31 Very Funny, But Very Unprofessional Things People Did at Work

Your cover letter might boast of your upstanding professionalism, but sometimes the workplace skills you’re most proud of can’t be disclosed to anyone else, let alone a hiring manager.
Case in point: One Redditor recalled the time he was processing a new shipment of crossbows at the sporting goods store he worked at. The second he saw the box, he was ready to go full Van Helsing, despite it being an OSHA violation waiting to happen. He ran to his manager and asked if he could test out the new equipment, explaining, “Think about how awesome it’ll be.” His manager eagerly agreed, and they immediately fired those bad boys up. They were at least somewhat professional about it and shot at damaged goods that were going to get thrown away anyway. And so, thankfully, nothing — and no one — was hurt in the process.
Other workplaces have served as host to their own cases of hilarious unprofessionalism. Such as…