30 Holiday Gifts That Scream ‘I Picked This Up on My Way Over’

‘An expired Bed Bath and Beyond coupon’
30 Holiday Gifts That Scream ‘I Picked This Up on My Way Over’

The holiday season is about spreading love and cheer, but it’s also a great time for identifying the cheapskates and procrastinators in your life. 

One Redditor recalled the time her then-husband gave her a two-pack of chapstick for Christmas that he couldn’t even be bothered to wrap. And while yeah, there are times when it’s “the thought” that really counts, I think we have to take a step back and look at the situation. Based on that logic, you have to assume the thought was “I hate my wife and her lips are dry.” 

The Redditor obviously came to a similar conclusion, which is why he’s now her ex-husband.

Other Redditors have vented about the gifts they received that were clearly last-minute decisions, including a bag of batteries, used makeup remover and an expired coupon. ‘Tis the season!

Objective-Panic-1367 . 1y ago My aunt sent my mum a knitting magazine that she had already read and cut stuff out of 3 ...
Semaphor в 1y ago E I got a screwdriver set from a local gas station. But honestly, I use it quite often, so it's a great present I didn't know I needed. 3 ...
 1y ago A few years ago, my sister gave me a bottle of Micellar cleansing water and a pack of cotton pads from Primark, unwrapped and open already. Not picked up on the way over but straight from the bedroom floor. And it wasn't like we hadn't been getting along or something, we were pretty close and I'd gotten her a pair of €250 shoes she'd asked me for for her birthday that year, and had gotten everyone really thought out and personalised gifts for xmas. It was especially hurtful because I'd helped her pick out a present for
DistortedMirrors 1y ago A photo frame with the A5 stock image of a random child, just to fill you with the holiday spirit. 3 ...
Relative_Mulberry_71 1y ago My ex sister in law gave me a packet of dish towels one year, that reeked of gas. They owned a gas station and she'd obviously picked it up on her way out of work. Idiot &$1#% 5 ...
Rosemary324 . 1y ago - One time a family friend gave my daughter, who was about 1 at the time, a dog toy. Не had cut the tag off but the squeaker still gave it away. 4 ...
 1y ago The disposable camera my aunt got me as a kid. Honestly wasn't upset because we weren't that close and it was nice she wanted to bring something lol 3 ...
 1y ago $20 gift card to the local gas station that stays open on Christmas 3 ...
Useful_Candle631 1y ago o My aunt bought me a cheap pair of wire earphones when I was little. I'm profoundly Deaf and she KNOWS it! 3 ...
JamesTheJerk 0 1y ago 0 A bakery-fresh pie or dinner rolls. 3 ...
Zizzy_Zippy 1y ago My brother bought my SIL a single rose wrapped in that hard plastic, earrings and whore red lipstick. She used the words whore red and her ears are not pierced. Yes. Не stopped at a convenience store on the way home from work. 5 ...
Xenovitz 1y ago e I received an ashtray as a 12ish year old from an aunt that worked at a smoke shop. It was a cool dragon wrapped around a castle though so I still liked it. Didn't take up smoking though. 6 ...
Accurate_Interview10 1y ago . Christmas exchange with my cousins about 15 years ago. Minimum was $50. Everyone spent way more than the minimum, gifting shoes, clothes, electronics, etc. One of my cousins (who is a doctor btw) showed up with a $15 subway gift card. + 6 ...
streakystronky . 5y ago Bag of batteries with a note saying toy not included + 14K ...
Haunted-Macaron e 1y ago Random holiday sweater from the front of the Walmart clothing aisle 19 ...
 1y ago We invited a family friend over for Christmas. I guess he realized at the last minute he should get gifts for all of us. So, he gave us all Visa gift cards and gave us the gift receipt to show the value on the card. Dinner was at 3pm, the receipt was dated 12/25/22 2:38pm. Не stopped at the only open store on the way to the house. LOL. + 47 ...
Novel-Coast-957 1y ago A really sad little poinsettia (brown, shriveled leaves, dry as a bone). It's like the grocery store raw vegetable platter someone always brings to the potluck. 45 ...
mofototheflo e 1y ago Those big 5 buck popcorn tins with sappy Xmas scenes painted on them. I love the cheese popcorn in them however... 10 ...
SingularRoozilla e 1y ago e My ex husband got me a 2 pack of chapstick one Christmas. It wasn't wrapped. That was the only gift I got from him 13 ...
Thashiznit2003 1y ago e 83 Cologne in a brand you may have heard of, but have never heard of anyone actually wearing. Because it came from Walgreens, which is still open on Christmas Eve since some are 24 hours. 53 ...
smurfsundermybed . 1y ago o A zip lock baggie of star mints with the to: and from: written on it with a ballpoint pen that's almost out of ink. 332 ...
clovismordechai e 1y ago - My brother once brought everyone velvet art that he clearly bought at a gas station on the way to the party + 2.3K ...
Designer-Bid-3155 1y ago e A bag of Starbucks coffee in one hand while you're drinking a Starbucks coffee in the other... + 5K ...
justahdewd . 1y ago Six pack with five beers. + 1.7K ...
ItsNjry . 1y ago - Lottery tickets + 1.4K ...
lebowtzu . 1y ago The window squeegee from the gas station. + 613 ...
vampslayer85 1y ago A coworker gifted me box of scones from Panera for a work secret Santa exchange. ... we worked at Panera. + 1.5K ...
itsFrankenSHTEIN 1y ago e One year, my dad's girlfriend got him a MacBook and got me a box of Mac and cheese and a lottery ticket. Truly a gas station gift + 1K ...
girlwhoweighted e 1y ago The pedieggs my brother got my mom and I for Christmas one year. Не disappeared on Christmas morning. Came back with those. I guess Walgreens was the only store open in town. + 541 ...
daviep E 8y ago My sister once gave my wife an expired Bed Bath and Beyond coupon for Christmas. Share 194 ...


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