35 Times Parents Looked Away for One Second and Chaos Ensued

‘Minutes later, all the fish were floating dead in the fish tank’
35 Times Parents Looked Away for One Second and Chaos Ensued

It only takes a few unsupervised seconds for a toddler to execute a daredevil stunt, as evidenced by the stories below. Thankfully, everyone came away mostly unscathed, though the parents will bear the mental scars for the rest of their lives.

One such parent of Reddit remembered when their toddler ate a pack of cigarettes. They panicked and called poison control. They were assured that the child would be fine, but “would probably throw up.” Thankfully, they were right, but the experience was scary enough that the Redditor quit smoking soon thereafter.

Other parents of Reddit have shared the times their curious kids quickly got into a world of trouble, resulting in a mass fish murder, a very sticky couch and an unforgettable window escape.

Mischeese . 4y ago - Edited 4y ago | glanced at the salt, and toddler daughter grabbed a whole new potato off my plate and shoved it in her mouth. She then tried to swallow it and choked. Longest 15 seconds on my life getting it out of her. Learn child first aid people! They are suicide machines as toddlers.
retailguy_again . 4y ago When my daughter was little, probably about 3, she went with me to shop for some tools. I turned away to look at something and heard behind me Daddy, what's this? Uh, honey, that's an axe. Please give it to me. She did, and all was well, but I'm glad my wife wasn't there--she would have panicked. - 12K ...
ManicMondayMother 4y ago I swore I would never tell this.. At 19, I have a 9 month old baby. I leave her on the bed to go pee. A beautiful spring day, windows open, Cleaning. I come back. She's gone. Yet I can hear her! I AM FRANTIC, ALONE, AND LOSING IT. I check under the bed, in between the bed and the wall, everywhere. Until I look up and realize the screen is out. She fell out the Window into a bush outside and was laughing hysterically. NOT ONE SCRATCH ON HER. She's 17 now and I haven't ever
1223am 4y ago My husband was watching our kids (2 and ~6 months at the time) in the bath and swears he looked down at his phone for just one second and then looked up just in time to see the 6 month old putting a pea into his mouth and eating it. Where did he get a pea in the bathtub, you might ask? From the stealth poop he did in that one second. 212 ...
WilburWhateleystwin 4y ago My Dad's story: I was just an infant, my mom was working an overnight shift so it was just the two of us for the evening. Не had me on a blanket on the floor and had just changed my diaper. Не left the room long enough to throw the diaper away and comes back and infant me is gone. After a few minutes of frantic searching and freaking out because his baby seemingly disappeared in less than a minute he finds me. I had rolled all the way under my crib, almost against the wall. Не
Realistic_Analyst_26 . 4y ago It was not me, but it was my brother. Our whole family was at the beach and my brother was 3. Our parents called us to get some snacks then as I turn around I see my brother walking into the deep water. I ran as fast as I could to pick him up. My mom was screaming that whole time, haha. 282 ...
Bob_12_Pack . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago My 2 year old son took-off out the front door and was heading down the rural road we live on, while my wife was in the bathroom. My sister-in-law happened to be arriving at our house and stopped and tried to put my him in her car and drive him back, but my normally docile yellow lab was with him and was having nothing of that. Fortunately she managed to convince him to go back to the house and our dog allowed her to live. - 247 ...
jasho_dumming . 4y ago Found my baby boy had climbed to the top of a 4 ft tall dresser after stripping naked and covered his entire body face and hair with diaper cream. Не performed this act in less than three minutes. 233 ...
TLDR1417 4y ago | was making cookies with my 2 sons and the younger one was being potty trained. I turned around to grab some ingredient, turn back around and my youngest proudly showed me how he managed to pee in the measuring cup. Sure enough, little stinker had had like 3 accidents in his undies that day but every drop got into the measuring cup. That cup was promptly thrown away. - 240 ...
DarrenEdwards 0 4y ago Не was playing outside in the sand box just 10 feet from me. I had the window and door open and could hear him playing. Suddenly | was aware that he wasn't making any noise. I couldn't find him. I searched the yard, I asked strangers on the street and made a larger and larger circle and met my neighbors. 10 long minutes and he was nowhere. Не had curled up in his stroller and was asleep. 574 ...
 4y ago I looked away for 1 second and my son (1yr at the time) ate my pack of cigarettes that I thought he couldn't reach. Called poison control and they told me he'd be fine, and he'll probably throw up. When he did throw up, noticed he only ate a little bit if the tobacco, no filters or anything. I quit soon after that. 634 ...
kannakantplay 4y ago On more than one occasion my daughter jumped into her bath fully clothed. I was turned around to get the bubbles or her toys or something and then SPLOOSH. She was like 2. Lol Most recently I was sitting down after finishing some chores and she walked up to me really proud with a chunk of her hair. Look mama, I cut my hair! She just turned 5... - 744 ...
 . 2 2y ago Took her diaper off and painted the walls with what was inside. All over the bedroom. Which the Persian cat and the dog also rolled around in - 3 ...
h0rses 2y ago When I was 4 my father disappeared for like 5 seconds because I asked him to get me a drink, when he came back little me had successfully dropped an entire bowl of paint on the floor. 3 ...
 4y ago I work from home. My son is usually with me while I work in the evening. One night I take a call, he was sitting on the floor next to me playing with his cars (he's three). The next minute, I look over and watching him as he is flying through the air next to me. Не had climbed up on our table and just launched himself off! I always mute myself when I'm not speaking when he's home so thank god the customer didn't hear my он MY GOD as i caught him lol 1.8K ...
Regular_Award_3200 4y ago Getting ready for my first Christmas party at a company. It's a family affair. We all looked great. Hubby was already in the car, ran to the bedroom for something I forgot, we were running a little late. Ended up going to to the party with my 3 year old looking like a smurf because he thought my blue nail polish was just like mommy's makeup. Still to this day don't know how he got the cap unscrewed because he's 10 now and can't open an already cracked bottle of water to save his life 1.6K ...
 4y ago Edited 4y ago This happened last year as we were in Lockdown. My 2 children (8&2) we're jumping on the bed. I walked in, scolded them and they stopped. Not 2 steps out of me leaving the room, i hear the springs again and the worst scream in the world. Evidently, eldest pushed youngest in excitement, a bit too hard, and youngested hit her eyebrow hard against the side cupboard. It was bloody anarchy! Rush to the emergency room with screaming from baby the entire drive. And only one of us could go in. Ended up needing
michonne_impossible 4y ago My son is in 1st grade this year, and we've been doing virtual learning. He's also on the spectrum, but he's able to do normal classes so far. I have a desk and his computer set up in his room. While his lesson was going on, he accidentally spilled some water on himself and his desk. I'm just like, it's ok! Hold on a second! I'm going to get you a towel! So, I run downstairs to get him a towel. I'm gone for 10 seconds. I come back upstairs, he took off his shirt and his
ashleynr12 . 4y ago Left my son at the kitchen counter while preparing pancakes. One minute he's there, the next thing I know he's successfully empties the syrup bottle All. Over. The. Couch. I mean puddles of syrup in our cushions and pillows. First time as a parent I remember calling my mom crying because I was at such a loss for how to clean it all up. - 1.3K ...
 . 4y ago Woke up once and my two sons had climbed out of a window onto a flat roof. They were 1 and 3. I still don't know how they even got the window open. 3.5K ...
Gastrobatch 4y ago My year-18 month old son was playing with his toy trains. I turned on my computer to play my new game diablo. While it was loading my son came up to me with what looked like chocolate on his hands. I said to myself where did he get chocolate and sniffed it. It wasn't chocolate. I turned around to see the most horrible site of poop smeared over everything. It was a shit storm, Randy. The floors were the worst. We lived in an old farm house and the cracks between floorboards were like a centimeter wide
FANTOMphoenix . 4y ago I was sitting in a high chair, climbed out of it, onto the counter, and stole my mother's coffee. All she did was to put her shoes at the door, 3 feet away 1.9K ...
HolyPallyGirl 4y ago Went to pee , put my kiddos in there room with the door open and the gate up. I also had the bathroom door open...come out to find a dozen eggs cracked on the kitchen floor and into the butter and my youngest covered in peanut butter naked. My now ex husband was sleeping...I walked into our room woke him up and tagged out..my brain was fried at that point. To this day I have no clue how they escaped, they are 16&18 now. 3.9K ...
MNConcerto 4y ago Husband reading a sign about watching your children on the trail at Gooseberry Falls in MN. Looks up to see middle child heading to the edge of trail. People fall every year. Some die. I was further down the trail with the youngest. Не kept a firm grip on her for the rest of the walk. 3.8K ...
try_new_stuff 4y ago I was making dinner for my twin 18mo when boy twin starts to fuss, so I carefully put the knife about a foot away from the edge of the counter. I intentionally put it away from the edge because my girl twin is NOT to be trusted. I go change my boy and turn around and my girl is casually holding my large, sharp chopping knife. I had to get it from her like a hostage negotiator so she wouldn't run away with it. I couldn't figure out how she got it so I looked at the
 4y ago My sister baked some cookies to share at work, and when her 3 year old daughter seen them on the plate on the counter she asked for one. Instead of explaining she wasn't allowed to have one, my sister lied and said they were yucky, implying it was a bad batch. My sister, confident that her lie was successful turned her back to finish cleaning up. She heard the plate being removed from the counter and turned around just in time to see all the cookies slide off the plate into the garbage. Her daughter smiled and
1980pzx 4y ago Not me but my wife. Our two younger kids are 14 months apart. When our daughter was around 3 and our son was 2, my wife went into the garage to grab a frozen pizza out of the deep freezer and one of the kids, not sure which one, shut the door and locked my wife in the garage. She was banging on the door and could hear the little boogers in there laughing at her. My wife was not amused, she got a flathead screwdriver from my toolbox and manage to unlock the door. This all
earthenfirebrand . 4y ago My toddler at the time grabbed a stick of butter out of the fridge and tossed it into the fish tank. Minutes later all the fish were floating dead in the fish tank. Last time we owned fish 9.5K ...
Italics12 4y ago My son was 3. We were leaving Target. Не left my sight as I was adjusting my bags. Maybe two seconds, tops. Poof. Не was gone. I try to act cool , but my true crime podcast obsession got the best of me. The store locks down. We are all looking for him. People are checking cars outside. I'm calling my son's name louder than any intercom system. We were just about to call police. And then my toddler slides out of the cart area and acts like,'Sup? Не decided it would be a most excellent idea to
Goose-rider3000 4y ago I had taken my four year daughter into a public toilet in France, which was next to a main road. As we left, I let go of her hand for a split second as I looked away to close the door behind us. When I looked back she was running into the main road as she'd seen her Mum on the other side. From where I stood, my view of the road was obstructed so I couldn't see if any cars were coming, and she had gone too far for me to catch her. By a complete
nervousdonut . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago When I was a kid my mom was watching me play while hanging laundry. When she turned to hang a garment I discovered a bouncy spot in the grass and fell down a 100ish year old abandoned well. She said that day took years off her life.
theservman 4y ago I had been drinking scotch one evening while doing dishes. So I'm standing at the sink. I hear my 3 year old stumble into the room, pull a chair out from the table and climb up. I'm not thinking anything of this until I hear a small voice say Juice! as I turn to watch him dump about 1/2oz of single malt into his mouth. This was immediately followed by a gasp, then he turned bright white, then bright red. Не went to bed early that night. 16K ...
RoboNinjaPirate 4y ago So we took the kids (7, 3, 3 and 3) to a water park. One of us would stay in the kiddie area with 2 of the triplets and the other parent would take one of the 3 year olds and the 7 year old on a ride. It was working pretty well. Note, the kiddie area was mostly contained, but there was no gate or anything. At one of the swaps, we blinked for a second and our adventurous 3 year old was gone. Instant oh fuck panic. Get security there, staff is looking, I'm running
catching_comets 4y ago Edited 4y ago We moved into our new house on Halloween in 2001. Most of the heavy lifting was done, so the wife decided to begin unpacking the important stuff and I would take our 8 year old daughter out trick or treating. We stepped outside and I realized I left my phone. Standing on the front porch I tell her...Don't move, | have to get my phone. I'll be right back. Do not move. Narrator: She moved. New neighborhood. Kids and parents everywhere. I'm running up and down the street frantically and after about 15 minutes
peripateticpeople 4y ago Went to the toilet, leaving the newborn asleep on a blanket on the floor (on top of a large fluffy carpet). 3 year old was watching tv nearby. Came back to find baby literally rolled up in carpet like a dead body, 3 year old sitting on top, with a cushion under him too. Still don't know how he did it at all let alone so quickly, and how the baby was totally chilled and unharmed. - 9.7K ...


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