35 Stories That Sound Too Far-Fetched to Be True

If a story sounds too good to be true, it usually is. But every so often, there’s a story that’s so far-fetched that it must be true, because it wouldn’t be worth the effort to lie about.
One such story involves a Redditor who was enjoying the Texas countryside accompanied by the pint-sized presence of his mother’s chihuahua. Out of nowhere, he heard a bird circling and saw its shadow quickly thereafter. Without much thought, the Redditor threw his hand up, slapped a hawk and prevented it from snatching the little dog. The story sounds too improbable to be true, but he had the scratches to prove it.
Other Redditors have shared the stories that they swear are true, no matter how bonkers the details sound, including those involving a hungry ostrich, a sneaky kidney stone and a Croc that found its way home.