22 Wild Times Someone Heard a Story About Themselves

‘In high school I went through a streaking phase…’
22 Wild Times Someone Heard a Story About Themselves

If you lead an eventful life, your trials and tribulations are bound to leave the confines of your friend group and evolve into legendary tales among strangers. And in some instances, those legendary tales just might make their way back to you. 

A coworker was telling a Redditor about a recent ski trip that their brother took. Apparently, there was a guy snowboarding in a business suit, carrying a briefcase and drinking coffee as he made his way down the slopes. While this was a surreal experience for onlookers, it wasn’t surreal for the Redditor. Not only was he the well-dressed skier in question, but #SuitUpSunday is a weekly event on the mountain, and it’s been going strong for over a decade. He was pleased to hear that he made someone’s day, and admitted that he felt like “a bit of a celebrity” about the whole ordeal.

Other Redditors have shared bits of the oft-embarrassing lore they’ve heard about themselves, including that of the origin of a wrestling ban, a suitcase liquor guy and a pirate on campus.

jetejust 7y ago In highschool I went through a streaking phase... Probably related to that Blink182 video. This one time, naked as a Jaybird and in broad daylight, I ran through the campus. It was a Saturday, so not that busy. Monday morning I went to a religious class that did a weekend share every Monday. Apparently, someone in an earlier class reported playing some tennis when a pasty white ass ran buy. Since I wasn't religious I thoroughly enjoyed the look of horror on the faces when I fessed up. Good times. - 273 ...
MugglesUnited 7y ago I was at the baby weighing clinic one time and got talking to a new mum. She started telling me a story about a mum who locked her baby in the car outside of a local nursery and had to have the police come and break the window to get the baby out. She had heard about it at the breastfeeding cafe. It was me, from the week before, being used as a cautionary tale. 1.1K ...
Eggwa 7y ago At my university there has recently been a legend about the satanic cult that sat around a cobblestone/brick circle at the beginning of the year chanting things and being weird. Someone I had just met was telling me about them and after a brief pause at the end of the story, I announced Yeah that was me. What actually happened was that all of the new freshmen (myself included) were trying to settle in and meet people, so we were playing dumb games like two truths and a lie, and sitting in a circle. When some random
daecrist 7y ago I have a screen accurate Ghostbusters costume and I've been with a local group of GB costumers for over a decade doing stuff for charity and to make our city more weird. Everyone who knows me knows about the GB thing. A few years back some people I went to high school with walked into one of my GB friend's apartment and saw his proton pack hanging on the wall. They were like oh, we went to school with a guy who dressed as a Ghostbuster! You guys would get along. Then the HS friends got a
mesozoic_sarah 7y ago When I was 25, I was run over by a Chevy S10, while at home to see my family. Obviously, I was super out of it. I hadn't even realized that the news crews had shown up, until years later, while I was back home for another visit. I was out at a bar with a group of people, and we were talking about some a gory story on the news. This guy starts talking about a story he saw, a while back, involving a girl who got clobbered by a truck. Then he went on to
_totallysafeforwork. 7 7y ago I was out with friends and one of them started telling a story about how this girl our mutual friend introduced them to asked for a free bowl of lemons so she can make lemonade. That was me 77 ...
JustSouthOfMars 7y ago Edited 7y ago I went to a girl's camp every summer from fifth grade through high school. The summer after my freshman year of college, I got to ride with my aunt to go pick up my little cousin from the same camp. As we drove home, she was telling us all about camp, and all the fun, wild things she did and stories she heard. One of those stories she heard was about a crazy cool girl that dyed her hair green before the dance with the boys camp! My aunt started laughing her ass off.
drunk_and_clumsy 7y ago I made an account just to post this! Last night I was out at my favorite bar with some friends and spilled my (thankfully) almost empty beer over and splashed the guy next to me. I apologized profusely and bought him a drink. Не said It's OK, a few months ago a girl tripped with a full drink and covered my buddy with Jagermeister, so it could be a lot worse. I started laughing and asked if it was (other random bar) and he gave me a weird look and slowly said ...yes. Yup, me both times.
Sethrial 7y ago I used to wear a pirate costume to school once in a while. At the time I had really short bleach blonde hair and was super skinny (anorexia). That was about four years ago and Ive grown my hair out and gained some weight since then. About a year ago in a nonfiction writing class someone wrote an essay about seeing a pirate on campus and I got to tell them that it was me 1.2K ...
xxgibeastxx 7y ago This was a little a little after highschool. I had made a friend with this guy i played board games with then I ended up needing a new roommate and he moved it with me. Не ended up meeting this girl I went to high school with and they started dating. She was telling him a story about this guy who would bring a giant suite case to parties full of liquor to parties and some of the crazy shit that would would happen. Не ended up telling me that story and I was like yea I
NickBurnsComputerGuy . 7y ago I came up with a website, we had a launch, received some decent praise locally. Real jobs got in the way so I let the project die. A couple of years down the road I mention to a co-worker about creating a site. Не responds Don't bother, there is already a site that does it and he mentions the site I had created. - 2.5K ...
 7y ago When I took the SATs, they had us write that whole honesty sentence in cursive for some bizarre reason, as if that makes it somehow more legitimate than actual handwriting. I hadn't written a word in cursive in like 9 years, and couldn't remember how to write some of the wackier letters. It took me several minutes longer than anyone else to write that entire stupid sentence. Later, one of my friends mentioned how one of his buddies had to take the SATs with this stupid kid who took forever to write a cursive sentence. feelsbadman.jpeg 7.5K
PieceofReese 7y ago Edited 7y ago When I was in Year 8 I broke my arm very badly in PE playing bench ball. Like snapped in half requiring two surgeries and over a year of physiotherapy bad. Fast forward to PE in Year 11 and walking back in to the same gym, a girl that I hadn't really started talking to until about a year earlier mentioned Did you know I heard a girls arm snapped off in here!? When I questioned her about it she recited all the details of how it happened (apart from my arm falling off,
cassidy-alexis 7y ago Edited 7y ago So when I got a new job, I was in a little cubicle. In my desk were some tiny decorative rocks, apparently from a previous employee's broken fountain. So I lined up all the rocks between me and the girl in the cubicle next to me. She didn't mind, she didn't really care. I got promoted a few months later, moved to a bigger desk. Took my rocks with me, its a bit of a bigger cubicle. I had sat the rocks on a pile on my desk not knowing what to do with
JustCalllnSick 7y ago spent 3 months in the hospital before giving birth due to my water breaking at 21.3 weeks. On Valentine's Day of all days! It was just like the movies, except there was multiple puddles of fluid on the floor. So I go for a scan with the same lady about 2 months later (I had lots of scans between then, just with different techs). They wanted to check fluid levels and the babies growth. The tech asks why I was there and I told her my water broke early and I was in the hospital or something
ElbisCochuelo 7y ago When I was a kid, I used to impersonate the Rock a lot because he was my favorite. This led the school to ban wrestling themed stuff. Now, almost twenty years later, my friends kid goes to the same school and can't wear a John Cena shirt to school. Because they still have the rule. Crazy shit man. - 5K ...
 7y ago This friend I had in highschool had a step-mom who was a runner. Idk if she still runs or not but she ran a lot back then. She would often run along the trail by the local creek. One day she's telling me about how she saw these people having sex in a field on her run, and how trashy it is all out in public like that and what is the place coming to? I still don't know if she knew it was me or not and was trying to say something indirectly, but at the
CupcakesAtWork - 7y ago Co-worker was talking about their brother having been up skiing at my local mountain, and they apparently saw a guy snowboarding in a full suit, carrying a briefcase and sipping coffee while carving down the hill. Apparently it made for a really surreal day for them. I informed her that the guy in the suit was me, and that I do that every Sunday at my mountain, often times as part of a whole crew of folks wearing suits. #SuitUpSunday, been at it for almost 10 years now, but this was the first time I felt like
 7y ago once tried to flirt with a guy in college and knew the guy loved Star Wars. Said something along the lines of Why don't we watch all the Star Wars movies together and then not actually watch them Needless to say, he was NOT into it, but I remained friends with the guy and we had overlapping friend groups and hung out often. Throughout the years he suffered a few concussions due to rugby, and as a result, he often confused events and overall had a bad memory. We were out at a bar with all
lionorderhead . 7y ago Someone once told me about a friend of a friend who got mugged downtown and pissed her pants from fright. That pants pisser was me. - 4.8K ...
 . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago I met a girl in college who started telling me about her brother's friend who had the same first name as me. Proceeded to tell me my life story (drug addiction, abusive relationship, abortion) but apparently her brother heard that I got killed. - 14K ...
polarbee e 7y ago Not me but my husband. When I first got to college in Alaska, we were warned about going outside with wet hair in the winter and told the cautionary tale of a girl who did and after bumping into a door while running into a building at -40, a good size chunk of her hair broke off. She didn't realize until a fellow student followed her in and handed her the hair. I related that to my husband a decade later and he rather sheepishly admitted it was him and that he hadn't really thought through


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