40 Random Bits of Trivia They Couldn’t Erase From Our Brain With a 10-Foot Neuralyzer

These are in our brain’s safe with our banking passwords and that Mentos jingle from the ‘90s
40 Random Bits of Trivia They Couldn’t Erase From Our Brain With a 10-Foot Neuralyzer

When someone says that they’ll take a piece of information to their grave, they usually mean that they’re keeping a secret. With facts, we’re not like that at all. These facts are memorable enough for us to take to our grave, but we won’t keep them a secret. They can come to our grave and yours! 

Wow, we really didn’t mean for that to get so morbid.


Manufacturing microchips requires rooms kept clean to ridiculous standards. Suits for clean rooms They're 10,000 times cleaner than a hospital operating room - because one speck of dust could ruin a microprocessor while it's being made. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: Intel

Sex and the Heart

Having regular sex reduces men's risk of cardiovascular disease. Researcher Susan A. Hall, PHD found that men who had sex once a month or less were at

Marilyn Monroe

40 Random Bits of Trivia They Couldn’t Erase From Our Brain With a 10-Foot Neuralyzer

Office Space

David Herman is a bona fide heartbreaker. CRACKED.COM Jennifer Aniston said she was madly in love with him when they went to high school together, and Madonna once told Mike Judge There's something sexy about how angry he is.


Magic Carpet Speed

That magic carpet was wildly fast. Giza to Athens on a flying carpet: 697 miles in 10 seconds Magic Carpet Speed: 250,920 miles per hour CRACKED.COM


Planet of the Apes

TIME TRAVEL MOVIES PLANET OF THE APES THE STATUE OF LIBERTY IS NOT A MODEL. Lady Liberty in the iconic ending is a matte painting, added to the Malibu cliffs (reachable only by helicopter) where the scene was shot. Matte painting was truly CGI before CGI. CRACKED.COM


Mood Disorders

Having a hard time waking up is linked to having a mood disorder. People with a mood disorder are disproportionately likely to have a hard time waking up (and mood disorder treatments might target that someday). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: NIH


40 Random Bits of Trivia They Couldn’t Erase From Our Brain With a 10-Foot Neuralyzer

Tennis Balls

Tennis balls were made yellow to appear better on TV. CRACKED.COM Tennis balls were traditionally black or white. They were changed to yellow in 1972 after research showed they were more visible on television.


Gilligan’s Island

COMEDY NERD The Gilligan's Island theme song is totally different in the show's (unaired) pilot. It's a calypso song with lyrics like The captain is brave, he's a fearless maaan, and Gilligan helps him all that he caaan. CRACKED.COM



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