30 Extremely Dumb Arguments People Tried to Make

‘2+2 is always 4’ ‘Not always!’
30 Extremely Dumb Arguments People Tried to Make

Plenty of us spend late nights staring at the ceiling and thinking about what we should’ve said during an argument. Unfortunately, there’s no way to go back in time and be more articulate, so you’re cursed to constantly relive the horrifying time you couldn’t quite make your point — even though you definitely had one. 

At least you can take solace in the fact that your argument was valid. You weren’t making claims like, “If identical twins are separated at birth and raised in different families, they’re not twins anymore.” That just isn’t true! 

To that end, Redditors have remembered the most infuriating arguments people tried to have with them, including someone who didn’t understand the definition of “wet.”

Krazyceltickid 10y ago 0 A phone number I frequently call ends in 6272. I remember that by dialing NASA. Friends of mine VEHEMENTLY disagreed and said I was dialing the wrong number, the correct number was NAPA. They're the same numbers on the keypad... 176 ...
operativac 10y ago . Edited 10y ago Friend: If you are driving 100km/h, you are driving 1km per minute. Me: No, you are driving almost 2km per minute. Friend: You high or something? ..... .....
arhanv 8y ago . Someone told me that there's no proof that the Earth is round and I told him that there's nothing but proof. Не then went on to rant about how the government is hiding the truth from us and there's no basis to my beliefs + 121 ...
feralkatey 8y ago . I said it's technically shorter to cut diagonally through a lot than walk on the sidewalk around it. My roommate said there is no way you can prove that.... literally so many ways to prove that.... Pythagorean theorem, y'all. She would not be convinced. She ended up not speaking to me for the rest of the day. + 209 ...
CaptainBunana e 5y ago Once argued with a girlfriend saying 2+2 is always 4 and she was like not always. + 533 ...
 5y ago A guy argued that woodpeckers pecked to sharpen their beaks for attacking other birds. In vain, I tried to explain that woodpeckers peck trees to search for food and to create nesting sites. They also peck in rapid succession or drum on resonating metal or wood surfaces to establish their territory and to attract mates. + 507 ...
heyamberlynne 12y ago I was writing an article about taxes going up on cigarettes for a small newsletter/paper we have at work. My manager told me it was too political and when I asked her, How is it political? It states that taxes will be raised on cigarettes and lists methods of quitting for people who think it's time to quit. There's absolutely nothing political about it, and it's not biased in any way. There are just facts Her reply: Well what are facts, really? Uhh, are you fucking kidding me? How are you MY boss? 126 ...
Scrappy_Larue 12y ago 0 I recently had an employee tell me that I don't understand how difficult his job is. I fucking INVENTED his job...performed it myself for many years...and hired him so that I could focus on other tasks. + 109 ...
Outrageous_Claims 8y ago my brother is the king of dumb arguments. Не wins them by just saying shit so off-the-wall, that I can't defend against that level of absurdity. Here's just one example. Не was arguing that he didn't think we evolved from primates. Not that evolution wasn't real, but we didn't come from primates. Here was his main point: Think about it, if we evolved from monkeys, than why do so many people look like birds? YOU WIN + 136 ...
derawin07 . 5y ago 0 A woman was adamant that looking at the big solar eclipse on the television was unsafe unless you were wearing glasses. She wouldn't believe us and insisted on emailing NASA to check. + 266 ...
derawin07 . 5y ago . A 70 year old woman thought that hurricanes ere named according to their gender identity. She thought they were male or female. 583 ...
 5y ago With a woman who claimed that -2 < -5 because, when talking about temperature -5 is more cold + 2.1K ...
Djlionking 10y ago I had an ex argue with me over which would weigh more, a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers. We went back and forth forever while I tried to explain it to her. It did not help when her mother chimed in with what about a pound of wet feathers!! The apple does not fall far from the tree. + 3.1K ...
handndacookiejar 10y ago My friend once tried to argue that Token, the black character in South Park, was named as such because black people are stereotypically always toking on weed and crack. I argued that it was because he's the 'token black character.' + 2.2K ...
d3f3ct1v3 6y ago . Edited 6y ago e Had to convince another native English speaker that the word is is a verb. His counter agrument: It's not because you can't 'to is.
CecilNyx e 6y ago 0 I was watching Escape From New York. My friend got really mad that Snake Plissken was just a rip off of Solid Snake from Metal Gear. Не refused to accept the fact that Escape From New York came out like 17 years earlier and Solid Snake was inspired by Plissken. + 16K ...
iAmMitten1 6y ago Someone refused to believe that my brother and I are not identical twins, we're fraternal twins. Their argument was that we looked the same, so we had to be identical. I tried to tell them that it wasn't something you can disagree with because it's fucking science, but they weren't having that. + 10K ...
Slymate 6y ago That cheese is in fact dairy and comes from a cow, despite it looking nothing like milk. I wish I was kidding. + 9.1K ...
Cornographiclmage 6y ago . I told someone that the romance languages are called as such because they were derived from Latin. She insisted that it was because they were romantic... Who in their right mind would call Romanian romantic? + 3.8K ...
 6y ago . Someone I work with said if they cant see drops of water on/coming from something then it isn't wet. I got a damp cloth and asked if it was wet. No, there isn't any drops coming from it. So I wrung it out and got more water out of it. They didnt want to argue anymore. + 15K ...
 6y ago . I tried to tell my little brother that it was spelled sword not sored. I even broke out the Websters Unabridged to prove it to him. His reaction? На ha, your dictionary spelled it wrong. + 18K ...
poemchomsky 6y ago I was eating a pickle at lunch, in high school. I referred to my pickle for some reason in the conversation. My friend said, That's not a pickle. It was a pickle. A normal, big crunchy dill pickle. It looked exactly like the pickle you're picturing right now. I asked her what she thought it was, and she said it was a cucumber. I said that she was right, but that it was also a pickle. She disagreed. I asked her what she thought a pickle was, then, if not the thing in my hand. She couldn't
PyroTeknich 6y ago That Vatican City wasn't a country after multiple google searches, the whole class agreeing that it was and even a geography teacher telling him it was His response? I still don't think it is because I can have my own opinion 10K ...
AngelAri 12y ago e I don't have to use facts because it's my opinion and an opinion doesn't need facts. Fact. You're stupid. + 323 ...
shugoi . 12y ago How do you know how far away that star is? Have you been there? I was in the midst of explaining light years and other things to a coworker of mine. + 778 ...
Mshki e 12y ago e I've gotten the you always think you're right when I've shown someone to be incorrect a few times. Of course I think I'm correct when I'm defending myself in a disagreement; I wouldn't go through the trouble of defending my position (or even holding it) if I thought I was wrong. + 682 ...
ZeiramZaraki . 6y ago Someone started an argument claiming that if identical twins are separated at birth and raised by different families, then they're not twins anymore. + 6.9K ...
thicky-_-vicky . 6y ago Someone tried to convince me that they could run a mile in 3 minutes. After I called her out saying the fastest was 3 minutes and 43 seconds she then argued that the fastest mile was actually 1 minute. + 5.9K ...
Furchuck 12y ago My girlfriend's mom started calling me a spoiled rich kid, so I reminded her that both my parents had lost their jobs over the last 6 months, and that all of my money came from a job I got by myself. GF's mom proceeds to kick me out of the house for talking back to her, and completely forgets that she was insulting me to my face. + 606 ...
danskais 6y ago UV I played the flute back in middle school. I was waiting for my dad to pick me up one afternoon, holding the case containing my flute. A kid came up to me and asked about my piccolo. I told him it was a flute. Не proceeded to argue with me that it was ACTUALLY a piccolo, and he KNOWS it can't be a flute. No, it didn't matter that me, the person that actually played the instrument, said it was a flute, he clearly knew better. + 1.2K ...


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