40 Random Bits of Trivia We Had Hidden in a Tiny Capsule in Our Molar in Case of Emergency

Knowledge levels were getting dangerously low around here
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Had Hidden in a Tiny Capsule in Our Molar in Case of Emergency

It’s a good thing we got here in time. You may not have known this — because you’re not equipped with the latest knowledge-gauging technology — but the amount of random, fun, knowledgeable information in the room had hit a record low. Have no fear, though: One quick Febreze-like spray of this list into the air will get those levels way up. 

It’ll be a breath of fresh air for your brain!

Schindler’s List

steven spielberg refused a paycheck for schindler's List. The movie being a close and personal project for Spielberg, he refused to take a salary for it. His share of the profits went to the Shoah Foundation, a history archive for the Holocaust and other tragic events. CRACKED.COM


More Cowbell

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM MORE COWBELL RUINED BLUE OYSTER CULT Blue Oyster Cult can't play Don't Fear the Reaper anymore. Christopher Walken can't walk down the street without people screaming at him. We can't save them, but at least don't be That Guy who has to scream More Cowbell! at random music concerts.



The spikes on the Statue of Liberty's crown don't represent the seven seas. Or the seven continents, for that matter - they're just sun rays, and the circle represents a halo, which indicates she's divine. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

Scott Pilgrim

Scott almost ended up with Knives. SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD CRACKED COM The graphic novel series hadn't wrapped up by the time they were writing and filming the movie, sO they had to write their own ending. They went with Scott crawling back to his high school ex, but Knives

Jason Statham

40 Random Bits of Trivia We Had Hidden in a Tiny Capsule in Our Molar in Case of Emergency

Stephen King

LIFE AND LEGACY OF STEPHEN KING CRACKED.COM He bought the van that nearly killed him. King was struck by a minivan in 1999. After his recovery, he purchased the van for $1,500, joking that he was going to destroy it with a sledgehammer.


COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM ANNA GUNN Before she was married to a cancerous meth dealer she was dating Jerry in the episode The Glasses in Season 5. The relationship didn't last long because Jerry accuses her of cheating...its fair, I don't think he's her type.

Source: IMDB

Rick and Morty

Rick Marts CRACKED COM ANd Zeep, the genius scientist of the microverse that powers Rick's car, is voiced by Stephen Colbert.


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