20 of the Wildest Things Seen in a Gun Store

‘The police took my gun cuz I was involved in a shootout’
20 of the Wildest Things Seen in a Gun Store

If you’re an American and have ever been in an argument with a Brit, you’ve heard the digs about our wildly unregulated gun sales and the likely insane scenarios that happen in gun stores. And while our dental care and artery-clogging fast-food delights are vastly superior to theirs, it seems those wankers were onto something with their little jokes. 

Redditors have shared the craziest things they’ve seen go down in a gun store — including a guy who responded “LOADED!” when asked what kind of gun he wanted to buy — and all we can say is, land of the free, baby.

dev_c0t0d0s0 4y ago A person comes in with his girlfriend. Не does all of the talking and then the girlfriend says I want that one. No honey, he wants that one but can't pass the background check. Share 3.2K ...
Taurus0594 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Not an employee of one, but I once witnessed a lady in a dicks sporting goods wanting to buy two .22 cal rifles for her sons to shoot themselves with like airsoft/paintball. The look on the gun counter employees face was absolutely priceless. Не obviously wasn't going to sell to her. She got mad and just couldn't wrap her head around that a 22. is a real bullet in a real gun and will kill you.
sparechangebro 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Guy asked for a handgun, asked why, he told me it was for work, in private security. Showed me his firearm license as well as his security license. Sent off scans of these for background checks, showed him the products we had. It all seemed pretty normal, his record was found to be clean so when he came back, gave him the gun. Now see the thing is, he had his son with him. Kid was maybe 5. And this guy picked up the gun and asked for as box of ammo and started
That_Squidward_feel 4y ago Not a store employee but the story happened in a gun shop. Gramps died and left me his hunting rifles. Не was very close with the owner of the local gun shop (they went deer hunting together for something like 30 years) and I've known him for about a decade as well, so I went by and asked if he'd like one as a memory piece. Не said yes, so I brought a few of them to the shop and told him to pick one. In comes Random Guy. Random Guy just walks up to the counter,
alfields44 e 4y ago Had a dude come in once and say something about shooting someone. Then asked me to get a gun out of the case. Absolutely not! Share 13 ...
johnps4010 4y ago e Edited 4y ago Not me, of course, but a close friend of mine has been a weapons instructor and seller for years. One time a guy came in and they went through the whole purchase together including most of the paperwork. At the end when it came time to run the guy's background check my buddy tells him it would be a few minutes for the processing or whatever. The guy then says he would be outside smoking a joint while he waited hahaha Needless to say, that sale ended immediately. 82 Share ...
BRAVEL whale_sauce 0 4y ago I got denied in 2006 trying to buy a rifle at Walmart in Colorado wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt... 21 Share ...
IheartCart00ns 4y ago Don't work there, but was in a gun shop to talk to a friend of mine a few months after the Pulse shooting. A couple comes in, states they want an AR because that guy had the right idea about them gays. Needless to say, they were told to fuck right off (yes, in those words) and phone calls/texts were immediately made to other gun shops in the area. Always respected my friend and his crew's responsibility and gun ownership morals, but my jaw hit the floor on that one and I couldn't be more in awe
shutupjuicey a 4y ago When told about the 5 day waiting period, Heavyset gentleman exclaimed, but I'm mad now. 391 Share ...
lovelyvioletear 4y ago My ex and I worked in a Walmart. Не was security and one of our coworkers made so many bad sales that the FBI legitimately thought she was in cahoots with the people she was selling to. They investigated it and she was fired and almost went to prison. I don't know if she had to pay fines or what not but jeez. Poor thing was just so fucking dumb she didn't know what she was doing. 7 Share ...
csabathehutt 4y ago Girl (usually-don't get mad at me!) pulls out the description-or even better-the SKU-of the firearm on a piece of paper or phone, has no idea what the firearm is or what it does. 6 Share ...
skelefuk 4y ago Not a gun store employee but I did work at walmart and we did sell guns. Dude came up to me yelling about how no one was helping him get a gun, I find someone who can sell him a gun and he continues getting more irate and yelling even louder. If you cant even stay calm when trying to purchase a gun you definitely shouldnt purchase a gun. Не was kicked out of the store. 4 Share ...
BenGHana . 4y ago We had a guy come in and say the police took my gun from me cause I was involved in a shoot out. I guess I ain't gettin' back so I'd like to buy another one. We made sure to get his info for the ATF before denying him. 1 Share ...
eshemuta 6y ago In the times before the instant background check, we just took their word for it. The guy answered yes on the have you been convicted of a felony question. I told him he couldn't buy a gun. Не asked for another form so he could answer no. I told him to leave and never come back. Either it was an ATF sting, or he was too stupid to own a gun. 2.1K Share ...
 6y ago Lately my store has had a small string of Chinese citizens on work visas come in, trying to buy handguns. Now, we can legally sell a handgun to a non-US citizen, but there's a lot more paperwork and it's intended to be an exemption for hunting. Sorry dude, you're not going to hunt with a Glock 19 or a S&W SD9VE. 617 Share ...
ilikgunsanddogs 6y ago Gun license photo(in Australia) looked nothing like him and he couldn't tell me the name or birthday on the license. I asked because there was the lack of resemblance between him and picture and a big red flag when he picked up a rifle and pressed his eye hard into the scope to look through it. Just walked out with his head down when he was told we're keeping the lost/stolen gun license 3.6K Share ...
HoldenTite 6y ago His mother asked us not to sell him a gun. Share 1.1K ...
ShadowRaptor95 6y ago Our Range rents out Firearms for trap/skeet shooting. Had a lady come in asking strange questions like Does it hurt if someone gets shot with it and also acted weird when she answered a call and told the person that she was at a coffee shop. She left, and we called the cops to file a report of a suspicious person. 6.7K Share ...
razor_beast 6y ago Edited 6y ago Back when I used to work behind the counter I had a guy who wouldn't stop sweeping customers and employees with the muzzle of firearms he asked to see. I warned him several times to stop. When he deliberately aimed it at a customer I immediately took the pistol away and kicked him out the store. That kind of unsafe behavior is something I won't tolerate and I certainly denied sales back then and I will deny training if I see it on the range now. 6.6K Share ...
shleppenwolf 4y ago --| wanna buy a gun. --Yessir, what kind of gun? --LOADED! + Share 318 ...


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