12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity

Ask me anything about my car and NOTHING about myself, please
12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity

If I rev her up loud enough, it drowns out the voices of doubt!

Should Have Taken College More Seriously

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


He’s doing fine, but it feels like maybe he wasted valuable time. He chose his major based on being able to sleep in.

He Doesn’t Know Exactly Who He Is

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


It’s not a car that’s suited to the city, but it definitely stirs something in him. He can’t even remember how he ended up living where he does, really.

People Don’t Respect Him

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


He’s noticed he doesn’t seem to be the guy anyone asks for advice or help. Is it because they don’t see him as having achieved anything?

He’s Terrified of Making Emotional Commitments

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


It’s easy to say you love the open road, but some nights it would be nice if the bed was already warm.

He’s Boring

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


He woke up one morning at 37 and realized he doesn’t have any hobbies, and he hates his job. What actually excites him?

He’s A Fraud

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


It’s a cool car, but those decals were on it when he bought it. He makes good money, but he’s terrified that if someone saw how little he knew about his job, he’d be fired immediately.

Small Penis

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


I know it’s a cliche, but come on, look at the shape of the thing.

When He’s Not in the Car, People Look Right Through Him

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


That bright shade of orange sometimes feels like the only thing that stops him from feeling completely invisible.

He Might Never Be Able to Afford A House

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


He loves to trick out his car, but maybe it’s just because he knows it might be one of the only things he ever truly owns.

He's A Loser

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


He drives a fancy car, but you'll never see the windows down because he's too afraid that people will think the music he's playing is stupid.

He’s A Pushover

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


He’s never been in a physical fight, and he finds himself driving his friends everywhere. He hopes it’s because the car is cool, but he’s worried they just know he won’t say no.

That They Bought It Because It’s the Car From ‘Supernatural’

12 Cool Muscle Cars and Their Owner’s Greatest Insecurity


‘67 Chevy Impala, huh? Ask him if it’s the same one Sam and Dean Winchester drive in the CW hit Supernatural and you’ll see his eyes ping-pong side to side like a cornered dog.


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