40 Generous Bits of Trivia That Your Brain’s Ring Doorbell Cam Will Catch Dropping Knowledge on Its Porch

Tell your brain to bring these in out of the cold
40 Generous Bits of Trivia That Your Brain’s Ring Doorbell Cam Will Catch Dropping Knowledge on Its Porch

Have you ever been staring off into space like some confused potato, when you’re suddenly shaken out of your stupor by something slamming down on your doorstep? 

You might be upset that your brain has been jolted awake and now has to perform tasks like opening a door and noticing a big box of facts on the porch, but if you push through the chronic laziness and bring the box inside, the facts will make the whole annoying experience worthwhile. 

Trust us, the exact thing happened to us this morning.

Destiny’s Child

Destiny's Child's Survivor isn't So much about women's empowerment as much as it's about dissing ex-bandmates. You thought I LeToya Luckett wouldn't

Robert Fromme

In 1995, Robert Fromme got a second job as a security guard. SECURITY And took down a terrorist fundraising syndicate. Fromme was a police detective w


Astronauts' dirty laundry is burned up in disposable spacecraft. There's no way to wash clothes on the ISS, sO dirty laundry sits around for a while and then gets put into a Progress ship (a one-way craft that brings supplies to the ISS) whenever one arrives. Once it's loaded up,

Source: NASA

Les Miserables

40 Generous Bits of Trivia That Your Brain’s Ring Doorbell Cam Will Catch Dropping Knowledge on Its Porch


COCKROACHES NEED LESS THAN ONE PHOTON PER SECOND TO SEE. For comparision, humans need at least 100 to see anything. CRACKED.COM
Source: BBC

Indiana Jones

A hungry elephant INDIANA JONES CRACKED.COM After filming the scene where Kate Capshaw and Harrison Ford ride elephants into the jungle in Temple of Doom, one of the elephants straight-up ate Capshaw's dress. They actually had to make the dubious claim of eaten by elephant on an insurance form.

Truman Capote

In 1966, Truman Capote threw the Black and White Ball, which his 540 The party was so epic closest celebrity that an friends entire book spawned atten

Total Recall

Total Recall The entire plot is telegraphed early on. Doug Quaid's implanted memory is supposed to include blue sky on Mars, alien artifacts, and two-headed monsters (which sounds like a fair description of Quato). Regardless of where you stand on the dream/reality debate, this is all spot on. CRACKED.COM


Year-Old The 40 Virgin Al partido de futbol. In the film. Jane Lynch's character recounts the first time she had sex, and how her Guatemalan lover san

Pet Massacre During World War II

CLOSED SUNDAYS NCDL UNWANTED ANIMALS Clinic HUMANELY DESTROYED more open SUPPORTED ever VO The Blitz resulted CO in a pet massacre. In 1939, with the war looming, the British government created a committee to advise pet owners - and their recommendation was, it really is the kindest to have them destroyed. With the threat of bombings and starvation, over 750,000 pets were put down. CRACKED.COM


Good News

Sage, a blind 12-year old labrador that was missing for more than a week in the mountains of California was found and rescued by her owner's neighbor,


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