40 Manipulative Bits of Trivia That’ll Gaslight Your Brain Into Thinking It Can’t Live Without Them

These facts are great and all, but they’re not the only facts out there
40 Manipulative Bits of Trivia That’ll Gaslight Your Brain Into Thinking It Can’t Live Without Them

These facts are going to give you this whole spiel about them being the only facts you’ll ever need, but don’t fall for it. Yes, they’re great. They provide a ton of information about a wide variety of topics, but they don’t cover everything. How could they? There’s a lot to know out there.

You wouldn’t think that such a highly intelligent list of facts would be so insecure, but here we are. Hopefully one day they’ll know their worth and be happy with who they are.

The Chance of Being Born

CRACKED CHANCE OF BEING BORN It's incredibly unlikely that you were born - the odds that all 150,000 generations of your lineage would remain unbroken are about one in 400 trillion. So ... go and make the most of it.


Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman

Celebrities who were high school buddies Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman Both Aussies met at North Sydney Girls' High School, back in their home country. Watts dated Kidman's brother for a short while. CRACKED.COM


Lego Bricks

A Lego brick can support a brick tower 12,000 feet tall before being destroyed. The average maximum force the bricks can withstand is 4,240N, that's equivalent to a mass of 950 lbs. It would take 375,000 Lego bricks stacked one on top of another to destroy the bottom brick. CRACKED.COM



How much do NFL players actually play? One study showed 11 minutes of actual game play per every hour game. The NFL requires 20 commercial breaks per play. 35% of the time involves players just standing around. CRACKED.COM

Source: NESN

Frank Sinatra

The Manchurian Candidate messed up Frank Sinatra's wrist. An on-set accident permanently damaged his wrist, and it was so bad he couldn't hold a pistol comfortably anymore. Which was why he passed on playing Dirty Harry. CRACKED.COM

Source: Yahoo

Charity Concerts

Charity concerts for third-world countries are super-helpful. NOW Except when they aren't. Wyclef Jean collected $15 million for Haiti, then spent ove


The Sun may be older than Earth, but the water we drink is older than the Sun.


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