32 Bizarre Items Guests Requested from Hotel Employees

Um, rubber sheets
32 Bizarre Items Guests Requested from Hotel Employees

Whether it’s media depictions like Four Rooms or The White Lotus, we’ve seen plenty of fictional hotel employees being put in situations they absolutely shouldn’t have to deal with. Unfortunately, those media depictions are on par with real life, prompting those workers to flock to Reddit to reveal the strangest requests guests have made of them. One guy recalls being asked to provide a block of wood, doughnut, ball of twine, three nails, club sandwich, a bucket of ice and a hatchet “as sharp as the devil himself.” Though OP didn’t disclose the reason for this confusing list of items, he somehow managed to gather the loot in a bizarre side quest and was ultimately rewarded with $1,100. 

Others also remembered the things guests needed in order to feel right at home, and maybe these people should consider booking an Airbnb instead.

huazzy 11y ago Housekeeping comes to my office telling me guest left his gun under the pillow. I tell them not to touch it - and call the guest. Me: Hi Mr. You forgot your gun. Him: Oh sh*t! I'm already at least 200 miles away. Can you hold unto it for a week? Me: No I cannot. I can leave it with the local sheriff. Him: Please don't do that. I'll be there shortly. Не arrived a day later. 848 Share ...
Throwawaay7364 11y ago Worked in a motel overnight in very rural Idaho. Was asked once if we had a large chest freezer big enough to fit a mountain lion in. Informed guest that no, we did not. Guest proceeded to haul a huge black garbage bag down the hall. Не did not know that I also volunteered in the same offices as the local game warden. Warden was called, guy was arrested; mountain lions are endangered species. 217 Share ...
ulyn 11y ago Worked front desk at a hotel next to an airport. A bunch of flights were canceled so we were sold out. Guy came in looking for a room. Не didn't believe that we were full so as a joke I told him unless he wanted to sleep in a closet we were sold out Не paid me $50 and took our storage closet. 851 Share ...
MondayTuesdayRyeday 0 11y ago Gary Busey (yes, that Gary Busey) once insisted I find him a Water-Pik. 174 Share ...
 11y ago My brother worked in a major Hotel chain in Halifax, Nova Scotia for a couple years and he had a repeat customer who was frequently in town for business. Не was a fairly wealthy man who tipped well if he was well accommodated. His interests included brutal gay porn, nachos and alcohol. My brother received a phone call from this man saying he would be in town for the weekend and if he could pick up X items for him. My brother did so, put them in a duffle bag and left them on the bed for
Drew- . 11y ago . Edited 11y ago A guest once got upset because I wouldn't get him coke and a hooker. Не was going on and on about how the concierge in Vegas would do it for him. Well this is a family ski resort, so maybe go to Vegas next time.
joblo619 11y ago Ex-hotel employee here - Ih had a guy who was on something come to the bellhop desk and ask where he could get a blowjob. I told him that I didn't know and he should look it up in the phone book (back when they were a resource instead of a door stop). Не started to cry and security had come over. Security escorted him out of the hotel. 10 minutes later he was back inside and we had to call the police because he whipped his dick and started soliciting anyone who walked by. One of the many
PiconAlpha 11y ago Worked at a small resort in North Scottsdale. I was a supervisor at the time. A guy checked in with him and his buddies for a golf outing. The only thing we had for extra beds were air mattresses. The dude who's name was on the villa told one of my employees that if he could get him a real mattress to sleep on for one night, they would pay him $250.00 bucks. So, after my employee clocks out at 7:00 pm, Не drives from north Scottsdale, to Tempe, get one of their buddies mattress's from his
Wyliekat 11y ago Rubber sheets. Pink pillow service. Also had a nice lady book the honeymoon suite and pay for it in installments over the course of the night - each installment coming from the inside of her thigh high boots. 419 Share ...
Dan_the_moto_man 11y ago I'm in maintenance, and had a call where a guest asked me to lower the water level in the toilet bowl, because his balls would hang down into the water when he sat on the toilet. I had to tell him, sorry, but metro codes won't let us take the water down any farther. 1.8K Share ...
DirtOnYourShirt 11y ago I'm a 3rd shifter so I tend to be the one seeing most of the interesting guests. I've actually twice been asked if I could come up and hold the camera while a couple had sex. The one time I asked why they just didn't leave it on a table or something while they do it they stated they wanted video from all angles. On a somewhat related note just last night I got a call from Pizza Hut saying a guest called them up and demanded free pizza. It was a whole family staying in a
Majora64 в 11y ago I shit you not, a woman asked me to poo on her chest. 82 Share ...
Osloh . 11y ago Just today a guest got mad because we refused to put ointment and bandages her dry, cracked feet. Full service my ass 45 Share ...
Unique_User_Name в 11y ago Me. That is, a guest tried to buy me/bribe me to be a....companion? ....for her son (late teens to early 20s). They were very wealthy and coming to drop their son off at university. The mother took a liking to me and every time she saw me she'd shove a 50 note into my hand while talking about how great her son is and how lonely he'll be in this city, etc etc. I made a few hundred off her, but she got zero value for money, I'm afraid. 177 Share ...
too_much_TV 11y ago Woman called down saying her husband fell in the shower and could not get up. I told her I would call 911. She said she had no insurance and begged me not to. So I went down there and picked the naked 200 pound guy up off the shower floor. Не was extremely embarrassed. Не is lucky I am built like Brienne of Tarth or his ass would still be on that floor. 59 Share ...
SafariNZ 11y ago My nephew at a casino - a big spending Asian guest wanted a 6ft shark in the main fish tank so he could wrestle it. 54 Share ...
halihan 11y ago A guest claimed he was being visited by angels in his room and asked me to come help film them. While I declined, he gave me a link to his videos that he had filmed previously. I missed out. 58 Share ...
paigepaige77 e 11y ago I've worked at a hotel for 3 years and one time I had a guest call down to the front desk requesting me to change his diaper and to tuck him in afterwards (the man was about 45-50 y/o). I politely declined.
Platypus81 e 11y ago Block of wood, a doughnut, a ball of twine, three nails, a club sandwich, a bucket of ice, and a hatchet as sharp as the Devil himself. Made $1100 that night. Share 1.2K ...
IAmOtto 11y ago I worked in room service at a 5 star resort, and you have no idea how many people ordered hamburgers for their dogs. $50, room service hamburgers, FOR THEIR DOGS. 36 Share ...
Harmoniously 11y ago A guest asked if we wouldn't mind watching their kids (4 kids under 11) while they went out at night. Oh hell no. We mind. Share 11 ...
rap4135 11y ago As a young looking bartender a woman demand to see MY identification to make sure I was over 18 and legally allowed to serve Share 18 ...
cprnmoe 11y ago Extra towels. She said they like to take some home..because they hold up well. I gave them to her. Share 9 ...
 11y ago Bell Hop/Shuttle Driver/Valet. I have had a random bunch of stuff of wide varieties. I have been asked to judge chili cook offs to stripping at a bachelorette party. I have also witnessed crazy stuff too. I've had to go with security to break up people banging in the glass elevator 8 Share ...
amalgamxtc 11y ago A tablecloth. - I'd caught the teens skinny- dipping in our 2nd floor outdoor hot tub. She didn't know where her clothes were. I gave her a tablecloth and kicked them out. 8 Share ...
tequiladrinker 11y ago Customer asked me to refund the cost of thier one day stay because they had our full breakfast, but the grapes in the fruit salad were not firm enough....had to give it...HI had a 100% satisfaction guarantee at the time...if you were not satisfied, you got your money back...glad more people didn't abuse it. 8 Share ...
martiancanals 11y ago An elderly woman asked my female co-worker at the front desk for help in her room for an issue in the bathroom. Turns out the semi-senile customer was seeking assistance with a home enema kit. My brave/compassionate (?!) со- worker was also a CNA at the time, going to nursing school, and she obliged. 34 Share ...
 11y ago Не was upset I wouldn't do a line of coke with him at 3am. I was 7 months pregnant. Also, had my coworkers boyfriend come in and try to get me to go to a room with him for a quicky. Не was very upset because he'd never been turned down.
blue_delicious o 11y ago I once got a hooker for an NBA player. I also once got a pita for Jean Claude Van Damme. 19 Share ...
vomarva . 11y ago A broken shovel. 17 Share ...
belmontwannabe 0 11y ago i had a couple of interesting guest experiences: a front desk girl called me down to the desk and gave me a pair of dress pants. she said, can you find this guy and ask him to put his pants back on? apparently he took them off and then took off running. another time a lady came to the desk and told us a woman was in the lobby restroom shaving her vagina. awesome. she was gone before i could go investigate that one. Share 31 ...
sommersprossen 11y ago To have every item of furniture facing 45 degrees north in the morning, And then turned back again at night. No explanation given, and because it was a 5 star hotel no explanation was sought either. Share 10 ...


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