25 Inappropriate Times People Were Overcome With Laughter

‘Sister was letting ‘em rip during a funeral’
25 Inappropriate Times People Were Overcome With Laughter

Laughs, real ones at least, are somewhat unique among human sounds in that they’re involuntary. If you can crack a good enough joke, even your most sworn enemy can’t fully contain a small chuckle. It’s reactive, not proactive, and sometimes you don’t have a choice in the matter.

Of course, wordplay isn’t the only thing that provokes laughter. Sometimes, it’s not even something that, by description, is particularly funny. Overload the human brain with any emotion, and sometimes it’ll spit out laughter in a panic, regardless of how inappropriate the current situation is to greet with giggles.

Making it worse, laughter is like eating Pringles, or peeing: once you start, it’s hard to stop. And usually, knowing you shouldn’t be laughing has the opposite effect, as the conflicts of emotion piling up in your brain just pump out louder laughs. 

It’s a helpless situation to be in, but a very fun one to hear about. Thanks to a bunch of Redditors kind enough to share the times their brain made the wrong choice of sound, we can do just that.

Talkalot23 5y ago I always had a problem laughing when I was being scolded in my childhood. Then I would be scolded further for laughing, then I would laugh more. It was a vicious cycle. 11K ...
RunPineapple 5y ago We were at my uncle's funeral whose death was a surprise, I was standing with my cousin who just came back from abroad to attend her dad's funeral and was breaking down. My aunt, the deceased's sister, came to tell my cousin that someone we know is apologizing for not being able to attend the funeral because she's in the hospital due to a car accident, my aunt went on describing the woman's very difficult condition and how she had an iron pole stuck into her forehead.. 10 minutes later, the woman appears through the door in
FistFullOfQuarters 5y ago Me and a friend were altar boys. An older woman took to the podium to read a Bible passage. The passage described how Jesus loves everyone: the sick and the healthy, the rich and the poor, the circumcised and the uncircumcised. That's all it took for a pair of 10 year old boys to start laughing hysterically in front of a packed church. 8.2K ...
 5y ago A woman got on stage to sing during a friend's wedding as part of the ceremony. It was naturally a song the bride and groom chose. As soon as she opened her mouth it became clear that she absolutely tone deaf. It sounded like an animal being tortured. I was trying not to laugh but two guys behind me started laughing and it set off a chain reaction of laughter. Even the groom was red faced from trying not to laugh. She just kind of sheepishly left the stage afterward. 18K ...
FictionalProgress 5y ago My computers teacher in middle school told me he was run over by a car when he was a child. I laughed because I thought he was joking. Не was not joking. 7.2K ...
 5y ago At my grandaunt's funeral.. she was a big, jolly food lover while alive and is sorely missed. Everything was going along, lots of tears while the vicar was giving the eulogy, until he shared her last words, Cooooome on! A little whipped cream isn't going to kill me! I lost my shit, this was 10 years ago and | still feel terrible for laughing. 15K ...
ih8usomuch89 5y ago | was once hired to sing at a funeral and right before | was called up, the little boy in front of me ripped the loudest fart. I dug my face into my lady friends shoulder and my whole body trembled as I tried to keep it together. With in seconds | was at the pulpit and trying to come up with what I would do if I broke out laughing. I sang to the best of my ability at the time with a cough every now and then. We left immediately afterwards and laughed in the
alltherobots 5y ago Cadaver room. One of my classmates accidentally stuck his finger in a kidney because he thought it was behind glass and tried to poke the glass. Не was like, squishOHFUCK! - 8.5K ...
symbiosa 5y ago Edited 5y ago A few years ago I was participating in a religious ceremony with my extended family. I'm not religious, but my mom and her family are so I agreed to participate. I was tasked with reading one of the sections aloud and had to read off a list of titles of the Virgin Mary. Most of them were pretty straightforward, Queen of the Angels, Queen Most Holy, etc. But there's one section that starts with the word Virgin.... I get to it and I'm trying not to smirk, but as soon as | said the
 5y ago Not the most inappropriate but when | started my job on L&D, someone was telling another person about a woman whose baby had died. The 1st person asked oh my god, what happened? And the second person said it died and it made me laugh a little because of course it died, the woman wanted to know how. Second was, a nurse approached me recently and asked me to call someone to fix a bed because we were moving a patient in it and it folded and she got stuck in the bed and I lost it.
mindfeces 5y ago Group therapy. A kid (22 or so but you get the idea) was talking passionately about his struggles with Asperger's and OCD. Не had a squeaky voice. Не started talking about his OCD categories: things that belonged under the earth, things that belonged on the earth, things that belonged in the water, and things that belonged in space. Не named specific objects. Rocks, bugs, etc. Не said there were some things he could not fit neatly into his categories, even if they seemed like they were supposed to be in one. This distressed him. Не bemoaned cars.
DrLiska 5y ago At a funeral. My family was at the service for my cousin's grandmother. A priest comes up to give a eulogy and he doesn't know anything about the deceased, except some things that someone told him just prior to the funeral. Не gets into it and | swear it was like he was trying to get us to laugh. Не said things like You know it says that God knows the number of hairs on your head, personally I think that's kind of creepy. My Dad and I just sort of looked at one another, as if
HelperCamp 5y ago When my parents told my sister and I they were getting divorced. They obviously hated each other for years and it was a long time coming. My sister and I looked at each other and we both just started laughing. Never seen two people so confused in my life 835 ...
Superprattual 5y ago A young teenager was leaning forward in a chair at a restaurant, lost traction, and SLAMMED their face into the table. Absolute hysterical sobbing ensued. Their parents stopped eating their salads to make sure they were okay (they were, aside from a nose bleed) I was sitting at the table next to them and cracked the fuck up at the sound of them hitting the table, and even more when they started crying. I was a horrible human being in that moment. Feel bad after the fact, but in the moment it tickled me to my core.
txoutlaw89 5y ago Edited 5y ago A buddy of mine tried to fart on the pew in church and fucking unloaded a dump truck load of shit into his pants on accident. This was during a quiet moment, and I was absolutely howling with laughter. Edit: my highest rated comment ever is the story of my buddy power duking himself in the house of the lord. What a time to be alive. 6.1K ...
wormsquishy 5y ago This is a bad one. We were watching a news report on coronavirus and this lady was talking about her dead mother or grandmother. She was saying adjectives about how she looked when she died. she was this, she was that and then I hear the legendary line she was... dead, obviously. Wasn't that funny but | started chuckling and my family noticed. | tried to stop but actually couldn't. Had to excuse myself after they continued to make statements which I found hilarious. funniest and most evil 10 minutes of my year. 3.3K ...
isitadoozie 5y ago During Aladdin the live musical. My friend and I had front row seats. The main actor yelled a line. We could both see the spray from his yelling under the bright lights and that was it, we lost it. 230 ...
giggleboxx3000 5y ago Edited 5y ago | have two: 1. An elderly customer (like 80-ish) was pushing a cart and fell over in slow- motion the cart falling on top of him. | took my lunch break and laughed the entire 30 minutes 2. (the worst one) When my older half-sister found out her uncle was murdered. I have absolutely no idea why I laughed (I guess it's because, while I knew what death was, I couldn't process murder and didn't know how to react) and I still feel bad about it years later. 713 ...
flipping_birds 5y ago My daughter was in probably 1st or second grade and she was doing an online math homework where she had to answer a bunch of math questions and it would give her percentage correct at the end and then re-ask the ones she missed. She was down to one question and got it wrong so she got 0% correct. She bust out crying because she got 0%, and for some reason I thought that was so funny that I bust out laughing and couldn't stop. And then she got even madder and cried harder because | was
scottiebass 5y ago Was working at a sign-shop and me and this other guy were drilling holes into some wood paneling when the other guy said hey look and acted like he was going to drill into the side of his head. The drill bit he was using was one of those flat and wide ones used for boring larger holes and while it was spinning it grabbed ahold of his hair, ripped out a chunk, and left a perfectly-round half-dollar sized bald-spot on the side of his head. I had to set down whatever I was doing since I
i_fuckin_luv_it_mate 5y ago Children cursing. It's really funny to hear and catches me so off guard, just start laughing, hard to discipline them and convince them they shouldn't say those words when you're laughing your behind off 855 ...
uhmsay 5y ago One of our friend's grandma just passed. We had her over so she had someone to talk to. Her grandma developed bad schizophrenia and didn't recognize her husband (so our friend's grandpa), nor her daughter and her husband with whom she lived. Our friend went on to describe one particularly dramatic evening when grandma started to throw dishes at grandpa since, well, she didn't recognize him. Не had to dodge all those plates and glasses, which I had to picture and found somewhat amusing. Then our friend mentioned that her poor grandpa is wheelchair-bound and now I
ClaudetteElms 5y ago Sister was letting em rip during a funeral. She was like 8 yrs old. I was in tears laughing with my brother and two similar in age cousins. We all had to get up and leave. 476 ...
Roflrofat 5y ago Edited 5y ago My girlfriend started laughing at a family dinner about how her dog ate her cat. Turns out it's true, and she can't talk about it without either sobbing or laughing. Most of us thought she was a psycho for a while, still love her to death tho Edit: forgot to add, her dad then took their dog out back and shot it 550 ...
DerpWilson 5y ago This was at a ballet school performance. It was for kids ranging from 5 to 16 year olds. For one of the younger age groups they did this thing where one kid pranced from one corner of the stage to the other, and then another kid would do the opposite, in a big X pattern. And they would have these gigantic shit-eating grins on their faces. Just horribly precious. Well | started losing it at about the 15th kid but it went on for like 40 children! By the end I was in tears and all the


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