34 Funny Times People Took Shower Arguments Too Far

‘Apparently I was screaming, because my roommate came to check on me…’
34 Funny Times People Took Shower Arguments Too Far

Among the brain’s more cursed mechanisms is getting stuck in a loop that doesn’t matter. One minute, you’re making your to-do list for the day, and the next, you’re in the shower, imagining an altercation in the grocery store parking lot, complete with a full trial in a court of law where you, representing yourself of course, make a passionate plea to the jury that convinces them of your innocence. 

What’s sick about this fantasy isn’t that it’s completely fueled by delusion, but the fact that you’ll be back in that imaginary courtroom to emphatically plead your case again someday soon. 

On that note, Redditors have remembered the shower arguments they’ve had that went way further than they should’ve, including one person who served an entire prison sentence in their mind.

daibz e 6y ago e Go into an argument with myself I decided to stop talking to myself for about 4 hours before I realised I was an idiot 3 ...
go_for_the_bronze e 6y ago 9 I once got married, had kids, and went through a painful divorce in the shower. We tried to share time equally with Timmy, but that fell through when his mother decided to move to the west coast 4 ...
robertbreadford . 6y ago e I punched the stream of water 4 ...
yesofcouseitdid 6y ago Got sentenced to 25 imaginary years in imaginary jail for imaginary murder. Whilst imaginarily inside I taught myself imaginary woodwork and upon my imaginary realse set up an imaginary furniture manufacturing business. It was doing ok for an imaginary while and I was imaginarily content, but then an imaginary recession imaginarily struck and I lost everything and ended up living under an imaginary bridge until I died of imaginary cat aids. Also, I'm just glad I'm not the only one that does this. Legit imagined I was losing it. + 9 ...
mochikitsune 6y ago I am still angry 3 days later about it because I was thinking about how an argument with my psycho aunt would go. Except it has a possibility of happening so now I'm just mad and anxious and keep continuing it in my head. 8 ...
itspeterj . 6y ago I took it far enough to start organizing a campaign for the next year's school board election because there is a bullying epidemic and god damn it, my kids aren't going to get punished for fighting back thanks to some bullshit zero tolerance policy. I... don't have children. 7 ...
veryprosaic 6y ago I once made myself so angry I cried for twenty minutes afterwards. 4 ...
llike_turtlz_720 6y ago I've gotten to the point of being angry at someone in real life because of how our imaginary conversation went. Maybe I'm crazy, they sure thought I was. 5 ...
 6y ago I had the argument, made some points then made an imaginary petition (which everyone signed) and then I imagined me standing in front of the whole school delivering my findings. I was 10!! 17 ...
Almighty_Elephant 6y ago I once got in an imaginary argument so fiercely that my head got cloudy and I had to get out of the shower because I needed to calm down lest I faint 17 ...
Derp_Simulator 0 6y ago I imagine arguing until the point of losing the argument and going home and taking a shower in which I have the argument over again in my imagination. 33 ...
Amdinga 6y ago e For weeks I continued a single fantasy where I defended myself in court and eventually my argument became a keystone case and the law changed around it and all drugs were legalized. Lol. 40 ...
nahidav 0 6y ago Sometimes I get so angry I'll kick the shampoo bottle 44 ...
summonsays 6y ago . i came up with strategies on how i and my wife should react/handle it if our teenage daughter told us she's pregnant. btw we don't have kids yet. + 155 ...
PrinceDipshit . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago e Leaving the shower I was mentally prepared to call the police and turn myself in. 113 ...
10minutes_late . 6y ago Enough that I start shouting both sides of the argument and my significant other thinks I'm schizophrenic. 63 ...
completeoriginalname 6y ago Let myself dry out in the cold in front of the AC cuz i was mad that my brain counter-argued everything i complained about(and was right) and made me accept defeat. Take that bitch! 84 ...
Norse_Demon 6y ago Came up with a barrage of frighteningly good arguments for my opposing side and subsequently felt so thoroughly humiliated that I actually got hard and had to have a wank. Yeah I don't know how my brain works either. + 61 ...
HungLowHobo e 6y ago e Playing out an argument with my wife about why we shouldn't get a new puppy. Lost the imaginary argument and the real one. + 164 ...
-zimms- . 6y ago Got so mad I wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the week. + 197 ...
Raiderz408 0 6y ago Went from yelling to me clenching my fists and that shoulder thrust like trying to make someone flinch. In my head full brawl, then a wooden chair on this guys head 233 ...
Dh_matt e 6y ago . Punched the wall, slipped, hit my ass crack on the soap thing attached to the wall. Huge bruise. 212 ...
Champernoon 6y ago . I often lose imaginary arguments. Once I lost one not because my own arguments were unsound but because I worded an objection in a way that could be contextualised as extremely politically incorrect. I had no option but to leave the debate there and never go back to that specific imaginary place. 281 ...
Sepsom6 6y ago Getting audibly frustrated by a counter argument. + 13K ...
LucyVialli e 6y ago The argument lasted all through the shower, through dressing, getting to work, and until at least lunchtime. It's no way to live. + 2.4K ...
Defendor67 . 6y ago Apparently I was screaming because my roommate came to check on me, make sure I was okay + 554 ...
Nyhtt 6y ago I once was having an imaginary argument with my boss about me not wanting to work all the time. Some how during this Imaginary argument we started kissing and fucking. My boss was like 65 years old. + 485 ...
greenwaterbottle34 6y ago I've been hysterically crying (more than once) over something someone said or did while in an imaginary argument. I've had to take a good look at my mental health hahaha try to live in a more positive imaginary world now. Promotions and grand gestures etc HAHA 372 ...
 . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Got into it with Barbara Walters about a drug addiction I don't have, but it was her fault because she had the audacity to insinuate that I was high during the interview.
Generic_Her0 e 6y ago e Like, all the way to the point where I had argue my innocence in court because the other argument had escalated so quickly. I forgot how long I was in there and definitely didn't wash at all. + 5.7K ...
Docklenator 6y ago . I'll start mouthing the stuff I imagine myself saying while half pointing at the person I'd be saying it to. I'll get halfway through a long winded speech before I realize that if anyone could see me I'd look psychotic. + 13K ...
RockSkippa o 6y ago . Acted like a lawyer. With evidence, and witnesses. The whole shebang. Audibly saying Your honor brought me back to reality. + 8.2K ...
Fortune86 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Resumed the argument the next day in the shower again with 'Also...'.
 6y ago I had a heated argument with myself over whether or not to buy an architecturally beautiful 1920s house that needed a lot of expensive work and updating done to it. As my S/O remarked after the protracted shower argument: The house won and the rest of my argument against the move went down the drain. 3 ...


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