45 Random Bits of Trivia Dislodged From the Permafrost Thanks to Climate Change

A little guilty pleasure for your brain
45 Random Bits of Trivia Dislodged From the Permafrost Thanks to Climate Change

We feel a little icky about these facts. Not because of their integrity or anything. Theyre 100 percent true. We just came about them through slightly shady means, and were wrestling with that guilt now. We work so hard to find facts that it was just nice to have a few fall in our lap today. We know that melting ice caps are a serious issue, but if their warming innards happen to spill out some highly interesting facts, we have to snatch them up, right? 

If they float out into the ocean, their knowledge might be lost forever!


CRACKED co Some manufacturers use pulp extenders to bulk up their tomato sauces and make them look shiny. The instant starch mimics tomato pulp texture, taste and mouthfeel when added to sauce. This allows manufacturers to save money and cut back on tomato paste by 25% while retaining visual appeal.


In 2010, Blackberry hired actresses to flirt with men in bars. The goal was to hand the guy her Blackberry and have him enter his number. CRACKED.COM

Richard Nixon

KNOW NIXON'S FAMOUS I AM NOT A CROOK SPEECH? HE WAS ON DISNEY PROPERTY. The iconic line that would forever be cemented as the go-to cue for every ha

South Park

UNITED NATIONS In South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, the flag display outside the United Nations includes the Jolly Roger and an LGBT Pride flag. CRA

Kill Bill

45 Random Bits of Trivia Dislodged From the Permafrost Thanks to Climate Change

Kitchen Confidential

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM FOX CANCELLED KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL AFTER JUST ONE SEASON. OLITA O It was based on Anthony Bourdain's book on the same name, but it didn't take a lot more than the name - there were a couple of nods to the book, but it mostly evolved into its own thing.


Praying Mantis Goggles

Scientists built tiny 3D goggles for praying mantises. This mantis isn't just fashionable with its slick little goggles-it's a boon to science. Mantises are the only known invertebrates with 3D vision, and can accurately strike moving prey even when the image beamed to each eye (via the goggles) is different. This mantis-vision research could help future worker robots navigate the world. Or more effectively murder enemies of the hive mind. CRACKED.COM



The majority of Baywatch fans were female. UARD TN 65% of its fans were women between the ages of 18 and 34. Focus groups revealed that women liked th


CRACKEDcO THE SHARK FROM JAWS BECAME A JUNKYARD SIGN. After the animatronic shark used in the movie started to deteriorate in the 90s, Universal sold


A hissing cat is an angry cat, right? Not quite. Hissing is meant to terrify you. A cat's hiss is intended to mimic a deadly snake attack, from the hi


Scientists have discovered that bananas are slightly radioactive. They determined that, to prevent a harmful radiation dose, should CRac you never eat

David Tennant

David Tennant's birth name was David McDonald but there was already a David McDonald in the actors' union he was joining SO he had to change it. He fl


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