30 Pop-Culture Landmarks That Kind of Flopped at First

Acquired tastes!
30 Pop-Culture Landmarks That Kind of Flopped at First

Sometimes it takes awhile for something to find its audience. Even some of the most popular shows that have ever been on television werent immediate hits. Game of Thrones was received lukewarmly by critics initially, and international sitcom phenomenon Friends was actually torn apart. 

The examples arent restricted to television either. We probably only know how important Night of the Living Dead is to horror cinema because it accidentally slipped into the public domain due to the copyright being left off of the title screen. Similarly, A Christmas Story and Its a Wonderful Life didnt become holiday staples until they played endlessly on TV as cheap filler programming. 

So hey, if your creative project isn't beloved at first, take this list as inspiration that it could just be a matter of time. 

FANTASIA CRACKED.COM The movie was disliked by the studio that was meant to distribute it, RKO. They dismissed it as a longhair musical.
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