36 Random Bits of Trivia to Inject Into Your Brain Like It’s a Big Gross Cannoli

You want these in the nostril or the ear hole?
36 Random Bits of Trivia to Inject Into Your Brain Like It’s a Big Gross Cannoli

Before we get started, we just want to be sure that you know the difference between filling facts and “filler” facts. Because when we say were going to fill your brain, we dont want you to think its some $5 fill-up meal at KFC or something. Were not looking to load you up with garbage just so we can say that we filled your brain to the brim. 

Our facts are so chock-full of good clean knowledge that youll probably only need a few dozen to satisfy its hunger. Itll be the right kind of full. The healthy, hit-the-spot full that you can go back to work after without dozing off at your desk.

Humpback Whales

HUMPBACK WHALES ARE NO LONGER ENDANGERED. In 1966, there were only about 5,000 humpback whales left. Today there 100,000 or so worldwide. Other endang

Disco Demolition

The White Sox held a Disco Demolition Night attended by 50,000 people, which turned into a riot. adidas STEREO 8 IS - Cotillion KRRFTWERK ! THE RA - - - GRAN - - - - Cherry Loc STER 1 CRACKED.COM The promotion, held in 1979, was an effort to boost atten- dance and was connected to prior Disco Nights, al- though those didn't usually end in fans rushing the field after a bunch of records were blown up.


Wisdom Teeth

Wondering why our wisdom teeth don't fit? It's because we're not eating as many plants. Earlier versions of humans had larger jaws, which were more su


When potatoes consisting of 99% water dry to 98% water, they lose 50% of their weight. THE POTATO PARADOX CRACKED COMT The result seems counter-intuit

Sam Kinison

Sam Kinison was a touring preacher. He quit after he caught his wife cheating on him. CRACKED.COM

Source: Ozy

Rainy Days

Miami isn't always sunny, and London isn't always gloomy. cRAu London only gets rain about 106 days out of the average year, while in Miami it's 128 d

Leon Lederman

Leon Lederman won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988. However, he was later forced to sell it to help pay for his medical expenses.


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