35 Stories That Sound Too Far-Fetched to Be True

‘They said CPR that long has a 95 percent fail rate’
35 Stories That Sound Too Far-Fetched to Be True

If a story sounds too good to be true, it usually is. But every so often, there’s a story that’s so far-fetched that it must be true, because it wouldn’t be worth the effort to lie about. 

One such story involves a Redditor who was enjoying the Texas countryside accompanied by the pint-sized presence of his mother’s chihuahua. Out of nowhere, he heard a bird circling and saw its shadow quickly thereafter. Without much thought, the Redditor threw his hand up, slapped a hawk and prevented it from snatching the little dog. The story sounds too improbable to be true, but he had the scratches to prove it. 

Other Redditors have shared the stories that they swear are true, no matter how bonkers the details sound, including those involving a hungry ostrich, a sneaky kidney stone and a Croc that found its way home.

_forum_mod 9mo ago I found this site that told people if they had unclaimed funds. I checked out a few states and saw that I was owed like 28 bucks. Being the nice guy that I am, I told other co-workers, some had nothing, some had varying degrees of cash waiting for them (nothing too crazy). I approached one co-worker and asked her if she got anything and she said matter of factly: yeah, $30,000 | thought she was kidding. I was especially lost because she never told me until I asked. She showed me the proof and I was
blessedpink 3y ago I bought something on Craigslist that contained a huge boa constrictor. I unpacked my purchase when I got home and I didn't see it crawl out. But all the sudden that mother fucker gave me a jump. I called the guy guy and he was like oh shit! She's been missing for months! Can you bring her back? No, dude. Get your ass over here and get this fucking thing outta here. 1K Share ...
jppope e 3y ago I was almost drowned by a pod of dolphins while surfing at Salt Creek, Orange County, CA. I got up on a wave and one of them knocked me over, 2 wave pin down on a 5-7 ft day. + Share 1.3K ...
Fastbac 3y ago Two weeks in Hawaii on vacation. Last day of the trip. Decide to visit the waterfall where Tattoo from Fantasy Island yells Da plane, da plane. Hear someone call my name, it was a friend of mine who had dated my best friend Rich in high school. Rich committed suicide some years after high school. We get to chatting and all of of sudden she gets quiet and serious and says,  Do you realize it's Rich's birthday today? + 1.5K Share ...
clutchheimer 8y ago A friend of mine insulted his brother, who was holding a rifle. His brother got so pissed that he threw down the rifle so he could come kick his ass. The rifle went off. The bullet hit my friend in the head, but it was only a grazing wound across the eyebrow. This caused massive amounts of blood to spurt into his eye. Не exclaimed: You shot me in the head! Im dead! We were in junior high school. His brother was in high school. + 84 ...
PrinceHarming 8y ago I was peeing at a urinal at Gencon once and John de Lancie pulled up next to me. Hey, a P next to Q! I said. The look of utter disdain on his face has yet to be matched in my lifetime + 331 ...
genericusername123 8y ago I kicked a soccer ball into my own face and gave myself a blood nose. Even the people watching didn't understand how it happened. 80 ...
Roundaboutsix 8y ago I was in a bar in Galway, on St Paddy's day, nearly 40 years ago. We were in a hidden back room during the mandatory Sunday afternoon shut down hours. A passerby, in tight quarters, knocked a nearly empty glass off of a table. The barkeep brought out a brush and dustpan to pick up the broken glass, when an inebriated local pushed him aside. You're throwing out the best part, he said. Не then picked up the three largest shards, popped them into his mouth, chewed enthusiastically and swallowed the glass. Не then laughed and went
VerboseWraith 3y ago My uncle and I were driving in NYC and we almost hit this dude. My uncle slams in his breaks and the dude was expecting to get hit and I mean by the smallest of margins. It was Dan Akroyd. Не called us motherfuckers. It was an honor to get cursed out by a Ghostbuster 1.5K Share ...
johntynes 9mo ago Eccentric old man mowed our lawn regularly for modest pay. Told me all kinds of batshit stuff like how he had a knife fight with Ted Bundy. Then he told me about a house nearby that was dealing drugs to middle school kids. Не claimed he'd called the police and they told him he was right. Не was super proud. I thought sure thing, old timer, because he said the same thing about writing Bill Clinton to intervene in Bosnia (and then he did!) but then I saw the news that the cops raided a drug house
my-uncle-bob 9mo ago I had a psych patient (in-patient/locked) who went on and on about how he was the conductor of a famous orchestra. Delusions of grandeur, right. Part of the psychosis. Family finally located, arrived from out of town, confirmed that patient was indeed exactly what he claimed. 269 ...
NobodyFlimsy556 9mo ago In high school in the 90s a kid who was very socially awkward said he had a girlfriend in Canada. Everyone was floored when she showed up at opening night to support him in the spring play, and she was pretty and seemed normal! Не did come out after high school which was less of a surprise. + 943 ...
PolyThrowaway524 9mo ago My great grandfather supposedly hid a truck full of Al Capone's booze when it broke down around the corner from his speakeasy. The driver abandoned the truck for fear of getting caught by the police. Great grandpa and some regulars pushed it to a garage down the street. A representative turned up a couple days later and paid him for the trouble. I assumed this was just family legend until we dug a thank you note from the man himself out of an old trunk in the attic. The note has since been authenticated and will hopefully
guzziownr 9mo ago Не was watching me play ping-pong during recess. I asked him if he wanted to play and he said he couldn't because it wasn't a regulation table. A month later he disappeared from school for a week, I was in Vegas for the Open, USTTA. How did you do? I won, I am the Junior National champion, I was defending my title. 336 ...
flipping_birds 8y ago My roommate got a job at the zoo and got into the habit of putting his hand in the tigers' cage and petting them like a cat. A tiger bit a hole right through the center of his palm. Не went to the hospital and got it patched up and was fine, aside from getting fired from the zoo. + 519 ...
shardcommondale 8y ago My high school had a summer driver's education program. There were two instructors and each had a driver's ed car. If one of the instructors spotted the other car, they would give the student directions so the two cars would pass one another. Everyone would wave and the instructors thought it was hilarious. That is they did right up to the day when the worst driver in our car who was behind the wheel got confused at the same time as the worst driver in the other car. It ended up in a head-on collision. + 152
ajbunyi1112 . 8y ago I watched my brother sneeze so hard he kneed himself in the forehead + 312 ...
Melmab 8y ago Saw a guy get in a bar fight get disemboweled beat the living hell out of the guy who did the disemboweling. + 45 ...
swentech 8y ago I saw a guy walk out of McDonald's in Melbourne, Australia pulling a bit of fat off the bacon in his breakfast sandwich. A seagull swoops down at that moment grabs the string of fat and flies off with the meat from the sandwich. Scared the shit out of the guy but after he recovered he unleashed a very creative stream of profanity at the bird. One of the funniest things I have seen in my life. 66 ...
peteschirmer 3y ago I took my VW to the dealer to get some work done. The service rep at the counter was so hung over (possibly still intoxicated) that he couldn't handle completing the paper work. Не told the tech that | was a VIP, specifically Britni Spears's brother and that he owed me a favor, so the work was on the house and they just never did any paperwork, didn't charge me a dime, did the work, handed me the keys, and away I drove. 1.8K Share ...
Dtothe3 3y ago A serious rivalry developed between my bearded dragon and the cat. The dragon trolls the cat and the cat butts in anytime the dragon is getting affection. The one day I had the dragon on my lap sat on the sofa so the cat started yowling and pacing in front of me. The dragon turns to the edge and takes a running leap landing on the cat. The cat bolts a couple of laps round the living room floor with the dragon somehow holding on. I avoid telling that story because I don't think anyone would ever
redacted_bunny 3y ago I used to be a nanny. We would go to a local river on hot days. Well once the 4yo lost her pink croc sandal and my god, was she DEVASTATED. Why? Aside from crocs being the pinnacle of four-year-old summer fashion she had put a very cool bluey charm on it. We searched for the shoe for the better half of an hour with no luck and so we left. We went to get ice cream to soothe the harsh sting of grief and forgot about it...UNTIL about 2 weeks later we were at a different
The_Spyre . 3y ago I got trapped in a ski resort cafeteria overnight when an avalanche took out part of the resort and the access road. At least we had plenty to eat and drink, though. + 2.1K Share ...
 3y ago Edited 3y ago I was having a really hard time passing a very large kidney stone, between 5-6 mm. 6 is too big to pass. After three weeks of episodic excruciating pain and bleeding, my doctor scheduled surgery to remove it. I wake up the morning of surgery without a lot of pain (pain came and went). I put on my slippers and was wearing long flannel PJ's. I get up from the TV and I feel like there's a pebble in my slipper. The stone dribbled out that morning. Had I not been wearing slippers that
Raspberries-Are-Evil 3y ago Edited 3y ago Was in Vegas for a work thing. I was not happy about being there because it was a tough time in my life, money was really tight and Vegas is the last place you want to be when money is tight. I was telling my buddy about it and he says, Im going to pay pal you $150. Go play the poker tournament at the Venetian at night. You can drink for free and hopefully you last long. If you win anything, pay me back, if not, no worries. So I did. Won the
DullAd2253 3y ago Edited 3y ago I went jogging one night and came across a lady laid out face first. No heart beat. Started doing cpr. Never saw another person was able to call 911 while doing cpr. Kept at it twenty Minutes till FD got there. She made a full recovery. They said cpr that long has a 95% fail rate + 5.6K Share ...
 3y ago Edited 3y ago I went river tubing down a 4Km stretch of glacial river in rural British Columbia. Somewhere over that 4K, | lost my cell phone. I don't love having a cell phone, so I was putting off replacing it. After 9 days of no cell phone, my husband gently indicated it was time for me to go get a new one. I jokingly told him, I don't need to. I have a really good feeling it's going to come back to me. 20 minutes later, the find my iPhone notification appeared on his cell phone,
candurandu 3y ago I worked in TV news as a videographer and I was at a wildlife refuge in South Florida. At one point, I walked up to a fence and was shooting video of some Ostriches. They walked over to me and stood very close as they seemed very curious about me. I was getting some great close up shots as one Ostrich was lightly pecking at my camera. Then, he reached over, snatched my mic's foam windscreen, pulled his head back and held it in his beak like a cigar. A second later, he gulped it down and
 3y ago I broke my skull and didn't realise until I was like hang on I've got a dent in my head went to the doctors and they were like yup u have fractured your skull and showed me this CT scan of a massive creator in my head. Still to this day wondering how the fuck I did it + 2.5K Share ...
jack_avery98 3y ago Edited Зу ago In 1987 my Dad and his buddies were at a bar in the small town of Fermont, Quebec town way up north in Canada. For whatever reason they each signed their names on the 10 dollar bills they had, joking that it'd be funny if one day they got the bill back as change somewhere else. Fast forward to 1992 my Mom and Dad move to Vancouver during some rough economic times where he got laid off from his job, he ended up doing trade school and got a job as a mechanic for
itsthattedguy 3y ago Mine is when I was in high school I lived out in the countryside of Central Texas. I was just kind of bumbling around on the property and my mom's little chihuahua was tagging along. I heard a bird, saw a fast moving shadow, and threw my arm out, slapping a hawk out of the sky as it tried to get my mom's chihuahua. Cut my arm pretty good, but saved that little rat of a dog. The chihuahua went on to pass away at a smooth 19 years old. + 6.2K Share ...
 3y ago I was surfing in Santa Barbara County when I was a kid, maybe 14 or 15. When I would come in from a surf, I had the habit of undoing my leash from my leg while I was walking in the shallow water. Unbeknownst to me, the other side of the leash that connects to the board had come off. I lost my leash. I searched around the tidal zone but no luck. I was bummed but I just moved on. Three weeks later, I was surfing in Ventura county, and as I was walking in from
MikeNoble91 o 3y ago The house I lived in got raided by the cops because there was a murderer hiding in the basement. + 2.9K Share ...
igottathinkofaname 3y ago First time I ever smoked pot a police helicopter hovered above me and my friend and hit us with the spotlight. They were looking for someone else apparently because they immediately moved on. Nonetheless... + 6.7K Share ...
 3y ago I got grabbed by plain clothes cops one night while biking home. Random drug search. I had my backpack full of porn mags a friend had been borrowing, so that was pretty embarrassing for 17 year old me. In the middle of the search, cops in uniform rush in and arrest the plain clothes ones, who were apparently fake cops hustling people for drugs and cash. So I had to show my porn-pack to them as well, and I had to testify against the fake cops in court, telling the entire room about my porn-pack. 939 Share


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