20 Professionals That Are Way Too Easy to Impersonate

Anyone can pretend to be a photographer
20 Professionals That Are Way Too Easy to Impersonate

Let’s say, hypothetically, you need to pretend to have a job different from yours (or a job at all — no judgment). Maybe you think it would be really fun to cut people open, but you’re too noble to go the Scream route. You’ll never even get close to the operating room without the knowledge granted by four years of medical school. Likewise, you’re not going to pull off a To Kill a Mockingbird without years of study and practice. Judges are pretty good at spotting that kind of thing.

But there are professionals that are pretty easy to impersonate without cracking a single book. That’s not to say these jobs are easy; in fact, the difficulty involved may very well be the reason the public can’t differentiate between a skilled laborer and some asshole. Still, if you need to act natural for some reason, Reddit has plenty of suggestions for disguising yourself as someone who belongs. That’s why user Ichthus5 asked r/AskReddit, “What is a job that someone could easily walk into, pretend like they know what they are doing, and fool everyone into believing they are an actual employee?”

nequinox 10y ago walmart door greeter.
chunkytrucker 10y ago Not to alarm anyone, a truck driver. I've been working in the same place for 5 years and they have not asked to see my driving licence, not even once.
xdiablox123 10y ago Security. I actually get mistaken for security even when i'm not just because of my size and demeanour.
WobblySith 10y ago Wear a hi-vis jacket or vest, safety boots and slightly worn hard hat and you can wonder onto 80% of all construction sites unchallenged.
almostironic 10y ago Well, there have been a few Vice Presidents over the past 30 years that I'm not so sure knew what was going on.
Pinhead_Larry96 10y ago United States Congressman, sit down on either side of the room and talk to the guys around you, when there's a vote, vote just like all of them do.
futurefeelings 10y ago DJ. Turned up to a lot of clubs and bars and blagged my way behind the decks. It helps that I can actually DJ, and rarely got paid for this sort of gig, but played all over Ibiza in this fashion
queen_oops 10y ago Police officer. We've seen enough portrayals of cops in the media to successfully pull this off. Plus, it wouldn't illegal if it wasn't so fun!
Turfie146 10y ago Personal trainer/fitness instructor. If you are well put together, you'd be amazed how much bullshit you can sling and get away with it.
Tqviking 10y ago Photographer, I don't think it would work everywhere but I've managed to gate crash a few events by walking through security intensely scrutinizing a camera.
localisp 10y ago Backstage caterer at a concert. Me and some friends just flashed our college ID's (it was at the university's campus arena) to security. Grabbed some aprons and a cart of food (fruit bowl, ,pasta,etc) and just wandered around backstage. Got some food, chatted up the backup singers, and snagged a couple bottles of booze. Only problem, the concert was Michael Bolton. Nice enough guy, but still,Michael Bolton.
LikeAMan_NotAGod 10y ago In my line of work, I am around dead bodies on investigation scenes. We often wait hours on scene for a medical examiner to show up, photograph the body, poke around the scene, and then load the body into a van and drive away. No ID is ever asked for. No special uniform is worn. No magic words are spoken. Aside from a gurney (or sometimes a cheap backboard), a camera, and a plain white cargo van, no special gear is needed. I've often thought of what confusion could take place if someone listening to our radios
stoicsmile 10y ago Landscape architect. I used to work at a wholesale nursery, and some of the Landscape Architects who would come in would know absolutely nothing about plants or gardening at all. They were glorified decorators. Some of them were clearly just bored housewives or just random entrepreneurs who figured out they could be a middle man between their customers and their landscapers.
Ravinac 10y ago Ok so here is what you do. You walk into any office in the US, in a short sleeve shirt with a collar, some nice pants and decent shoes. You go to a moderately busy looking office, find someone that looks like middle management and tell them you are here to look at a computer that was having network connectivity and printer issues. 90% chance someone in the office has something that is moderately like that. You then get taken to that persons desk. Now here is where it can get a bit tricky, as the person
Blakes-Awake 10y ago Edited 10y ago My mom used to work in a deli at a supermarket, and a couple guys came up to the customer service desk (where they also sell cigarettes) and holding their ladder, claimed that they were performing a routine inspection of the sprinkler system in the ceiling. In true superspy fashion they crawled through the ceiling and proceeded to rob Safeway of thousands of dollars of cigarettes from the room behind customer service and just.. walked out, unquestioned with nothing but a duffel bag full of cigarettes and a massive ladder in hand.
SuperCub 10y ago Edited 10y ago I did this once. The movie White Chicks was filming outside my apartment in Vancouver, so I stumbled onto the set of the opening scene where the Wayans brothers are in a convenience store. I recognized what was going on from the ADs directing extras and just hopped into the crowd. We walked by the store outside, waited about 20-30 seconds, then turned and walked back to give the illusion of people walking by, but there were really about 15-20 of us just taking turns. I did this a few times over the next
 10y ago Back when I worked at McDonalds, after my shifts were over I liked to go to the Raleys across the street. One day I was walking through the store with a basket of groceries when an old lady stopped me and asked me where the cooking oil was. I thought nothing of it and said, I'm not totally sure, but I think it might be that way, and pointed to the left. She got all shocked and offended, and she said, You think? and I nodded. You mean you don't even know? I was confused, so I
demonlilith 10y ago Target. Wear a red shirt khaki pants and just start straightening shelves.
ConfirmingTheObvious 10y ago Bar Bouncer. Sitting outside and checking people's IDs until the real guy shows up is actually really fun.
 10y ago One time I was visiting the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan with a large, multilingual tourist group. I ended up in the lobby holding maps in various languages and collecting the translating headphones as members of my tour group finished walking through the museum. As I was wearing a suit and holding various items other museum visitors assumed I was a museum employee there to assist visitors. As people came up to me with questions, I decided to just help them instead of sending them away. At first I didn't realize what was happening, but eventually


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