37 Lesser-Known Facts About Celebrity Relatives

Heck of a shadow
37 Lesser-Known Facts About Celebrity Relatives

Have you ever seen that show Claim to Fame on ABC? Its a reality competition that’s mashed Big Brother and The Masked Singer into a blender and poured out a schlocky smoothie for people who are too wine-drunk to change the channel after The Bachelorette. Hosted by two bargain-bin Jonas Brothers, the show sees contestants with secret famous relatives trying to suss out the identities of their fellow famous-adjacent roommates. For most people, this would present quite a challenge. For you, though — dear reader who has devoured all the facts below — it will be a total piece of cake.

Kim Kardashian / Kanye West

North West was literally named by fake celebrity news. When the media falsely reported that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West would name their daughter North West, positive reactions from celebrities like Pharrell Williams and Anna Wintour encouraged the couple to go along with it. CRACKED G COM


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