30 of the Funniest Mishaps During a Presentation

‘Passed out during a presentation about the assassination of JFK’
30 of the Funniest Mishaps During a Presentation

Public speaking is still one of the top fears people have, so your heart really goes out to someone who royally beefs it during a presentation. That empathy doesn’t keep you from laughing, but we at least all understand how painful it can be. One Redditor recalled the time their friend had to give an oral book report on Dandelion Wine and stumbled over his words so badly that he laughed maniacally, before letting out an “OH GODDDDD!!!” and punching the chalkboard. Everyone in that classroom probably still remembers that presentation — and not because of the plot of Dandelion Wine

Other Redditors have cited the most mortifying presentation mishaps they’ve witnessed, and it’s probably a good idea to Google the pronunciation of certain words before saying them aloud.

 12y ago This happened to my mom because she borrowed my dad's flash drive, and he had a bunch of porn on it apparently. During a presentation in nursing school, in front of about 75 people porn started popping up. My mom was crying when she got home, I felt bad. Share 983 ...
Tapeworms 12y ago I had a friend who was very shy. She started a video presentation, when some softcore porn started. She screamed, turned it off and started crying. I found out later it was intentional, she just hadn't finished her presentation and needed a way out. Worked too, since the teacher let her do it later. Share 418 ...
arsyy 12y ago Guy in my class was giving a presentation and there was a video playing. It was some boring presentation about transistors, but half way through it there suddenly popped up a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger posing nude with his hips pushed outwards and his penis was censored by a machine gun. The guy had no idea what was going on. Also at the end of the presentation there was a Samurai who stabbed himself repeatedly in the stomach. That was one hell of a presentation. 1.2K Share ...
kmack 12y ago I was in a car accident on the way to giving a presentation in class. I felt good enough to decline an ambulance ride and I didn't want to deal with rescheduling the presentation, but my head didn't feel quite right. Fast forward an hour, I'm in the middle of my speech in front of the class when I start leaking brain juice out of my nose. It literally filled my cupped hands with clear fluid and I just stood there not knowing what to do before stammering I had an accident. I'll never forget the looks
MondayToFriday Зу ago High school, grade 12, English class. Instead of studying a novel together as a class, we got to pick any novel of our choice to read, and give an oral book report to the class. One girl gave her report, but towards the end of the presentation, she slipped up and said At the end of the movie, .... Of course, the whole class cracked up. 114 Share ...
lostmywaybackhome 3y ago Had a classmate claim that the Olympics were owned by American tv networks during a presentation about logos we had created for the Tokyo Olympics 19 Share ...
DrNuggetYT . 3y ago We had to do a PowerPoint on what we wanted to do with our lives in the future, one guy said he wanted to be a rapper, but he accidentally typed raper instead. 149 Share ...
Retawekaj e 12y ago Sometimes my professor accidentally puts pictures of her goat in her powerpoints. Share 409 ...
revmatty 12y ago My boss was doing a big presentation for our corporate executives on the East Coast. Halfway through our graphic designer logs on to IM asking how the presentation is going. His username is, of course, RATFUCKER. 112 Share ...
123fakerusty 12y ago One time in history class during highschool we were reading as a class. When my turn came up I pronounced Jesus and his gentiles as Jesus and his genitals. 424 Share ...
manny_plaquiao_dds 12y ago One day in my middle school biology class, a girl was doing a presentation about single-celled organisms... or single-celled orgasms as she called them. She screwed that up 3 or 4 times and it was increasingly funny each time. Our teacher was laughing too so there was no stopping it, and the presenter was so embarrassed that after a few times, we'd know when she was approaching the word on her note cards because she would take a pause to try her hardest to not say orgasm again. 427 Share ...
Djinmaster 12y ago Guy in my class was about to give a presentation, but the professor noticed that he had an emulated Contra on the flash drive. Our professor then proceeded to stop him, get on the computer, and then play Contra in front of the whole class. Share 340 ...
SpaceCowboy58 . 12y ago In my aircraft performance class a kid was giving a presentation of some early jet and mentioning how the ejector seat would malfunction and activate when it wasn't supposed to, but his words came out the ejaculation seat had a problem of going off prematurely. 1.7K Share ...
Sabbatai 12y ago In middle school a kid was telling a story about how he had encountered a man of war while swimming. Не said and then I saw this really long testicle floating on the top of the water.. Everyone, even my sexy as hell science teacher started laughing. Не really didn't know they were called tentacles... which to me was even more funny. 441 Share ...
ThankYouBasedGod1017 12y ago a kid in one of my human resource classes cited The Onion during a presentation... 1.9K Share ...
Sus_Lendy1106 Зу ago in 6th grade, one of my friend was make a scientific presentation where he make a light circuit, after around 8 minutes he finished it and tried to turn it on, it literally smoking before it starts a little fire, he immediately turn it off. Lucky enough it not exploded. Because he literally not make a light circuit but a fucking bomb. 1 Share ...
sage_cosmictrip . Зу ago . Edited 3y ago I swore twice in my 9th grade Shakespearean monologue. In front of the whole class and teacher. It was then mentioned to the entirety of my class and the teaching staff during some wangs prom speech. There were many follow up questions. My finest hour tbh. 3 Share ...
Witty_Journalist1574 3y ago a girl had some kind of illness o she couldnt attend very often. At the end of the year, she didn't even have a presentation. She said that nobody had told her what it was about so she couldn't even start to make one. 2 Share ...
its_Chibikon 3y ago I dunno if this counts, but I had to make a presentation on Michael Jackson for my psychology class with my group, and one of my teammates put as of right now, he's dead on the where are they now? slide Y'know, as if he's gonna come back to life on Tuesday or something 48 Share ...
 4y ago Not me but my mum. She had to write about Archduke Ferdinand and read out loud he was assassinated and he died. 2 Share ...
MurkyEd 0 4y ago Passed out in the middle of a group presentation on the assassination of JFK. My groups members thought I was doing a dramatic reenactment of getting shot in the head for a solid 5 seconds before they realized I fainted. Ended up getting a pity grade of 96% for the whole group! 5 Share ...
storm_of_sass e 10y ago This isn't so bad, but in 7th grade one of the presentations I made had the word caucus in it. I started giggling like crazy and the whole classroom looked at me like wtf? 1 Share ...
Layman88 10y ago Ah, the good ol' classroom presentation. I had to discuss the plight of the Aboriginal people in my social studies course in high school, and my friend started making funny faces at me from the back of the classroom JUST as I started taking on the issue of youth suicide. So I was the guy who was absolutely losing it (ie. tears coming down my face) in the middle of a grim presentation about teen suicide. 1 Share ...
Crispybacon322 . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Well the one time a kid stuck a paper clip into an outlet and then the outlet blew up when he tried to take it out. 14 Share ...
kajhdhdufuf . 4y ago German oral exam. Teacher asked what my hobbies were, i said reading books, she said what's a book that you've read. I said the name of the only book i knew that was German. Yes. That one. She stuttered repeatedly while reading the rest of the questions. 16 Share ...
Jay-Stevens 4y ago I once did an entire PowerPoint, research paper and presentation on how tariffs in early America affected farmers from the viewpoint of the farmer, without a clue of how tariffs impacted farmers. At the end of my teacher goes that was a really good presentation, but it was completely not on what it should've been 12 Share ...
ThatRussianCat 4y ago one time i had a presentation about cotton. well i just copied the text from wikipedia. I, the 10 year old dumbass that i was trying to read words as Gossypium hirsutum, nebenkelchblätter and pflanzengattung. i hate german. 15 Share ...
QB05 . 10y ago A friend of mine went up to give a book report for Dandelion Wine in 7th grade. Не starts stumbling over some words and can't get the right words out so he starts laughing maniacally. After trying to stop laughing like a freak several times and starting up again he just screams OHHHH GOD! And punches the chalkboard. My classmates and I are dead silent looking at each other in disbelief. 6 Share ...
annoyingcheese 10y ago Was doing a biology presentation on dolphins and their evolution. me and another guy did all the research and developed the presentation. The third guy who we knew would be useless with research and presenting agreed to find a video we can use with the presentation. Anyways we go to the video part of the presentation and it started by saying 'the dolphin is related to....and has evolved dramatically over the past X years etc etc' before the video went 'of course we know that this is all untrue as God himself is the one responsible for
DaisyRidleyTeeth . 3y ago I had a music teacher search for foursome instead of quartet on Google in the middle of a PowerPoint and she was shocked by the results Share 1 ...


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