22 Wild Times Someone Heard a Story About Themselves

If you lead an eventful life, your trials and tribulations are bound to leave the confines of your friend group and evolve into legendary tales among strangers. And in some instances, those legendary tales just might make their way back to you.
A coworker was telling a Redditor about a recent ski trip that their brother took. Apparently, there was a guy snowboarding in a business suit, carrying a briefcase and drinking coffee as he made his way down the slopes. While this was a surreal experience for onlookers, it wasn’t surreal for the Redditor. Not only was he the well-dressed skier in question, but #SuitUpSunday is a weekly event on the mountain, and it’s been going strong for over a decade. He was pleased to hear that he made someone’s day, and admitted that he felt like “a bit of a celebrity” about the whole ordeal.
Other Redditors have shared bits of the oft-embarrassing lore they’ve heard about themselves, including that of the origin of a wrestling ban, a suitcase liquor guy and a pirate on campus.