42 Random Bits of Trivia That Withered and Fell Off of the Tree of Knowledge

It’s basically raining knowledge out here today
42 Random Bits of Trivia That Withered and Fell Off of the Tree of Knowledge

Sadly, theres only a handful of Tree of Knowledge seeds in the entire world, and anyone whos obtained them guards them with their lives. 

Luckily for us, we moved into a building with a particularly fruitful knowledge tree in the backyard. Once we were buried in facts, we knew we had to pivot to tidbit sharing. So by routinely coming to this site for random facts, you basically have your very own Tree of Knowledge in your yard, too. So there’s no need to fight some Tibetan sherpa for his seeds.

General Patton

General Patton was a genius when it came to war but dumb in his belief that shell shock wasn't a legitimate condition. He was even reprimanded for sla


Unprosperousness is the longest word in which no letter occurs only once. A J D P Z K CRACKED.COM Unprosperousness means the lack of prosperity. It's also a word that includes 16 letters that are all used at least twice.


Star Wars

The Phantom Menace's Darth Maul rode around on a giant blue rocking horse. That's what stood in for his cool hoverbike. It didn't even have handles, s

Rich People

MUKESH AMBANI BUILT A HOME FOR AROUND $1 BILLION. The richest man in India built his 400,000-square foot private residence in Mumbai. It has 27-storie

Jurassic Park

Classic movies crushed at the box office Last Action Hero was flattened by Jurassic Park. Last Action Hero was a box office flop, quickly losing to Jurassic Park which came back into theaters. CRACKED

Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures

MEL Magazine

Early Films

The first copyrighted motion picture. 1894 CRACKED COM W.K. Dickson copyrighted Fred Ott's Sneeze, a 5-second film of Thomas Edison's assistant snorti

Kiefer Sutherland

CRACKEDGON Kiefer Sutherland lost $900,000 in a cattle deal gone wrong. 93 The scam was presented as a chance to resell cheap Mexican cattle in the St


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