that would be selling to a minor. I left it for my
Jimmyg100 4y ago Two guys tried to buy beer. I asked them for ID, they legit gave me their actual IDs. Like a vertical ID that had their dob clearly making them under 18. When I told them no they were like really man, can't you just be cool? Like their whole strategy was to hope that the clerk would just be a cool guy. Hey, at least they were honest. + 3.3K Share ...
Potatofarmerdude 0 4y ago I was working behind a bar at a theme park. A kid who looked about 13 walked up to the bar and asked me for a beer. Of course, I asked him for ID. His response was I left it in my car with my wife. Couldn't serve him, but could fault him for trying. + Share 279 ...
Capetan_stify_purpel . 4y ago Some kid used my friends ID. The kid was white and my friend was black 10 Share ...


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