30 of the Funniest Pranks People Pulled on Their Neighbors

‘Throw peanuts on their roof and gutters’
30 of the Funniest Pranks People Pulled on Their Neighbors

We’ve all had garbage neighbors, but some people are actually nothing but trash. A Redditor recalled the refuse war they got into with their neighbor, which started when a gust of wind knocked the neighbor’s bin over and dumped trash right into the Redditor’s yard. Instead of cleaning up the mess, the neighbor ignored the issue, which led to an introductory lesson in gaslighting.  

On trash day, the Redditor committed to waking up bright and early to remove his neighbor’s bin from the curb so their trash wouldn’t be collected. After collection, he’d return the bins to the curb for his neighbor to find them still full of trash. He kept this scheme up for six smelly weeks until city officials got involved. They never, though, found out who was responsible.

To that end, other Redditors have laid out their favorite ways of pranking their neighbors, and if you live next door to a jerk, you might want to add plastic flamingos, hot dogs and 5,000 dandelion seeds to your next shopping list.

Voodoo330 4y ago Throw peanuts on their roof and gutters. The squirrels will drive them nuts, haha + 69 ...
 14y ago My downstairs neighbors like to play loud music every now and then when I lived in my old apt. One time I had to be up early for a meeting and I could hear it all night. When I left in the morning, I popped a porno into my DVD player, turned my surround system up and left. They were not amused. My land lord told me apparently one of their mothers had come over to visit and all they could hear was the unmistakeable sound of raunchy fucking. Не actually thought it was a hilarious idea,
sonia72quebec 4y ago Play the same song over and over, loud enough for them to hear but not too loud to have complaints. My old neighbor went on a French rap phase and he nearly got killed because of it. Wherever you are Stéphane fuck you! + 65 ...
igotfiveonit 14y ago e I use to have a neighbor I didn't get along with. Nothing major, but I would turn their front lawn sprinklers and aim them at their front door. (Town house) 3 ...
remjob61 11y ago A while back, McDonalds used to give out little boxes of crayons, usually 5 colors, in their happy meals. My grand parents owned a McDonalds at this time and for some reason, brought 3 huge boxes full of these crayons over to my house. A friend was over my house and we both hated my neighbor. There were 3 girls who lived there and they always threw rocks and shoes at my bedroom window. So, we proceeded to open up the boxes of crayons and throw them all in their back yard, scattering them everywhere. I'd say
ExceptionallyFound o 6mo ago Buy a roll of police yellow tape for crime scenes. Tape up the house. 22 Reply ...
ARE FROMAN EXT YOU _Abe_Froman_SKOC 6mo ago SAUSAGE KING of CHICAGO Instant mashed potato mix. Spread it out all over the yard, or go extra and spell out a message or draw a picture. When the dew sets in (or their sprinklers go off) the potatoes will activate. Good luck raking mashed potatoes out of a yard, fucker! + 51 Reply ...
7 DancingBears88 - 6mo ago e Buy snake skins online and over a couple of months put a CONSERNING number of snake skins near their house. + 24 Reply ...
Christmashams96 6mo ago Need the right conditions for this one and a bit more difficult with all the doorbell cameras, but after Christmas our town growing up always had a couple specific days where you had to put your Christmas tree out to the curb for pickup. There was usually a fair amount of snow on the ground this time of year so overnight we'd go around the neighborhood collecting Christmas trees and stand them up in the snow in one persons lawn. We're talking 40-50 Christmas trees. They'd wake up to find their lawn looking like a forest. 6
optimaloutcome 4y ago Someone in my friends neighborhood stole all of the election campaign signs from every house (ALL of them, doesn't matter which candidate) over the course of a couple weeks. Then one night they put all of them in one neighbor's yard. 4 ...
buscamares 11y ago e Had a neighbor years ago was a total douchbag to everybody... Ordered 5k of ladybugs from the local greenhouse and all of them went thru the neighbors mail slot right into the house in the middle of the night. Goodbye neighbor. + 7 ...
MysticForest-512 4y ago e Our neighbor (also our close friend) is very afraid of gnomes. So every summer we buy 10-11 cheep ones and every other week or so hide some in his yard. Не still has no idea who is doing it. 10 ...
DragonblazelRL 6y ago E When my family moved into the area we live in now, our neighbour took the clothes of our clothes line and replaced them with used tea bags..... 2 ...
beepbopboopbedoop e 4y ago . We used to switch front porch furniture/decorations between neighbors we knew already hated each other 17 ...
ctilvolover23 7y ago e Signing them up for travel guides, magazines, and catalogs. 16 ...
vertamae 4y ago 0 My neighbor hates squirrels. Не traps them and takes them away and bitches endlessly. So I found about a dozen tiny ceramic squirrels at a yard sale. Every few weeks I would put one in his yard somewhere. Did it all summer long. It drove home crazy! Не still doesn't know who it was! 23 ...
 7y ago . Some friends of mine put on black hooded robes, created a burning pentagram in their driveway, and then chanted their way into a tool shed. Neighbors called the cops. By the time they arrive, pentagram has burned out, toolshed is unoccupied, and no hoods in sight. 30 ...
fanna_aaris 7y ago Call jahovahs witness and ask to have them visit you (aka the neighbor). It's hilarious 38 ...
bakhesh e 7y ago o Buy some Rain-X. Make a stencil out of cardboard saying the word COCK in big letters, then apply to your neighbours car windows + 12 ...
hilwil 7y ago . A neighbor put up a confederate flag in our northern town. I bought two dozen little pride flags and would occasionally sneak up to his house and tuck them into things. + 129 ...
Gpotato 7y ago Super late to the game, but if you are slightly computer savvy and they are not write a script that targets every wireless devices mac address on their network, and issues a reconnect packet to them every 5 seconds or so. A rooted nexus 5 can do this. Leave the phone plugged in close enough to have access to their house wifi. Best part is you don't even have to have thier wireless password. None of their devices will ever reconnect, they will just always be searching. This works for smart tv's, phones, laptops, tablets, you name
llcucf80 7y ago 9 Go all Grumpy Old Men on them and hide a fish in their car. It stinks. It'll take weeks to get that smell out. You might get whiffs of it, too, being their neighbor, it is truly that nasty. 48 ...
Oi-Oi 7y ago Once rented next door to an arsehole how after strong winds had blown his bin over into our garden dumping crap everywhere refused to pick it up. Now our bin collections are really early in the morning, like 7 am, so I'd move his bins back onto his driveway then wait until the collection had been then moved his bins back to the front of the kerbside. Overhead him talking to his wife in the back garden while I had opened my rear bedroom window. Не had lodged an official complaint about it since his bins had
NippleBuddy E 7y ago you can get 5000 dandelion seeds from amazon. Water balloons filled with the seeds & miracle grow....launch away + 473 ...
SelfRefMeta 7y ago Buy a lot of cheap hot dogs. Separate then on a cookie sheet or whatever and freeze them. When frozen, pound them like stakes into the neighbor's yard. Either they rot, which is awful, animals will dig up the yard to get them, which is awful, or they'll have to dig them all out, since you can't pull them out after they thaw in the morning because the ends will just break off. + 441 ...
kg959 7y ago E Dump loads of bread crumbs on their car and let the birds take care of the rest. + 171 ...
judahnator 7y ago I once had a neighbor who was a shit cook. They would constantly burn things and made the whole apartment smell pretty terrible. They also had an unsecured wireless printer. I made it a point that whenever they would burn something or stink up the place to send a recipe their way. The problem got better over time, but exploits like this would also make for good pranks + 437 ...
TGMcGonigle 7y ago I have some obnoxiously rich people next door. When the kids were high school and college aged, Mom and Dad spent a lot of time at the Florida house and the privileged brats used this house as the party house. The parties were boisterous and loud, and lasted well into the early morning hours. One morning after a party the street in front of our houses was littered with used condoms that had been thrown out of car windows. This was a school bus stop, by the way. I decided I'd had enough, so the next night,
Flexo24 7y ago I saw one the other day. Put weed killer on their lawn in a straight line, say diagonally across. When it's killed the grass, mention it could be that gas/ water/ drainage etc pipe underneath their lawn is leaking Cause them to dig the whole lawn up + 536 ...
Boring_Material_Dude 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Change your SSID (WiFi network name) to match your neighbors. Additionally, find the channel that their WiFi is operating on and manually choose that. My neighbor usually keeps restarting his router until I give it a rest. You can see his network disappear, reappear, disappear, reappear. Timing is everything. Use it wisely. 11 ...


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