26 Hilariously Wrong Things Teachers Told Students

‘Glaciers don’t move, they melt and refreeze’
26 Hilariously Wrong Things Teachers Told Students

No one is perfect, but it’s unsettling to know that there are some real dummies shaping the minds of tomorrow. One computer teacher earnestly told students that if they used the “cut” function on a website’s image, they would actually “remove the image from the website and upset the website maker.” Another teacher informed their class that counting by twos went “2, 12, 22, 32…,” which, aside from being hilariously wrong, is pretty disturbing. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times their teachers were dumb as rocks, and some of these educators need to go through elementary school one more time.

lauradiana158 5y ago Once a horse closes its mouth, its jaw locks and it is literally impossible for a human to open its mouth again. I lost it. I work and lived around horses my entire life. All you do is put your finger in the side of the horses mouth where they have no teeth and voila! They open their mouth. Like how do you think a bit is put in their mouth stupid English teacher? (She told this fact to our class when she told a story about her friend getting her hand broken trying to feed a
Codeskull . 5y ago How to count by 2's. 2, 12, 22, 32... 1.1K Share ...
fffogolin E 5y ago English is my second language, and during english class, one of the students asked her what did lion cub mean. She says it means lion cube. No, it doesn't make any more sense in my native language. Share 2K ...
bennett93ish 5y ago I Edited 5y ago Had a history teacher who said you could easily shoot a longbow a mile. I told hee she was wrong and to prove a point she phoned my dad... a Longbow instructor. Then she straight up lied to the class and said he'd agreed with her assuming I wouldn't find out I guess. 992 Share ...
talonz1523 5y ago Science teacher, during the sex ed portion of the year, said all penises are the same size when it counts (i.e. when erect). Classmate then asked why boobs can be different sizes, but the penis is the same for all men. Teacher them said she didn't know and that would be a question she would ask St.Peter when arriving at the pearly gates. I have a feeling the science teacher never saw more than one erect penis. Share 5.4K ...
aesthetic-pixies в 5y ago . Edited 5y ago My grade 6 teacher told me that fatigued was in fact not a word when I used it in a short story and insisted that I looked in the dictionary. Found it in the dictionary in about 2 minutes and proved her wrong in front of the whole class. 5.9K Share ...
SpiralSuitcase 5y ago Deoxygenated blood is blue. Oxygenated blood is red. That's why your veins look blue, but if you draw blood it is red. I don't know how many people thought this was true, but I swear I heard it multiple times from several teachers during elementary school. 883 Share ...
MVP_Bradsta 5y ago We were playing a game where you had to name a thing beginning with each letter of the alphabet I said Orangutan for o and my cookery teacher stopped and shouted NO NO ORANGUTAN IS WRONG IT STARTS WITH AN A HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A zoo AND SEEN ONE? She wouldn't let me prove it and i lost the game because of it. Its been 7 years and i still cant forget it. 1.4K Share ...
MaxVLVC . 5y ago She showed us the flag of the United Kingdom and said this is the flag of America 2.5K Share ...
 в 5y ago A teacher told me Kenya was in West Africa and then argued with me when I told her that I'm from Kenya and she is wrong. Share 735 ...
Firefly128 . 5y ago That dogs evolved longer faces so they could smell things around corners... 2.2K Share ...
Durzo_Galt . 5y ago If a bug was in an airplane it would not be able to fly forward because it could not fly faster than the plane was moving... 9.1K Share ...
Raven_of_Blades e 5y ago Computer teacher told us if you use cut on an image on a website that it will be removed from the website and will upset the website maker, so be sure to use copy. 7.3K Share ...
Cla22ic . 5y ago Sodomize instead of cauterize the wound. 1.7K Share ...
BlitheringEediot . 5y ago I had a teacher that swore that Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad was a physical railroad that ran under the ground! 783 Share ...
6456290 ОР . 5y ago I'll start. A teacher of mine told us that the left side of your body your feminine side, the right side is your masculine side. That's why your skin is better on your left, your right is stronger, etc. God what the hell? 2.8K Share ...
tomhcrowe . 5y ago That the moon is just another star like the sun 554 Share ...
IZQUIERDA LATINOAMERIC jimmyk22 . 5y ago Alexander Graham Bell invented the word hello. That teacher was a total pothead 620 Share ...
KrebStar9300 5y ago When I got in trouble for laughing in class because a friend was being funny and making me laugh she said, No one can make you laugh. I wanted to ask her how comedians got a large group of people to choose to laugh at the same time, but I didn't because I knew there was no use arguing with fools. 414 Share ...
CULTure181 . 5y ago My AP human geo teacher tried to convince us not to eat meat and other unhealthy foods because they had unnatural chemicals such as glucose. She must have forgotten many of her students also took biology that year 388 Share ...
nogardleirie . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Past tense of drink is dranked. This is what can happen in English class when the teacher's first language is not English. 2K Share ...
Kharn0 . 5y ago Glaciers don't move, they melt and re-freeze. She was an earth science teacher... 782 Share ...
72Challupas 5y ago My science teacher freshman year told us there was air in space. She also told us that that's how rockets are able to fly. The fire behind them burns air in space to push them forward. 183 Share ...
driverboy101 . 5y ago That caffeine isn't a drug, apparently because according to her, you 'couldn't get addicted to it'. 2.2K Share ...
tunisianite 5y ago While teaching Japanese history, my teacher was entirely convinced that the suicide of a Japanese Samurai was called sudoku, instead of seppuku 4.9K Share ...
singwejoyous 5y ago An English teacher's word of the day in high school was lieu. She wrote on the board that in lieu of meant in light of. I corrected her. She was not amused. Or intelligent. 248 Share ...


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