27 Aggravating Times People Tried to Correct An Expert

Nobody likes a know-it-all — especially the people who actually do know it all.
But regardless of how little people know, it doesn’t stop them from arguing about it. One Redditor recalled the time she was at a gallery show and someone tried to explain the meaning of a painting to her. It was her painting, and they were wrong. Another Redditor remembered getting into an argument with a person who swore that liquor stores in their area were closed on Sundays. The Redditor definitely knew better, though, citing his lengthy history in alcoholism and the restaurant industry to back up his superior knowledge.
It doesn’t stop there either — plenty of other Redditors have recounted the times their expertise was called into question by someone who didn’t have the right to do so, including one guy who thought he knew a woman’s body better than a female midwife.