35 Scary Things People Saw on a Nighttime Walk

‘Pretty sure I witnessed a kidnapping’
35 Scary Things People Saw on a Nighttime Walk

Taking a nighttime walk can be relaxing, but it can also be pretty scary — and these Redditors have the stories to prove it.

One such Redditor recalled a nighttime walk that was going fine until they felt a presence behind them. Their intuition told them to turn around, and at that very moment, they saw someone swiftly duck behind a tree to hide. The creep’s efforts were unsuccessful and prompted the Redditor to turn their leisurely stroll into a brisk walk to avoid whatever the lurker had in store for them. 

Other Redditors have shared the things they’ve encountered in the wee hours of the night, and you’ll never believe just how many animals can mimic the sound of a small child screaming.

 4y ago On a walk at around 2:00 AM in Burien, WA. Saw a motionless body in front of a church... got a little closer, stared a little longer. Dead. Called the cops. It scared the hell out of me. Share 125 ...
les196781 4y ago I'll walk my dog at night and wear an LED headlamp, mostly so I can see any bear eyes glowing back at me. 20 feet down the ravine about 1/2 mile from home one night there were approximately 30 rabbits eyes glowing and blinking bank at me. Couldn't see the rabbits due to undergrowth, but the eyes........ Not gonna lie, it got under my skin. 519 Share ...
chodiesnotson 6y ago i was 14 walking home from a friends place and the TOWN CREEP emerged from the shadows into the gleam of a street light and said nice night for a walk huh? and i made guttural noise/scream and legged it home. - 49 ...
StalwartExplorer 6y ago | was walking home from the movie theater when I was 17 and two possums started fighting on top of a fence right next to my head. It was completely dark and the fence was only about 2 feet from the sidewalk. Scared the shit out of me. 50 ...
 6y ago Idk if this counts, but whatever. Walked home one day to see a dead raccoon, run over by a car. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Saw another. And another. And another. And another. Not sure if there was some sort of raccoon purge, but it was creepy as hell. 251 ...
NSAseesU 6y ago I think some guy tried to rob the convience store I was just at around 4am, as I'm heading back home this guy is walking thru the lot heading to the store wearing a mask. Passing by the guy I was a nervous wreck because I'm about to get robbed. Guy told me to give him the bag and I just talk in my native language and pretend I don't understand what he is saying. I looked back at him when I was about 30 feet away and the guy is just standing in the parking lot
Timeless02 6y ago In Tijuana, my cousin and I were walking to a corner store near his house and we saw a man play with this other man's intestines. I'm pretty sure he put something in his gut but I couldn't see it because this was during the night. I was scared shitless and so was he so we didn't say anything and just walked pass them. All this happened like a few feet away from his house. (I was 12 and he was 9). 29 ...
yeeterino_boi 6y ago It was during my year abroad, I went in Canada and I was in a stupid town, that was some three and a half hours from Vancouver. It was kinda cold that night, but nothing too bad, I was coming home from the gym. Walking down the main street I cross a road, something was glittering on a driveway. I take another step forward to see better, and k kid you not I could just make out the silhouette of a bear. The sheer size of that beast wasn't fun at all. I could see that it
radeon23 6y ago Was walking by the lake admiring the view and heard gunshots less than 50 ft away. It got dark so I couldn't see who did it. But I dropped down to the floor soon as I realized that they were gunshots and not fireworks. It was a public place too. Fortunately, noone was hurt and according to the news outlet it was two groups who were firing at each other. 51 ...
modsherearebattyboys . 4y ago A man and a woman taking drugs while I was walking my (late) dog. They asked me if the dog wanted some, showing the syringe. I laughed it off, but they were adamant, so I walked (ran) away. - 1.3K Share ...
 . 4y ago | saw one of those clowns during all the clown hysteria. It was just some teen and his friends goofing around, but it shocked me to the core for a hot minute. - 1.3K Share ...
Xandaman7 4y ago I was hanging out with a friend one day and lost track of time, when night fell I got on my bike to ride home and about halfway home I saw a figure standing under a streetlamp. Being a teenager I said fuck that and went to turn around until I realized I was already too far to turn back, so I turned back around to brave the night and the figure was gone. (There was no way he could have ran off in that time without me seeing him) needless to say I hauled ass home.
ruimtekaars . 4y ago Someone tried to scare me with an obviously fake gun. I was startled for a microsecond, but not impressed by this asshole behaviour 1.3K Share ...
DickyDelight1 4y ago Once walking home from the convenience store a well known rottweiler stray dog came sprinting across the street in front of me. When I turned to see what he was running from, I was greeted with an angry skunk running directly into my path. Ran all the way home scared to death of getting sprayed. - 2K Share ...
akroses161 4y ago I worked night shift on Kadena AB on Okinawa, Japan. I started walking to work because I didnt have a car. I really enjoyed the walks. It was a good way to wind down after work as the nights were cool and quiet and I could listen to my music without worrying about anyone else around. One night while walking home I heard some rustling in the jungle of trees on the way home. Next thing I know all of the lights went black and all I heard/felt was a loud wooooosh coming right at my head.
micho6 E 4y ago An old man who walked very aggressively. Like Jason from Friday the 13th but sped up. | was ready to run but I walked past him and nothing happened. Put me on my toes but holy shit change your walking form man. - Share 4.1K ...
RiOsRi0t . 4y ago A dude was following me around for a solid 10 minutes in a car when I confronted the guy he was just a Uber person who was lost - 2K Share ...
 4y ago I almost got kidnapped near a train station. Some dude drove up to me hella quick and insisted that I was some missing Canadian child and that he'd take me home. Coincidentally, a motorcycle cop happened to drive by, and immediately pulled over after I waved him down. Не approached the guy in the car very aggressively and told him off. The cop didn't arrest the guy or anything (the guy apparently told the cop the same I thought he was a missing child story), but he did walk me over to the train station and stayed
ImDedNgl e 4y ago Close to Halloween I went on a walk with a family member and a bunch of kids were gathered outside their houses with Halloween masks just staring at people walking by 2.7K Share ...
 . 8y ago I was walking home from work at 2 a.m. in a city, and I saw 3 pairs of glowing eyes staring at me from different directions. It was coyotes. I turned around and took a different route. - 422 ...
trigunnerd E 6y ago I was walking at night in San Francisco with another girl. We called a taxi because hailing one is absurdly difficult there, and I think people know that because... A black, unmarked car pulled up as we were sitting on the sidewalk. The driver rolled down his window and was wearing sunglasses. Не asked if we needed a taxi. We told him we had called one and he pushed for us to ride with him instead. Pass. - 146 ...
LizhardSquad . 8y ago Edited 8y ago Literally just last night I was chased by a young man who accused me of looking at him funny ( about 1:30am), a woman warned me he was walking quickly after me and I immediately ran as fast as I could and didn't stop. when I looked back some time later he was gone. I don't know who you are, but you saved my life lady. - 394 ...
NotAGhostProbably 6y ago A few years back, I was stoned and walking back from a friend's house. Suddenly, I saw all these lights floating up through a heavily wooded area. I nearly shit my pants, thinking it was an alien invasion or something. I called my buddy in a panic, describing the lights and he burst out laughing. My stupid ass had never seen or heard of Chinese lanterns. 3K ...
sugarfreeyeti 6y ago Edited 6y ago The sound of a woman or child screaming bloody murder deep in the woods on a pitch black night. No flashlight could penetrate the dense brush. The screams came periodically over several minutes and seemed to move in the distant woods. This is a very secluded area with no houses around for a mile or so and I was alone. I was sweating bullets and my hands were shaking as I tried to see through the trees. I could hear rustling as something moved out there. At that point I just bolted out of
dizietembless e 4y ago What i thought was a body in the woods, and after a bit of back and forth on the phone with the police I returned with a few helpful coppers to find a slightly miffed drunk person who'd had a argument with his missus. - 16K Share ...
 . 6y ago Edited 6y ago I was once walking in the park really late at night and some drunk guy ended up trying to chase me around while crab walking. It scared me at the time but now looking back at it I just think it was super weird - 2.2K ...
I-Orion-l 6y ago I was followed by a white van twice. I has heading to my friends house when I noticed a white van that was driving behind me slowly. I thought it was odd so when I turned the corner I sprinted to the main road. A week later in the same spot that white van started following me again before parking and a dude got out and started following me laughing and shaking his keys. I turned the same corner and sprinted to the main road. That was the last time I went that route. I cannot confirm
kinetochore21 E 4y ago E Edited 4y ago Almost 100% sure I witnessed a kidnapping. I was going to get my mail late at night while living in an apartment complex and on the way back I noticed a woman in her pajamas surrounded by a few men right by a car. There was an argument and looked like they forced her in the car and drove off, I found her slipper nearby on the grass. I of course called the police and they came and I let them know what I saw but I never found out what actually
Captain_Shrug 6y ago I got followed by several possums once. I know, it sounds lame, but when you end up going about a half mile and every time you look back there's these beady little reflecting eyes staring at you, and you can see them freeze- it makes your skin crawl. - 2.2K ...
curryandmilk... 4y ago A 7ft tall male brown kangaroo in the middle of the footpath. Buff as fuck just staring me down. You bet your ass I turned and went the other way, he just went about his business 30K Share ...
Bfortbattle . 4y ago Living in a rural village i was taking a late night walk with my gf, when suddenly we hear a loud what we thought was a human scream. Turned out is was a sheep, jump scared us hard though. 22K Share ...
realbigexplosion . 4y ago I once saw tiny hands reaching out of a sewer grate. Took me a minute before I realized it was a raccoon. - 63K Share ...
WindingLostWay в 4y ago Was up on a hill in the countryside at midnight when a man with a rifle came out of nowhere, ran right past me, and wasn't seen again. I went home shortly after that. 29K Share ...
THCRANGER 4y ago One time I turned around to see what was behind me just out of intuition, and | saw someone step behind a tree rather quickly and try to hide from me. | stood there for a second to confirm this, then I speed-walked home. Fuckin creepy - Share 25K ...
frozentooth123 . 6y ago There was some twine bundled up on a electricity line leading to a street light... ... for the god of me I thought it was a womans head 22 ...


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