30 Embarrassing Times People Were Exposed As Creeps

‘Dude, that’s my family!’
30 Embarrassing Times People Were Exposed As Creeps

There are few things worse than someone finding out that you’re a weirdo. Case in point: One Redditor was tipsy and chatting with a girl on Facebook when — and I just want to say, this is never a good idea; it seems like a good idea at the time, but it’s rarely going to work in your favor — the conversation turned to tacos. He hopped on his bike mid-chat, rode over to Taco Bell, loaded his jacket pockets with tacos, then biked over to her house and stood outside her apartment. He then messaged her, “I’m outside of your place!” 

“Liar!” she responded. “You don’t know where I live.” 

Unfortunately, he wasn’t lying. He did know where she lived, something she found out when she parted her curtains and took a look outside. Yikes! 

Other Redditors have remembered the times their creeper side was exposed, and it would be totally understandable if any of them chose to start a new life in a different part of town.

Blu3j4y 13y ago Got caught staring at this chick's amazing rack in a bar. She yelled Are you looking at my tits?!?, and I replied Isn't that kind of the point of your pushup bra? She laughed, but I didn't get laid. + 1.5K ...
joshlamm 13y ago In 3rd grade we had story time where we sat on the floor and the teacher sat in a chair and read to us. I was goofing off in the back of the class so my teacher made me sit in the front row. I sarcastically sat as close to her as possible. After a minute she looked down and asked Are you smelling my leg? I definitely was not, but she wouldn't let me explain. At the next parent teacher conference she told my mom that I was smelling her leg. I AM NOT A LEG
BaldOrBread 13y ago I was stumbling through Chatroulette with some buddies while wearing costumes, or some type of random clothing (as many do while on Chatroulette), when we came across a few cute girls. They didn't next us right away, and we were able to strike up a conversation and exchange names/general locations. Well, being the proficient Facebook creeper that I am, I quickly found their profiles and was swapping between said profile and the video chat. I was wearing a pair of large sunglasses and the girl commented on them, saying You look creepy with those glasses on. Being
 13y ago Got a little buzzed and was chatting this girl up on Facebook. We started talking tacos so obviously I decided to hop on my bicycle and pedal my way to the taco bell. I loaded my jacket pockets up with tacos, biked to her apartment, called her and said Hey I'm outside your place! She was like, liar, you don't know where I live. I responded, ... Uh... Wait are you sure? Then she peeked out the curtains to see me on the sidewalk with a jacket full of tacos. + 1.7K ...
360walkaway 13y ago Freshman year of college, public speaking class. The professor decides to videotape everyone's speech so we could all see how we looked when speaking, except that the professor decided to let people move their desks to form a circle with the person talking in the middle. Because of how the professor set up the tripod, I was directly in the camcorder's line of sight. And of course the camcorder caught me staring at the ass of every girl who was speaking in front of me, complete with one raised eyebrow and a slight grin while staring. Plus
Wreckingg 13y ago In highschool when i was in 9th grade i had a study hall where i sat next to a relatively attractive girl. One day i decided to take a nap with my coat over my head, except i made a peephole for my eye so i could look at the girl sitting next to me. I thought the hole was small enough, but after about 20 seconds of looking, the girl makes eye contact with me and shyingly looked back down at her work. I stayed in my coat cocoon until the end of the period. She
ajcacio 13y ago When I was in high school I worked at a grocery store situated between three retirement homes. There was such a lack of hot girls that walked into the store that we would point out every single one. One evening this mom and her three daughters came in. I told my friend at the register how do-able all four were. Не then said, Dude, that's my family. I said, bullshit. That's when his mom said to him, Hi honey! I was silent and embarrassed during the entire transaction. Не was cool and laughed about it once they
 13y ago There was this tutor I had in University who I had a huge crush on. I was walking through the hall talking to my friends about her and I think I said something along the lines of Her (I actually used her name) ass looks so amazing, it's a shame when she wears a loose dress. She then struts past me wearing these tight pants and says I'm assuming these are more appropriate then. My friends are giggling to themselves and I just froze up, I didn't know how to respond. I had to endure another two
usrnme_taken 13y ago Windows Media Player. Would you like to import your entire library? Why not. Entire library meaning songs and videos. Later, Cute girl. You have so many cool songs Hitting next (shuffle). The nastiest gangbang porn ever... poker face... + 1.3K ...
jaredmeder 13y ago Just on Halloween, I was handing out candy to the neighborhood kids and was wearing my friend's iPod costume (Similar to this-- Не left it at my house after a party the night before). The iPod controls are riiiiiight in my genital region. The kids kept wanting to press play. It took me some time to realize why their parents were giving me dirty looks. I felt like a pervert. 745 ...
PKenny 13y ago I work at a store in Boston - any time cute babes come in I would say to my work-friend I wanna kiss her on the butt!. I said it about one girl walking in once and my buddy was like that is my girlfriend, I'm telling her you said that!. Не did. It was awkward but I stand by what I said. + 620 ...
ignoramusaurus 13y ago Edited 13y ago My friend told me he'd just been shopping and had seen this fit girl at the stop before he got on the bus and that shed looked at him. Не didnt speak to her on the bus and then regretted it so ended up looking for her around the shopping centre/ high street for about 2 hours, eventually he saw her coming out of a shop and said I've been looking for you everywhere At which point she screamed fuck off and ran away. I had to explain to him how creepy this was.
 13y ago I used to go to a Chinese restaurant located in the middle of a food court every day on the way to/from work; a beautiful girl worked there and I would always glance to see if she was working or not before going over to order. One day I was peering around the corner, I couldn't see her so I turned around to leave and she was standing right behind looking at me like I was a serial killer. I locked up then blurted out that she was cute and asked for her phone number. She denied
Jesters 13y ago I was in a lecture class creeping on a super hot girl who randomly friended me a couple weeks earlier on Facebook. My friend was sitting next to me and asked me who it was and I blindly said, That bitch is my slampiece! Little did I know my slampiece was sitting directly behind me watching throughout the whole ordeal and, without saying a word, let out a fake gag and moved several seats down. She un-friended me a couple hours later and I haven't seen her in class again. I was utterly embarrassed and my friend
eenaanee 13y ago In middle school I was extremely socially awkward and nerdy. There was a hot guy that rode my bus and I fantasized about him constantly. I began taking walks just to linger in front of his house and counting the amount of times I dreamt about him. But the way I was found out was when I began collecting things that he had touched, often things he dropped in the hallway. My friend caught me doing it and told the most gossipy girl in school. Some of his friends made fun of me and I spent the
The_Thane_Of_Cawdor 13y ago I left my comment overview page of my old reddit account open on my girlfriend's computer. Things that were not meant to be seen were seen + 220 ...
Eyebrows_McGee 13y ago . Edited 13y ago High school picture day, my (Mormon) friend's mom is the photographer. Right before she takes the picture, I'm staring at her boobs. She takes a clear photograph of me staring at her boobs, calls me out on it, and has to retake the photo. I'm a girl. :X 385 ...
BlahJay 13y ago Having porn up on my computer of Busty Teen Redheads, then having my busty teen redhead friend find it. But thats pretty standard it seems. + 430 ...
tgscott 13y ago Every time I wake up after a bender (or party or lonely night with a bottle) and read my multiple attempts at drunk sexting to girls I haven't talked to in weeks prior. And their responses. 417 ...
reyawaworht 13y ago Yeah...most of my high school and beginning of college life was a lot of drunk creeper moments. None of them were overtly sexual in nature (I was pretty repressed). More like the one time I met a cute girl at a party and immediately FB stalked her to send her a message that said I'm not hitting on you, I just wanted you to know you have a beautiful smile. I cringe every time I remember that moment. God I need to drink less. + 205 ...
el_diamond_g 13y ago I was stalking a guy I work with on Facebook while I was at work. We're not Friends, but his profile is open. Не posted a video on his wall and a couple minutes later, I clicked on it. I didn't realize my speakers were on and since his desk is near mine, he heard the video playing. Now he knows what a giant creep I am. + 161 ...
VeritasWay 13y ago I was at the movies with my friends who happened to be a couple. We were goofing off during the loud trailers and then the THX sound intro comes on and right when it went silent I say, SEXY TIME! It was a packed house. + 105 ...
 13y ago When I was 10 I was at my friend's house. His mom had just had another kid so there was a breast pump box on the counter. Being 10, a picture of a partially exposed breast was magical and titillating, and I must have been staring. Enter my friend's dad, who puts on a shit-eating grin and goes, Are you staring at the lady on the box's boobie? Walked away without saying anything, never went back to that kid's house. 98 ...
LaTank22 13y ago I was eating lunch with one of my co-workers at Wendys and a MILF sat down about 2 tables away with her young son. I was creeping very hard for about 5 minutes and all of the sudden her boy said out loud mom, that guy is staring at you. 39 ...
 13y ago Was staring at this guy in class and he turned around, looked me in the face and waved. It was really embarrassing. 17 ...
murderface191 13y ago once asked a girl if she wanted to have sex with me through a text and after she said no i waited about 20 minutes and replied apologizing, saying my phone got stolen by some guys at work when i went on break 16 ...
Dreamtrain e 13y ago Edited 13y ago A girlfriend I used to have had awful cramps on her period a few days after we became official, 28 days later I hugged her and asked her if she was feeling fine, cause I knew she must've entered her period, she found it very creepy and intruding I had kept track of her cycle :/ Its not like I counted day by day, I just remembered + 23 ...
langus_mirror . 13y ago Invited a girl over. Her profile was still up on my computer. + 18 ...
drivebyjustin 13y ago This was probably fifth grade. I was riding home on the bus, in the middle seat with my friend at the window and another kid to my right. I reach down and start playing with my new-found leg hair, twisting it for a couple minutes while daydreaming. I clearly remember thinking how weird it was that I couldn't feel myself twisting the hair. I looked down, and it still took me a few long seconds of watching my fingers twist hair on a leg...that clearly wasn't attached to me. I instantly looked up and straight ahead, but
OhHeyHi 13y ago I took a screenshot of a conversation with a guy I hadn't talked to in a while and meant to send it to a friend to show that I was talking to him again. I sent it to the guy. + 594 ...


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