12 Slugs Share Their Deepest Hopes and Dreams

Even a lowly slug has larger dreams than melting in salt, despised.
See Their Name in the Broadway Lights

“I can imagine it now… STARRING: A SLUG.”
Dunking A Basketball

“Once I learn to gain momentum in any way, I’m nearly there.”
World Peace

“Why can’t we all get along?”
World War

“This world demands a cleansing fire.”
To Be Less Beautiful

“I just want to be able to walk around the block without being mobbed by model agents looking for the face of their fall collection.”
A 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 429 Fastback

“And a stretch of open road to really let that baby purr.”
To Steal A Snail’s Shell and Join Their Ranks

“If I can pry that sucker off, he’ll forever be demoted to our lowly status, while I’ll be living it up in Snail City!”
A Girlfriend

“Not a slug either. I want a HUMAN girlfriend, I want her tall, and I want her to step on me!”
Escape Generational Poverty

“This society exists to prop up the slugs born into upper-middle-class families’ gardens, and leaves behind those of us born behind a 7-Eleven dumpster.”
Get A Bit of That Sno-Cone

“Just a lucky drop… I don’t know what that sweet blue is, but I know it would send papa to another plane entirely.”
A Complete Overhaul of the U.S. Office of Veteran Affairs

“I fought for this country, and when I got back, they kicked me to the curb. Literally!”

“What’s a slug? I’m a slug? What does that mean? Hello?”