44 Random Bits of Trivia That Your Brain Should Keep on Hand in Case of Emergency

You never know when you might need these
44 Random Bits of Trivia That Your Brain Should Keep on Hand in Case of Emergency

Survivalists arm themselves with facts about shelter-building, hunting and fire-starting, but they know what theyre getting themselves into beforehand. At any moment, you could find yourself in one of a billion emergency situations. Wouldnt it be helpful to know that the first flash mob occurred in June of 2003? 

Its hard to tell what exactly that could help with, but isnt it better to have a fact and not need it than to need a fact but not have it?

Tropic Thunder

Ben Stiller got the idea for Tropic Thunder while he was working on Empire of the Sun. A number of his castmates were getting roles in war movies, and

The Pastry War

The Pastry War CRACKED.COM In 1838, a French baker living in Mexico had his pastry shop damaged by Mexican soldiers. The owner got French King Louis-Phillipe to demand repayment; when Mexico refused, the French navy blockaded the entire Gulf coast, leading Mexico to declare war.


Drew Scanlon, AKA Blinking White Guy, is using his status as a meme to raise money to fight MS. Cw FUNDRAIS He's participating in Bike MS, a fundraise

Office Space

44 Random Bits of Trivia That Your Brain Should Keep on Hand in Case of Emergency

Invisibility Cloaks

A biotech corporation is developing an invisibility cloak called Quantum Stealth. Quantum Stealth oper- ates similar to fiber optic cable technology in that it bends light waves around it, so the wearer is hidden from view. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


John Travolta

John Travolta's passion cost him a major role in the '80s. AAN The studio wanted him to do An Officer. and a Gentleman, but he chose to study aviation

The Little Mermaid

We almost got a Sofia Coppola adaptation of The Little Mermaid. Her version was supposed to adapt the original fairy tale, and she wanted to shoot underwater. They did some underwater shooting tests, but she left the project when too much money started pouring in, because she couldn't make the movie she wanted to make. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Greetings From The OX Secret B DEZ TENN City During WWII, Oak Ridge TN was commissioned to develop and build the first atomic bomb. The vast majority of the city's workers had absolutely no idea what they were working on and only found out after the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. CRACKED.COM


The Social Network

Natalie Portman consulted on The Social Network. When she heard David Fincher was doing the movie, Portman (who went to Harvard from 1999 to 2003) called him over for dinner. She told him about how final clubs worked and how prestigious they were for underclassmen -- which made its way into the movie, as it starts with Zuck talking about how much he wants to join one. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



Hawaii tried to solve homelessness by providing one-way plane tickets out of the state. GRACKED COM To qualify for the trial, participants must com- plete a background check, be mentally sound, and have what the bill calls sufficient personal hygiene.

Flash Mobs

GRAOT The first flash mob occured in June 2003. RUG COLLECTION It was created by Bill Wasik, Harper's Magazine senior editor, as a social experiment.


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