36 Random Bits of Trivia the Coinstar Machine Didn’t Know What to Do With

Facts in, facts out — because you’re sharing them, not because you're forgetting them
36 Random Bits of Trivia the Coinstar Machine Didn’t Know What to Do With

We recently had a friend excitedly share a fun fact with us. It was nice, but we quickly realized that he learned it from us moments earlier. Which got us thinking: How fast is the turnaround time of the average fact share? 

With no hard data to study, you’ll have to be our first test subject. If you have time, please read these, start a timer, then stop it the moment you’ve shared them. Thank you in advance!

A German politician had been married to a Stasi informant that was spying on her. CRACKED COM Vera Lengsfeld divorced her second husband in 1992 after finding out that, for most of their marriage, the mathema- tician and poet Knud Wollen- berger had been an infor- mant since 1972.

Marcel’s Monstrous Modernist Masterpiece

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A lost city with more buildings than Manhattan was discovered in Mexico.

In 2012, a lost ancient city in Mexico named Angamuco was uncovered. CRACKED.COM It was built by a civilization that was rival to the Aztecs and it remained buried un- der vegetation for centu- ries, with more buildings than Manhattan in a small- er area of land.

AU News

Facts For The Here And Now!

There is no such thing as pear cider. CRACKED.COM Perry is the alcoholic drink made from pears, which was popular in England un- til the 20th century and then revived as pear ci- der. Cider, however, is ex- clusively made from fer- mented apples.


PepsiCo Made a Hyper-Caffeinated Drink Called Pepsi A.M.

In 1989, PepsiCo offered a breakfast beverage called Pepsi A.M. PEPSI DIE WELK DER PEPSI RIXIUS Areco - - Tel 1523 CRACKED.COM The caffeine content was 25% more than a cup of coffee. Turns out, Pepsi drinkers didn't want to mix soda with breakfast.

Mental Floss

Snails can hibernate for three years when the weather isn’t cooperating.

A snail can sleep for three years during hibernation or estivation (summer sleep). CRACKED.COM They do this when weather conditions are poor and it's better to just nap through it un- der a blanket of secret- ed mucus.


Reported toad in distress in airport parking lot was monitor lizard.

A distressed toad in an airport parking lot turned out to be a monitor lizard. GRACKED.COM Rescuers were dispatched on a report of a toad wan- dering loose in the Guern- sey Airport's parking lot, but they arrived to find a very different animal, most likely a loose pet wa- ter dragon.


Special Lego figurines made of metal are in a space probe.

Specially made, aluminum Lego figures are inside NASA's Juno probe. CRACKED.COM The 3 Lego mini fig- ures represent Galileo, the Roman god Jupi- ter, and his sister and wife, the goddess Juno, specially made by the Lego Company.


France bans use of 'steak,' 'sausage' to describe vegetarian products.

Words like steak and sausage are no longer allowed to describe vegetarian products in France. GRAGKED.COM Some terms, such as but- ter, milk, and cheese are already protected on the Eu- ropean level and cannot be applied to plant-based prod- ucts. Words like burger are, however, allowed to be used on meat alternatives.


Motorcyclist clocked at 144 mph said he was going fast 'because it was hot.'

A motorcyclist claims he was going 144mph because it was hot. RST LXR CRACKED.COM The 22-year-old motorcyclist is facing multiple charges af- ter being clocked going near- ly 150 mph. The motorist said he was driving that fast to cool down on the sweltering hot day.

MPR News

Steve Irwin named his daughter after two animals he liked.

Steve Irwin's daughter is named after a crocodile and a dog he really liked. GRACKED.COM Bindi Sue is jointly named after two of Steve's favorite ani- mals: Bindi, a saltwater crocodile, and Sui, a Staffordshire Bull Ter- rier.

Tulsa World

There was a friendly fire incident between F-15s and US Army helicopters.

2 USAF F-15s shot down 2 US Army Black Hawk helicopters in 1994. FF 026 GRAGKED.COM The friendly-fire incident, which killed all 26 helicop- ter passengers, is attribut- ed to a chain of errors, from the general heading up the Operation Provide Comfort Task Force all the way down.

National Interest

P.T. Barnum was a P(retty) T(errible) person.

P.T. Barnum got his start by buying an enslaved 70-year-old woman. Не claimed the woman, Joice Heth, was 161 years old and had been George Washington's nanny. Af- ter her death, he charged the public 50 cents to view her autopsy. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Lost Museum

Oscars during WWII were made of painted plaster.

Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of plaster. CRACKED.COM Following the war, the Academy invited recipi- ents to redeem the plas- ter figures for the real thing, made from solid bronze and plated in 24-karat gold.



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