20 Professionals That Are Way Too Easy to Impersonate

Let’s say, hypothetically, you need to pretend to have a job different from yours (or a job at all — no judgment). Maybe you think it would be really fun to cut people open, but you’re too noble to go the Scream route. You’ll never even get close to the operating room without the knowledge granted by four years of medical school. Likewise, you’re not going to pull off a To Kill a Mockingbird without years of study and practice. Judges are pretty good at spotting that kind of thing.
But there are professionals that are pretty easy to impersonate without cracking a single book. That’s not to say these jobs are easy; in fact, the difficulty involved may very well be the reason the public can’t differentiate between a skilled laborer and some asshole. Still, if you need to act natural for some reason, Reddit has plenty of suggestions for disguising yourself as someone who belongs. That’s why user Ichthus5 asked r/AskReddit, “What is a job that someone could easily walk into, pretend like they know what they are doing, and fool everyone into believing they are an actual employee?”