43 Random Bits of Trivia to Foster and Nurture As If You Created Them Yourself

Show these off at parties like a proud mom with little Billy’s school picture
43 Random Bits of Trivia to Foster and Nurture As If You Created Them Yourself

Your brain seems pretty adamant that it doesnt want facts, but come on, just look at these! When precious little facts look up at you with those big, adorable, knowledge-filled eyes, you just wanna take home a whole box of them. Well, we do anyways.


43 Random Bits of Trivia to Foster and Nurture As If You Created Them Yourself

Inglorious Basterds

In Inglourious Basterds, the massive fire at the end almost burned the actors alive. It was three times hotter than expected- so much so that the steel cables holding up the giant swastika liquefied, and it unexpectedly fell. CRACKED.COM

Source: LA Times

Stanley Tucci

Stanley Tucci scrubbed toilets that didn't have running water. RESTROOM At a young age, the actor worked at a park in Westchester, New York. He call


Cinderella CRACKEDCe COM Disney made in 1950, but animation innovator Lotte Reiniger had made the first animated version almost three decades earlier.


Because it blew its budget, Lost locked up a bunch of major characters in cages. The IMPROVISATION: The producers saved most of the third season's bud


A lack of microscopic organisms 300 million years ago is why we have coal today. CRACKED.COM Bacteria and fungus eat the dead wood of trees that fall in the forest, which was not the case during the Carboniferous period before those organisms evolved. Felled trees simply piled up, with nothing stopping them except raging wildfires, which turned the mountains of wood into smoldering carbon that we dig up today as coal.


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